'PERFORMANCE' is a relative thing; it can be measured but the numbers are only meaningful if you have previous numbers to compare them to.
RE - performance issues with existing queries
1. What are the indications that there is a performance issue? Is it really slow or did a user just report that 'it seems slow'? Does an existing query take substantially longer to run now than it did before?
2. What changes might have occured in the database that might have degraded performance? db upgrade? batch load of data into one of the tables? one or more missing or disabled indexes?
3. Are the statistics out of date? Indexes missing or disabled? Number of records in one ore more tables changed dramatically?
4. Compare the current execution plan with the excecution plan when the query performed satisfactorily (which many shops never bother to create and save). Is the same plan and joining being performed? Are the same indexess being used?
RE - performance issues for new queries
1. Gather info about how many records are in each table being queried. In your case: how many records are there in ITEM_CHART and MATERIAL tables?
2. Gather info about many records from each table are expected to be accessed. In your case: how many records in the MATERIAL table will have the parameter value :B1? 1% of the records? 40% of the records? How many records would you expect to be in the result table? Five? Fifty million?
3. ALWAYS create an execution plan. This tellsl you what Oracle expects to do to get the result. Look for problem areas such as CARTESIAN joins, excessive SORTs, indexes not being used.
4. Test the query on very small data sets to make sure it is performing the way you expect.
5. Once it performs well create another execution plan and save it for use in the future to troubleshoot performance and other issues.
I rarely look or even care about the actual statistics for a query. Oracle will generally do the best job possible based on the information it has available to it. So I focus on making sure I have given Oracle the best info possible and haven't left anything out.
One example:
Rows Execution Plan
When asking performance-related questions it is helpful if you provide the number of records in each table of the query and what indexes are available on them.
Assuming that you actually have a performance problem the likely reason is the CARTESIAN join that is being used.
Your execution plan shows 'MERGE JOIN (CARTESIAN)' which means that every row of ITEM_CHART is being joined to every row of MATERIAL.
This indicates that one or both of the join columns (ITEM_ID = B.MATL_NO) either do not have the proper index needed or it is not being used.
If one of the indexes is missing you need to add it.
If both indexes exist make sure they are enabled.
One main reason an index may not be used is if the statistics do not exist or are out of date.
Oracle 19C是Oracle数据库的一个重要版本,OCP(Oracle Certified Professional)是Oracle公司针对其产品提供的专业认证,旨在证明个人在Oracle数据库管理、优化和运维方面的技能和知识。以下是对Oracle 19C OCP相关...
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1. **访问 Oracle 官方网站**:首先访问 Oracle 的 edelivery 网站 (http://edelivery.oracle.com),并选择“Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System”。 2. **下载安装包**:为本教程下载的是 32 位...