Recently, I found IE error report in our web application as below, in my case, I search solution via Google and Baidu Search Engine , and then find this is a bug existing in IE browser.
Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site - Operation aborted
Come from Internet content :
The nature of error is that it shows up when the site is loads completely. This is what you see when the error occurs.
Once you click OK, the page is replaced with “The Page cannot be Displayed” error. How to fix this error?
A bit of Googling gave me some idea into this error. This error can happen because of many reasons. Microsoft has even a patch for solving this error in IE.
1. This error can happen if Google Map API is present in the code. If you are getting this error because of Google Map API, then the fix for the problem is available here.
2. If you are not using Google API and still getting the error, then it could be because of this reason.
It is not possible append to the BODY element from script that isn’t a direct child to the BODY element
If there are any Javascripts running inside the body tag or inside a table which is directly a child of body, then most of the times this error is bound to happen. The solution is to move the script to the top or bottom of the body tag or even moving it after the body. The script can also be put inside a function and then calling it from window.onload. Another solution to this problem is to add defer=”defer” in the script tag.
I checked my code for scripts which were running inside the body tag and was a direct child to it. Then I moved all my Javascript codes to bottom of the body tag so that it will not interfere while parsing the page. I tested my blog in IE after I made the change and I could see the difference, the error was not happening any more. I checked in different versions of IE to confirm. In case you are using IE and still getting the error on my blog, please do inform me.
asp:Menu clash with Dundas Chart. (Great)
Upgrade Internet Explorer 8

- 大小: 54.1 KB
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- 示例:The project had to be aborted due to lack of funding. **9. abound vi.** - 意义:充满、大量存在 - 同义词:be full of, be plentiful - 示例:The forest abounds in wildlife. - 相关词: - **a...
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message:自动真机调试 Error: Aborted. Please retry appid: wxcc22649cfe0db7b5 openid: o6zAJs9SgDdvm3T5BkTODqbUIJB4 ideVersion: 1.06.2401020 osType: win32-x64 time: 2024-02-07 23:12:31