Configure an ODBC data source using the ODBC Data Source Administrator:
Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).
Click the System DSN tab.
When you define a new data source, select the appropriate driver for your database and complete the dialog that is displayed. Refer to your relevant database product documentation for more information.
The Default Configuration wizard and the database commands to create a broker, or a database, on Windows automatically create the ODBC data source names (DSNs) for you.
When you define a data source for Oracle, choose the driver:
MQSeries DataDirect Technologies 5.00 32-BIT Oracle
The ODBC Oracle Driver Setup dialog opens.
Complete these steps to configure the driver:
On the General tab:
Enter the DSN name, description, and server name (where the server name is the "Service Name" that resolves to a "Connect Descriptor", for example through a mapping in the TSNAMES.ORA file).
Select the appropriate Oracle client version from the list.
On the Advanced tab:
Select Enable SQLDescribeParam.
Select Procedure Returns Results. The resultant ODBC definition in the Windows registry has a string value called ProcedureRetResults with the value 1.
Click Start > Run.
Type REGEDIT in the Open field.
Click OK.
Use REGEDIT to navigate to the correct location. Create a new registry subkey for each of your DSNs that reference an Oracle database.
Click OK to close ODBC Data Source Administrator.
Right-click DSN. Select New > String Value.
Specify WorkArounds for the string.
Right-click WorkArounds.
Select Modify.
Type the data value 536870912.
You have now configured your ODBC data source names on Windows.
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演示了不同的数据库的各种操作(连接、删除、添加……等等) ATL开发指南源码 内部包含了atl控件的开发以及如何应用,演示了COM的包容与集合、自动化、事件和连接点、枚举器和集合以及线程管理等等。 ATL实现的...
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