Communication skills are part of our life. No matter where ever we are living, communication skills are always required and needed to express our thoughts and ideas more clearly. While exploring new methods of best communication I found a very informative article which was published by Harvard Business School profession.
There are many ways of improving your communication skill but in this blog I am describing few which covers almost all required skills. The following five skills can be useful if you want to sharpen your communication.
1. Fundamentals : No matter what ever language you speak, fundamentals are very important. You should know the basics of your language.
2. Clearness : Speak or write clearly.
3. Preparation in advance: If you are attending any meeting then prepare yourself in advance. This will boost your confidence and make you more agile during the discussion.
4. Engage in discussion: Do not make statement and sit idle. Ask questions and listen attentively. Gather more thoughts, ideas, and points. This well help you to ask questions rather than make statement.
5. Listen: This is most important. If you are not a good listener then you are not a good communicator. No one like person who only speak or make statement. Hence listen others attentively. If you are not clear what he/she is saying then ask instantly.
《Effective Modern C++:42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14》是Scott Meyers继其早期的经典《Effective C++》系列书籍之后,专门针对C++11和C++14标准所著的实践指南。本书不仅介绍了C++11...
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Effective C++ Third Edition 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs By Scott Meyers ............................................... Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date: ...
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藏经阁-5 Ways to Get Started with Reinforcement Learning 概述:本文将为您详细介绍强化学习(Reinforcement Learning)的概念、类型、挑战和应用,并提供了相关的学习资源。 什么是强化学习? 强化学习是一种...
5. **使用 yield return 生成迭代器**:yield return 可以轻松创建迭代器,用于按需计算集合元素,节省内存和提高性能。 6. **使用匿名类型**:在需要临时存储数据但又不想定义新类型的场合,匿名类型提供了一个...
5. **充分利用接口和委托**(第19至22项) - 接口定义了对象应该具有的行为,而委托则是对方法的封装,可以作为参数传递给其他方法。 - 通过灵活运用接口和委托,可以使代码更加模块化、易于扩展和重用。 6. **...
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Effective C++ 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (3rd Edition) - Scott Meyers