se Case
Implement separation between the code that holds resource from that of accessing it such that the accessing code doesn’t need to manage the resources. The use case mentioned holds true when we write code to read/write to a file or querying SQL / NOSQL dbs. There are certainly API’s handled this with the help of AOP. But I thought if a pattern based approach could help us to deal with these kind of use case, that’s where I came to know about Loan Pattern (a.k.a lender lendee pattern).
What it does
Loan pattern takes a “lending approach” i.e the code which keep hold of the resources “lends” if to the calling code. The lender (a.k.a code which holds resources) manages the resources once the lendee (code accessing the resource) has used it (with no interest ). Lets get in to lender code:
package; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class is an illustration of using loan pattern(a.k.a lender-lendee * pattern) * * @author ibyoung */ public class IOResourceLender { /** * Interface to write data to the buffer. Clients using this class should * provide impl of this interface * * @author sysadmin * */ public interface WriteBlock { void call(BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException; } /** * Interface to read data from the buffer. Clients using this class should * provide impl of this interface * * @author sysadmin * */ public interface ReadBlock { void call(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException; } /** * method which loans / lends the resource. Here {@link FileWriter} is the * resource lent. The resource is managed for the given impl of * {@link WriteBlock} * * @param fileName * @param block * @throws IOException */ public static void writeUsing(String fileName, WriteBlock block) throws IOException { File csvFile = new File(fileName); if (!csvFile.exists()) { csvFile.createNewFile(); } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(csvFile.getAbsoluteFile(), true); BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fw);; bufferedWriter.close(); } /** * method which loans / lends the resource. Here {@link FileReader} is the * resource lent. The resource is managed for the given impl of * {@link ReadBlock} * * @param fileName * @param block * @throws IOException */ public static void readUsing(String fileName, ReadBlock block) throws IOException { File inputFile = new File(fileName); FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(inputFile.getAbsoluteFile()); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);; bufferedReader.close(); } // client code public void writeColumnNameToMetaFile(final String attrName, String fileName, final String[] colNames) throws IOException { IOResourceLender.writeUsing(fileName, new IOResourceLender.WriteBlock() { public void call(BufferedWriter out) throws IOException { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (String string : colNames) { buffer.append(string); buffer.append(","); } out.append(attrName + " = " + buffer.toString()); out.newLine(); } }); } }
The example uses the loan pattern for a simple file IO operation. However this code could be further improved by providing abstract lenders and lendee.The code for this post is shared in the following gist I welcome your comments and suggestions !!
面向对象类的一个列子 Loan::Loan(double r,int y,double a){ annualInterestRate=r; numberOfYears=y; loanAmount=a; } Loan::Loan(const Loan& loan){ annualInterestRate = loan.annualInterestRate; number...
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loan类 的修改
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"predict-loan-defaulters+"数据集为此提供了丰富的资源,包含8个不同的数据包,旨在帮助我们进行基础建模工作。下面,我们将逐一解析这些数据包,并探讨它们在构建预测模型中的作用。 1. **trans.txt**:这个文件...
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A bank loan type project that lets the user see by answering a few simple questions if the applicant is eligible for a bank loan or if the applicant would be a risk factor.
完整版 Golub_G.H.__van_Loan_C.F._Matrix_computations__3ed.pdf
Loan amortization.xls