$email_arr = explode('@',$my_email); $email = array_pop($email_arr); $mail_list = array( 'qq.com'=> 'http://mail.qq.com', 'gmail.com'=>'http://mail.google.com', 'sina.com'=> 'http://mail.sina.com.cn', '163.com'=> 'http://mail.163.com', '126.com'=> 'http://mail.126.com', 'yeah.net'=> 'http://www.yeah.net/', 'sohu.com'=>'http://mail.sohu.com/', 'tom.com'=> 'http://mail.tom.com/', 'sogou.com'=>'http://mail.sogou.com/', '139.com'=> 'http://mail.10086.cn/', 'hotmail.com'=> 'http://www.hotmail.com', 'live.com'=> 'http://login.live.com/', 'live.cn'=> 'http://login.live.cn/', 'live.com.cn'=> 'http://login.live.com.cn', '189.com'=> 'http://webmail16.189.cn/webmail/', 'yahoo.com.cn'=> 'http://mail.cn.yahoo.com/', 'yahoo.cn'=> 'http://mail.cn.yahoo.com/', 'eyou.com'=> 'http://www.eyou.com/', '21cn.com'=>'http://mail.21cn.com/', '188.com'=>'http://www.188.com/', 'foxmail.coom'=> 'http://www.foxmail.com' ); if($email) { $mail_link = $mail_list[$mail]; }
关于“According to the C syntax, __ is a legal character constant among the followings.”(根据C语言语法,下列哪些是合法的字符常量。)的知识点,C语言中字符常量由单引号括起来,例如 'A',并且可以用八进制...
Different Treatment to AAST Grade III Blunt Pancreatic Trauma According to Injured Site,Kong Wencheng,,To determin if simple drainage operation is optimal to American Association for the Surgery of...
America’s wireless industry is ready to invest $275 billion to deploy next-generation 5G networks — creating 3 million new jobs and adding $500 billion to our economy, according to Accenture.
versions are available, please subscribe to the mailing list by sending a blank email to the following address: ritlabs-news-en-join@mailing.ritlabs.com The Bat! has the MailTicker™ included, that ...
Today we all are aware of the need of creating dynamic web pages i.e the ones which have the capability to change the site contents according to the time or are able to generate the contents according...
o Added %from_email% and %to_email% variables to the attachment filename format. * Version 2.71 o Added %localmsgtime% and %localmsgdate% variables to the attachment filename format. o Fixed a ...
The vision is “To produce the best UNIX-like operating system package possible, with due respect to the original software tools ideology as well as usability, performance and stability.” The ...
CHAPTER 1 Introduction: Securing the Internet of Things CHAPTER 2 Security Architecture in the Internet of Things CHAPTER 3 Security and Vulnerability in the Internet of Things CHAPTER 4 IoT Node ...
ew blockchain-based business models are enabled. The system could create an ...the system could access and analyze the information to provide a warning to traffc congestion or inclement weather
### LTE RF 测量与 R&S®CMW500 的应用 #### 一、引言 随着移动通信技术的不断发展,尤其是第四代移动通信(4G)标准——长期演进(Long Term Evolution, LTE)的广泛应用,对于终端设备(User Equipment, UE)的...
According to Wikipedia, “Scientists include theoreticians who mainly develop new models to explain existing data and experimentalists who mainly test models by making measurements— though in ...
Within each chapter, the material is organized according to the application domain, starting with the simple algorithms and advancing to the more complicated. Emphasis is placed on the paradigms and ...
SMTP server will relay the message on to the SMTP server of the recipient(s) to eventually be acquired by the user(s) through POP or IMAP. This does not require your SMTP server to be an open relay,...
In the online positioning stage, an algorithm that can be selected according to the selection coefficient to adapt to the environment can be used to locate. This adaptive algorithm can solve the ...
and hand over the order to erupt goods according to the information for fill inning of customer.System manager can then proceeds to increase with the order that edit, investigate already the ...
The cylinder oil feed rate is controlled according to the engine load. Adjustments depending on the engine condition and for running-in can be easily made by using software in the engine control ...
to automatically resize the columns according to the text length on every refresh. * Version 1.81: o Added more include/exclude filter options in the context menu of CurrPorts. * Version 1.80: ...
—Estimating 3D information from an image sequence has long been a challenging problem, especially for dynamic ... Finally, the 3D video is synthesized according to the type of 3D display device.
Abstract—The variation of the remanence of the Permanent Magnet (PM), according to operating temperature and manufacturing tolerance, especially in the magnetization of the magnet, results in ...