Whether you're trying to share megabytes worth of music with a friend or send an important document to a coworker, nothing outshines a fast, easy-to-use file-sharing service. On Tuesday we asked you to share your favorite file-sharing service, and over 200 nominations later, we've rounded up the five most popular services. Hit the jump for a look at the top five, and then cast your vote for the ultimate file-sharing service.
Popular for its simple interface and large feature set, file-sharing site provides 1GB of free space. Users love it for its collaboration tools and open format, which enables fun features like mounting you web space on your desktop and web service support, and RSS feeds. Like many others in this Hive Five, provides direct links to files so users aren't held up at a landing page to get their download.'s biggest drawback is its free account's filesize limit, which sits at a rather paltry 10MB.
Renown by users for its simplicity and impressive interface, (original post) doesn't require registration for use and specializes in document sharing, offering built-in previews of everything from images to PDFs. The innovative service has recently added a couple of new features, like free sending and receiving of faxes and voice recording. The free account has a 100MB storage limit, so unless you're ready to spend some cash, is best-suited for smaller files.
Users love unlimited storage, and MediaFire (original post) offers just that. The service is free, offers unlimited disk space, and requires no sign-up to use any of the site's features. The files you upload, however, can only be up to 100MB in size.
Windows Live SkyDrive
With an impressive 5GB of free storage space, Windows Live SkyDrive (original post) is one new product out of Redmond that's quickly found a place in users' hearts. SkyDrive works on a folder-based system, emphasizing the ability to organize your files in personal, shared, and public folders. SkyDrive requires a Windows Live account to get started, individual uploads are limited to 50MB.
The cross-platform FolderShare (original post) is more of a file syncing tool than it is a traditional file-sharing service. (In fact, it's what we used to sync Firefox extensions across the internet.) FolderShare lovers emphasize the ease with which they can share a folder on their desktop, then quickly sync the folder's contents to a friend's computer. All you have to do is set it up, then any file you drag into a shared folder is automatically replicated on computers you're sharing folders with.
Now that you've seen what the best have to offer, it's time to cast your vote for the ultimate file sharing service.
"基于Linux和windows之间文件共享网络服务研究" 本文研究了基于Linux和Windows之间文件共享网络服务,解决了Linux和Windows操作系统之间文件共享的问题。论文中介绍了使用Samba服务来实现文件共享,详细介绍了Samba...
家庭网络文件共享是一种常见且实用的家庭网络应用,它使得家庭成员可以轻松地在多台计算机之间交换文件。在Windows XP操作系统环境下,文件共享虽然便利,但设置过程可能会相对复杂,尤其是对于多用户环境。以下是对...
首先,文章详细讲解了开启服务器文件共享服务的基本步骤,包括网络共享的启用、网络发现和文件打印共享的设置等。这一阶段主要是为了能够让服务器在同一网络内的计算机上被发现,并且能够共享文件和打印机资源。 接...
本主题聚焦于"Delphi局域网文件共享源码",这是一个实用的技术,使得网络内的计算机可以方便地交换文件,提升协作效率。以下是关于这一主题的详细知识: 1. **文件共享基础**: - 文件共享是通过网络技术,让多台...
在这个资源中,我们将介绍如何使用 Samba 服务器在虚拟机上实现文件共享。 知识点 1: 网络设置 在开始设置 Samba 服务器之前,我们需要首先设置虚拟机的网络。我们可以在虚拟机的编辑菜单中选择虚拟网络编辑项,...
"2003服务器共享解决.7z"这个压缩包文件显然针对的是如何在Windows Server 2003上设置和管理文件共享的问题。以下是一些关于此主题的重要知识点: 1. **文件共享基础**:在Windows Server 2003中,文件共享是通过...
【EasyUploader网络硬盘上传共享】是一款专为用户提供便捷文件上传和共享服务的网络软件。它以其全中文界面和用户友好的操作体验,使得文件管理、分享变得极其简单。这款工具的最大亮点在于支持最大100 MB的单个文件...
网络硬盘系统是一种基于互联网的存储服务,它允许用户在网络上存储、管理和共享文件。在 .NET 技术框架下,开发网络硬盘系统可以充分利用微软提供的丰富开发工具和资源,实现高效、安全、易用的文件存储解决方案。 ...
【腾讯通网络硬盘PJ】是腾讯公司推出的一款局域网文件共享工具,它结合了即时通讯软件RTX(Real Time eXchange)的功能,旨在提供一个便捷、高效的内部文件交流平台,以替代或辅助传统的FTP(File Transfer Protocol...
2. **网络设置问题**:计算机可能未正确配置到一个支持文件共享的网络中。 3. **系统服务未启动**:某些系统服务(如“Server”服务)可能未启动。 4. **操作系统限制**:特定版本的Windows(如家庭版)可能不支持...
本文档详细介绍了 CentOS Linux 中 Samba 文件共享服务器的构建过程,包括网络配置、Samba 安装、配置 Samba 服务器和启动 Samba 服务等步骤,为读者提供了一个详细的构建指南。 知识点: 1. CentOS Linux 中 ...
4. 文件编辑:部分网络硬盘服务还提供了在线编辑功能,用户可以直接在云端对文档、表格、幻灯片等进行编辑,无需下载后再打开本地应用。 5. 查看文件信息:用户可以查看每个文件的详细信息,如大小、创建日期、修改...