
Compile ffmpeg for iOS 6, support Simulator & armv7 & armv7s





In the posts, I will show how to use ffmpeg on iOS.


This posts is a document for this project: 



Now, ffmpec support x264 module. If you use the script before, please check your version first. 


What is ffmpeg ?

FFmpeg is a complete, across-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. 

Why use ffmpeg?

  • Play h.264 video
  • encoding capture video to h.264 video(It need ffmpeg h.264 module.)
  • publish a av stream
  • subscribe a rtsp av stream

Before use ffmpegc-demo, you should download and compile ffmpeg:

I made a repository to make the step easy:
Shell代码   收藏代码
  1. git clone git@github.com:lvjian700/ffmpegc.git  
  2. cd ffmpegc  
  3. ./install-ffmpeg.sh  

If compile complete, you can find universal library in ffmpeg/build folder:

1. ffmpeg core library:

2. ffmpeg x264 module. x264 is a H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoder 


Using ffmpeg

1. Clone project first:

Java代码   收藏代码
  1. git@github.com:lvjian700/ffmpegc-demo.git  

2.Open in XCode and copy build/*.a and x264/build/*.a to libs/ folder of the project:


3. Add them to project link library

Project References -> Targets -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Librarys


4. Add dependences library:

Project References -> Targets -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Librarys
Add two library:
  • libbz.dylib
  • libz.dylib
  • libiconv.2.4.0.dylib


5. Add Header Search Paths:

Project References -> Targets -> Build Settings -> Header Search Paths
1. add ffmpeg core header paths:

2. add x264 header paths:



6. Now, run project ...


Some useful document:

《How to prepare your mac for ios development with ffmpeg libraries》

《ffmpeg configure options》 -pdf







    编译ffmpeg for iOS

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    - 配置FFmpeg编译选项,以支持iOS和指定架构:`./configure --prefix=$PWD/build --target-os=darwin --arch=armv7 --arch=armv7s --enable-cross-compile --sysroot=$(xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path) --cc...


    这通常包括设置 CC 编译器为 Xcode 提供的 clang,指定目标架构(如 armv7、arm64、i386、x86_64),并选择合适的构建选项,如 --target-os=ios,--enable-cross-compile 等。同时,还要确保链接到 iOS SDK 中的系统...


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    ./configure --prefix=$NDK_PATH/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64 --target-os=android --arch=armv7a --cpu=cortex-a8 --enable-cross-compile --disable-shared --enable-pic --enable-hardcoded-tables -...


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    FFmpeg 4.3.2 iOS 静态库(.framework)

    CPU 架构:x86_64、arm64 configure 参数:--enable-cross-compile --disable-debug --disable-programs --disable-doc --enable-pic

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