package; import com.kingdee.bos.BOSException; import com.kingdee.bos.appframework.databinding.DataBinder; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.common.util.StreamUtil; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.extendcontrols.KDBizPromptBox; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.extendcontrols.QueryAgent; import; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.export.ExportManager; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.kds.KDSBook; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.kds.KDSSheet; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.table.ICell; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.table.IColumn; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.table.IRow; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.table.KDTBlock; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.table.KDTDefaultCellEditor; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.table.KDTIOManager; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.table.KDTSelectBlock; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.table.KDTSelectManager; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.table.KDTSortManager; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.table.KDTTreeColumn; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.kdf.table.KDTable; import; import; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.BasicFormattedTextField; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.DateTimeEditor; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.IKDComponent; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.IKDTextComponent; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDCheckBox; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDComboBox; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDContainer; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDDatePicker; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDFileChooser; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDFormattedTextField; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDLabelContainer; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDMenu; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDMenuBar; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDMenuItem; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDNumberTextField; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDPanel; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDPromptBox; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDPromptSelector; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDScrollPane; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDSpinner; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDSplitPane; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDTabbedPane; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDTextArea; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDTextField; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDToolBar; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDTree; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.KDWorkButton; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.event.CommitListener; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.event.DataChangeListener; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.event.SelectorListener; import com.kingdee.bos.ctrl.swing.tree.DefaultKingdeeTreeNode; import com.kingdee.bos.dao.DataAccessException; import com.kingdee.bos.dao.IObjectCollection; import com.kingdee.bos.dao.IObjectPK; import com.kingdee.bos.dao.IObjectValue; import com.kingdee.bos.dao.ormapping.ObjectUuidPK; import com.kingdee.bos.dao.query.IQueryExecutor; import com.kingdee.bos.dao.query.ISQLExecutor; import com.kingdee.bos.dao.query.QueryExecutorFactory; import com.kingdee.bos.dao.query.SQLExecutorFactory; import com.kingdee.bos.dao.xml.impl.MDLoader; import com.kingdee.bos.framework.DynamicObjectFactory; import com.kingdee.bos.framework.IDynamicObject; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.IMetaDataLoader; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.IMetaDataPK; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.MetaDataClassLoader; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.MetaDataLoaderFactory; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.MetaDataPK; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.entity.DataType; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.entity.EntityObjectInfo; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.entity.EntityViewInfo; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.entity.FilterInfo; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.entity.FilterItemCollection; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.entity.FilterItemInfo; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.entity.PropertyCollection; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.entity.PropertyInfo; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.entity.SelectorItemCollection; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.entity.SelectorItemInfo; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.entity.SorterItemCollection; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.entity.SorterItemInfo; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.query.QueryFieldInfo; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.query.QueryInfo; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.query.SelectorInfo; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.query.util.CompareType; import com.kingdee.bos.metadata.query.util.ConstDataType; import com.kingdee.bos.sql.SqlTranslateException; import com.kingdee.bos.sql.TransUtil; import com.kingdee.bos.ui.face.AbstractUIFactory; import com.kingdee.bos.ui.face.CoreUIObject; import com.kingdee.bos.ui.face.IUIFactory; import com.kingdee.bos.ui.face.IUIObject; import com.kingdee.bos.ui.face.IUIWindow; import com.kingdee.bos.ui.face.ItemAction; import com.kingdee.bos.ui.face.UIDialog; import com.kingdee.bos.ui.face.UIException; import com.kingdee.bos.ui.face.UIFactory; import com.kingdee.bos.util.BOSObjectType; import com.kingdee.bos.util.BOSUuid; import com.kingdee.bos.workflow.ProcessDefInfo; import com.kingdee.bos.workflow.ProcessInstInfo; import com.kingdee.bos.workflow.define.ProcessDef; import com.kingdee.bos.workflow.monitor.client.BasicShowWfDefinePanel; import com.kingdee.bos.workflow.monitor.client.BasicWorkFlowMonitorPanel; import com.kingdee.bos.workflow.service.ormrpc.EnactmentServiceFactory; import com.kingdee.bos.workflow.service.ormrpc.IEnactmentService; import com.kingdee.eas.base.botp.BotpHelper; import com.kingdee.eas.base.btp.BTPManagerFactory; import com.kingdee.eas.base.btp.BTPTransformResult; import com.kingdee.eas.base.btp.IBTPManager; import com.kingdee.eas.base.codingrule.CodingRuleException; import com.kingdee.eas.base.codingrule.CodingRuleManagerFactory; import com.kingdee.eas.base.codingrule.ICodingRuleManager; import com.kingdee.eas.base.core.Constants; import; import; import com.kingdee.eas.base.core.util.DateUtil; import com.kingdee.eas.base.core.util.EmptyUtil; import com.kingdee.eas.base.multiapprove.client.DesignateNextActivityPerformerUI; import com.kingdee.eas.base.multiapprove.client.MultiApproveUtil; import com.kingdee.eas.base.param.util.ParamManager; import com.kingdee.eas.base.permission.IUser; import com.kingdee.eas.base.permission.UserCollection; import com.kingdee.eas.base.permission.UserFactory; import com.kingdee.eas.base.permission.UserInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.base.uiframe.client.UIFixTab; import com.kingdee.eas.base.uiframe.client.UIModelDialogFactory; import com.kingdee.eas.base.uiframe.client.UINewFrame; import com.kingdee.eas.base.uiframe.client.UINewTab; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.AccountBankFactory; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.AccountBankInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.BankFactory; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.BankInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.CurrencyCollection; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.CurrencyFactory; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.CurrencyInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.ExchangeAuxInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.ExchangeRateFactory; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.ExchangeRateInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.ExchangeTableInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.IAccountBank; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.IBank; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.ICurrency; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.IExchangeRate; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.IPeriod; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.PeriodCollection; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.PeriodFactory; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.PeriodInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.PeriodTypeInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.PeriodUtils; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.assistant.SystemStatusCtrolUtils; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.master.account.AccountRefContrastCollection; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.master.account.AccountRefContrastFactory; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.master.account.AccountRefContrastInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.master.account.AccountTableInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.master.account.AccountTools; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.master.account.IAccountRefContrast; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.master.account.RefTypeEnum; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.master.cssp.CustomerFactory; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.master.cssp.client.F7CustomerTreeDetailListUI; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.kingdee.eas.basedata.person.PersonInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.common.EASBizException; import com.kingdee.eas.common.client.OprtState; import com.kingdee.eas.common.client.SysContext; import com.kingdee.eas.common.client.UIContext; import com.kingdee.eas.common.client.UIFactoryName; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.CoreBaseInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.CoreBillBaseCollection; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.CoreBillBaseInfo; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.DeletedStatusEnum; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.FrameWorkUtils; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.SystemEnum; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.client.CoreBillEditUI; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.client.CoreBillListUI; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.client.CoreUI; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.client.EditUI; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.client.IIDList; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.client.ListUI; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.client.RealModeIDList; import com.kingdee.eas.framework.config.TablePreferencesHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.kingdee.eas.scm.common.client.GeneralKDPromptSelectorAdaptor; import com.kingdee.eas.util.SysUtil; import com.kingdee.eas.util.client.EASResource; import com.kingdee.eas.util.client.MsgBox; import com.kingdee.jdbc.rowset.IRowSet; import com.kingdee.util.DateTimeUtils; import com.kingdee.util.StringUtils; import com.kingdee.util.TypeConversionUtils; import com.kingdee.util.UuidException; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import java.awt.event.FocusListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EventListener; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JSeparator; import javax.swing.JToolBar.Separator; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel; import javax.swing.event.AncestorListener; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public final class FMClientHelper { public static final Color KDTABLE_TOTAL_BG_COLOR = new Color(16185014); public static final Color KDTABLE_SUBTOTAL_BG_COLOR = new Color(16119270); public static final String KDTABLE_NUMBER_FTM = "%-.2n"; public static final String KDTABLE_PERCENT_FTM = "%r{0.00}p"; public static final String KDTABLE_DATE_FMT = "%{yyyy-MM-dd}t"; public static final String ACTUAL_DIGIT_FMT = "#,##0.###########"; public static final HashMap mapPrecOfCurrency = new HashMap(32); private static final Map mapPrecOfExRate = new HashMap(32); public static final int SUBTOTAL = 16119270; public static final int TOTAL = 16185014; public static final int PASTRECORD = 16771687; public static final String RES = ""; public static final int DEFAULT_EXCHANGERATE_PREC = 3; public static final BigDecimal MAX_VALUE = new BigDecimal("9999999999999"); public static String FMT_AMT = getNumberFtm(true, 2, 10); public static String FMT_EXCHANGE = getNumberFtm(false, 4, 10); public static String FMT_QTY = getNumberFtm(false, 4, 10); public static String FMT_PRICE = getNumberFtm(true, 4, 10); private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FMClientHelper.class.getName()); private static final Map exRateMap = new HashMap(); private static final Map companyMap = new HashMap(); public static void checkMoreThanMax(KDFormattedTextField checkedComp, KDLabelContainer prmtComp) { if (null == checkedComp.getBigDecimalValue()) { return; } if (checkedComp.getBigDecimalValue().compareTo(MAX_VALUE) > 0) { checkedComp.setValue(Constants.ZERO); MsgBox.showInfo(checkedComp.getBoundLabelText() + EASResource.getString("", "134_FMClientHelper") + prmtComp.getBoundLabelText()); SysUtil.abort(); } } public static String getNumberFtm(BOSUuid currencyId) { int preCurrency = getPrecOfCurrency(currencyId); StringBuffer numberFormate = new StringBuffer("##,###,###,###,###,##0."); for (int i = 0; i < preCurrency; i++) { numberFormate.append("0"); } return numberFormate.toString(); } public static String getNumberFtm(int precision) { StringBuffer numberFormate = new StringBuffer("##,###,###,###,###,##0"); if (precision > 0) { numberFormate.append("."); } for (int i = 0; i < precision; i++) { numberFormate.append("0"); } return numberFormate.toString(); } public static String getNumberFtm() { return "%r-[ ]{###,###,###.##}15.2n"; } public static String getNumberFtm(boolean needSplit3, int fixDisp, int maxPrecision) { if (maxPrecision < fixDisp) { return null; } String pre = needSplit3 ? "###,###,###,###,##0." : "##############0."; boolean isFixDispOver = false; String pos = ""; int i = 1; for (int n = maxPrecision; i <= n; i++) { isFixDispOver = i > fixDisp; if (!isFixDispOver) pos = pos + "0"; else { pos = pos + "#"; } } return pre + pos; } public static int getLocalCurPre() { int pre = 0; Iterator iter = mapPrecOfCurrency.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Integer currencyPre = (Integer); if (currencyPre.intValue() > pre) { pre = currencyPre.intValue(); } } return pre; } public static int getPrecOfCurrency(BOSUuid currencyId) { if (mapPrecOfCurrency.size() == 0) { setPrecOfCurrenty(mapPrecOfCurrency); } if (!mapPrecOfCurrency.containsKey(currencyId)) { CurrencyInfo info = getCurrencyInfo(currencyId); if (info != null) { mapPrecOfCurrency.put(info.getId(), new Integer(info.getPrecision())); return info.getPrecision(); } return 10; } return ((Integer)mapPrecOfCurrency.get(currencyId)).intValue(); } public static CurrencyInfo getCurrencyInfo(BOSUuid id) { IObjectPK pk = new ObjectUuidPK(id); CurrencyInfo info = null; try { ICurrency iCurrency = CurrencyFactory.getRemoteInstance(); info = iCurrency.getCurrencyInfo(pk); } catch (BOSException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (EASBizException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return info; } private static void setPrecOfCurrenty(HashMap map) { String str = "select fid,fprecision from t_bd_currency"; ISQLExecutor sqlExe = SQLExecutorFactory.getRemoteInstance(str); IRowSet rs = null; try { rs = sqlExe.executeSQL(); while ( map.put(, new Integer(rs.getInt(2))); } catch (BOSException bose) { return; } catch (SQLException sqle) { return; } } public static void initOrgF7(BgTypeInfo bgTypeInfo, KDBizPromptBox bizPromptOrgUnit) { initOrgF7(bgTypeInfo, bizPromptOrgUnit, false); } public static void initOrgF7(BgTypeInfo bgTypeInfo, KDBizPromptBox bizPromptOrgUnit, boolean isMultiChoose) { bizPromptOrgUnit.setData(null); bizPromptOrgUnit.setEnabled(true); bizPromptOrgUnit.setEnabledMultiSelection(isMultiChoose); OrgType[] orgType = { OrgType.Company }; OrgTreeF7PromptBox box = new OrgTreeF7PromptBox(null, orgType); bizPromptOrgUnit.setEditFormat("$name$"); bizPromptOrgUnit.setDisplayFormat("$name$"); bizPromptOrgUnit.setSelector(box);; } public static DefaultKingdeeTreeNode getPeriodTreeRoot(BgEntryCollection bgEntries) { DefaultKingdeeTreeNode root = new DefaultKingdeeTreeNode(); Iterator iter = bgEntries.iterator(); BgEntryInfo bgEntryInfo; while (iter.hasNext()) { bgEntryInfo = (BgEntryInfo); } return root; } public static DefaultKingdeeTreeNode getPeriodTreeRoot(Vector vector) { DefaultKingdeeTreeNode root = new DefaultKingdeeTreeNode(); DefaultKingdeeTreeNode yearRoot = null; DefaultKingdeeTreeNode seasonRoot = null; for (int i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++) { BgPeriodNode tmpBgPeriodNode = (BgPeriodNode)vector.get(i); DefaultKingdeeTreeNode tmpTreeNode = new DefaultKingdeeTreeNode(tmpBgPeriodNode); if (tmpBgPeriodNode.getBgCycle().equals(BgCycleTypeEnum.Year)) { root.add(tmpTreeNode); yearRoot = tmpTreeNode; } else if (tmpBgPeriodNode.getBgCycle().equals(BgCycleTypeEnum.Season)) { yearRoot.add(tmpTreeNode); seasonRoot = tmpTreeNode; } else { if (!tmpBgPeriodNode.getBgCycle().equals(BgCycleTypeEnum.Period)) continue; seasonRoot.add(tmpTreeNode); } } return root; } public static BgPeriodNode getCurrentBgPeriodNode(KDTree treeBgPeriod) { DefaultKingdeeTreeNode node = (DefaultKingdeeTreeNode)treeBgPeriod.getLastSelectedPathComponent(); if (node == null) { return null; } if (node.getUserObject() == null) { return null; } return (BgPeriodNode)node.getUserObject(); } public static BgPeriodNode getEndBgPeriodNode(KDTree treeBgPeriod) { DefaultKingdeeTreeNode node = (DefaultKingdeeTreeNode)treeBgPeriod.getPathForRow(treeBgPeriod.getRowCount() - 1).getLastPathComponent(); if (node == null) { return null; } if (node.getUserObject() == null) { return null; } return (BgPeriodNode)node.getUserObject(); } public static void clearTable(KDTable kdTable) { kdTable.removeHeadRows(); kdTable.removeRows(); kdTable.removeColumns(); } public static void treeFormTable(KDTable kdTable) { kdTable.getTreeColumn().setOrientation(0); int maxDepth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kdTable.getRowCount(); i++) { BgItemInfo bgItemInfo = (BgItemInfo)kdTable.getRow(i).getCell(0).getValue(); if (bgItemInfo == null) { return; } if (bgItemInfo.getLongNumber() != null) { int depth = StringUtils.occurencesOf(bgItemInfo.getItemNumber(), '.'); kdTable.getRow(i).setTreeLevel(depth); if (maxDepth < depth) { maxDepth = depth; } } } kdTable.getTreeColumn().setDepth(maxDepth); } /** @deprecated */ public static void setSelectObject(KDComboBox cbo, Object anObject) { if (CoreBaseInfo.class.isInstance(anObject)) { CoreBaseInfo newObject = (CoreBaseInfo)anObject; for (int i = 0; i < cbo.getItemCount(); i++) { Object obj = cbo.getItemAt(i); if ((obj instanceof CoreBaseInfo)) { CoreBaseInfo info = (CoreBaseInfo)cbo.getItemAt(i); if (obj == null) { continue; } if (newObject.getId().equals(info.getId())) { cbo.setSelectedIndex(i); break; } } } } else { cbo.setSelectedItem(anObject); } } public static void setSelectObject(KDComboBox cbo, Object anObject, boolean notifyEvent) { if (notifyEvent) { setSelectObject(cbo, anObject); return; } ActionListener[] l = cbo.getActionListeners(); int i = 0; for (int n = l.length; i < n; i++) { cbo.removeActionListener(l[i]); } ItemListener[] itemListener = cbo.getItemListeners(); int i = 0; for (int n = itemListener.length; i < n; i++) cbo.removeItemListener(itemListener[i]); try { setSelectObject(cbo, anObject); } finally { int i = 0; for (int n = l.length; i < n; i++) { cbo.addActionListener(l[i]); cbo.addItemListener(itemListener[i]); } int i = 0; for (int n = itemListener.length; i < n; i++) cbo.addItemListener(itemListener[i]); } } public static Set getSelectedRows(KDTable table) { ArrayList arrayList = table.getSelectManager().getBlocks(); TreeSet set = new TreeSet(); int i = 0; for (int size = arrayList.size(); i < size; i++) { KDTBlock block = (KDTBlock)arrayList.get(i); int top = block.getTop(); int bottom = block.getBottom(); for (int j = top; j <= bottom; j++) { Integer theInteger = new Integer(j); set.add(theInteger); } } return set; } public static int getSelectedRow(KDTable table) { KDTSelectBlock selectBlock = table.getSelectManager().get(); if (selectBlock == null) { return -1; } return selectBlock.getTop(); } public static boolean verifyTooBigger(String value, double target) { boolean result = false; try { double big = Double.parseDouble(value); if (big >= target) result = true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { result = true; } return result; } public static boolean verifyIsNumber(String value) { boolean result = true; try { new BigDecimal(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { result = false; } return result; } public static boolean verifyIsInteger(String value) { boolean result = true; try { big = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { int big; result = false; } return result; } public static boolean verifyIsPlus(String value) throws NumberFormatException { boolean result = true; float big = Float.parseFloat(value); if (big <= 0.0F) { result = false; } return result; } public static boolean verifyIsPlus1(String value) throws NumberFormatException { boolean result = true; float big = Float.parseFloat(value); if (big < 0.0F) { result = false; } return result; } public static DecimalFormat getDecimalFormat() { DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); format.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); format.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); return format; } public static DecimalFormat getDecimalFormat(int length) { DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); if (length == 3) format = new DecimalFormat("#.###"); else if (length == 4) { format = new DecimalFormat("#.####"); } format.setMaximumFractionDigits(length); format.setMinimumFractionDigits(length); return format; } public static boolean isModifiable(CoreBaseInfo info, String companyId) { boolean result = false; try { ICodingRuleManager codingRuleManager = CodingRuleManagerFactory.getRemoteInstance(); result = codingRuleManager.isModifiable(info, companyId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } public static boolean isAddView(CoreBaseInfo info, String companyId) { boolean rst = hasNumber(info, companyId); if (rst == true) try { ICodingRuleManager codingRuleManager = CodingRuleManagerFactory.getRemoteInstance(); return codingRuleManager.isAddView(info, companyId); } catch (BOSException e) { } catch (CodingRuleException e) { } catch (EASBizException e) { } return false; } public static void initNumber(CoreBaseInfo info, KDTextField txtField, String companyId) { if (!EmptyUtil.isEmpty(info.getString("number"))) { txtField.setEnabled(false); return; } boolean rst = hasNumber(info, companyId); if (rst) { txtField.setEditable(false); txtField.setEnabled(false); txtField.setRequired(false); String number = getDispNumber(info, companyId); if (!EmptyUtil.isEmpty(number)) { info.setString("number", number); txtField.setText(number); } if (isModifiable(info, companyId)) { txtField.setEditable(true); txtField.setEnabled(true); txtField.setRequired(true); } } else { txtField.setEnabled(true); txtField.setEditable(true); txtField.setRequired(true); } } public static void initNumber(CoreBaseInfo info, KDTextField txtField, String companyId, String bindingproperty) { if (!FMHelper.isEmpty(info.getString("number"))) { txtField.setEnabled(false); return; } boolean rst = false; String number = null; if (hasNumber(info, companyId)) { number = getDispNumber(info, companyId); rst = true; } else if (hasNumber(info, companyId, bindingproperty)) { number = getDispNumber(info, companyId, bindingproperty); rst = true; } if (rst) { txtField.setEditable(false); txtField.setEnabled(false); txtField.setRequired(false); if (!FMHelper.isEmpty(number)) { info.setString("number", number); txtField.setText(number); } if (isModifiable(info, companyId)) { txtField.setEditable(true); txtField.setEnabled(true); txtField.setRequired(true); } } else { txtField.setEnabled(true); txtField.setEditable(true); txtField.setRequired(true); } } public static void initNumber(CoreBaseInfo info, KDTextField txtField, String companyId, FmRpcCacheInfo rpcCacheInfo) { if (rpcCacheInfo != null) { if (!FMHelper.isEmpty(info.getString("number"))) { txtField.setEnabled(false); return; } if (rpcCacheInfo.isHasCodeRule()) { String number = rpcCacheInfo.getNumber(); info.setString("number", number); txtField.setText(number); txtField.setEditable(rpcCacheInfo.isModifiable()); txtField.setEnabled(rpcCacheInfo.isModifiable()); txtField.setRequired(rpcCacheInfo.isModifiable()); } else { txtField.setEnabled(true); txtField.setEditable(true); txtField.setRequired(true); } } else { initNumber(info, txtField, companyId); } } public static void initReadNumber(CoreBaseInfo info, KDTextField txtField, String companyId) { if (!FMHelper.isEmpty(info.getString("number"))) { txtField.setEnabled(false); return; } boolean rst = hasNumber(info, companyId); if (rst) { txtField.setEditable(false); txtField.setEnabled(false); txtField.setRequired(false); String number = readDispNumber(info, companyId); if (!FMHelper.isEmpty(number)) { info.setString("number", number); txtField.setText(number); } } else { txtField.setEnabled(true); txtField.setEditable(true); txtField.setRequired(true); } } private static String readDispNumber(CoreBaseInfo info, String companyId) { String number = null; try { ICodingRuleManager codingRuleManager = CodingRuleManagerFactory.getRemoteInstance(); if ((codingRuleManager.isAddView(info, companyId)) && (!codingRuleManager.isUseIntermitNumber(info, companyId))) { number = codingRuleManager.readNumber(info, companyId); } } catch (BOSException e) { } catch (CodingRuleException e) { } catch (EASBizException e) { } return number; } public static String getDispNumber(CoreBaseInfo info, String companyId) { String number = null; try { ICodingRuleManager codingRuleManager = CodingRuleManagerFactory.getRemoteInstance(); if ((codingRuleManager.isAddView(info, companyId)) && (!codingRuleManager.isUseIntermitNumber(info, companyId))) { number = codingRuleManager.getNumber(info, companyId); } } catch (BOSException e) { } catch (CodingRuleException e) { } catch (EASBizException e) { } return number; } private static String getDispNumber(CoreBaseInfo info, String companyId, String bindingproperty) { String number = null; try { ICodingRuleManager codingRuleManager = CodingRuleManagerFactory.getRemoteInstance(); if ((codingRuleManager.isAddView(info, companyId, bindingproperty)) && (!codingRuleManager.isUseIntermitNumber(info, companyId, bindingproperty))) { number = codingRuleManager.getNumber(info, companyId, bindingproperty, ""); } } catch (BOSException e) { } catch (CodingRuleException e) { } catch (EASBizException e) { } return number; } public static void initNumber(CoreBaseInfo info, IColumn col, String companyId) { boolean rst = hasNumber(info, companyId); if (!rst) { col.getStyleAttributes().setLocked(false); } else { col.getStyleAttributes().setLocked(true); col.getStyleAttributes().setBackground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); } } public static boolean hasNumber(CoreBaseInfo info, String companyId) { if ((info == null) || (companyId == null) || (companyId.equals(""))) { return false; } boolean result = false; try { ICodingRuleManager codingRuleManager = CodingRuleManagerFactory.getRemoteInstance(); result = codingRuleManager.isExist(info, companyId); } catch (Exception e) { } return result; } public static boolean hasNumber(CoreBaseInfo info, String companyId, String bindingproperty) { if ((info == null) || (companyId == null) || (companyId.equals(""))) { return false; } boolean result = false; try { ICodingRuleManager codingRuleManager = CodingRuleManagerFactory.getRemoteInstance(); result = codingRuleManager.isExist(info, companyId, bindingproperty); } catch (Exception e) { } return result; } private static String getNumber(CoreBaseInfo info, String companyId) { if ((info == null) || (companyId == null) || (companyId.equals(""))) { return null; } String result = null; try { ICodingRuleManager codingRuleManager = CodingRuleManagerFactory.getRemoteInstance(); result = codingRuleManager.getNumber(info, companyId); } catch (Exception e) { result = null; e.printStackTrace(); } if ((result != null) && (result.equals(""))) { result = null; } return result; } public static void initSpinAfterNow(KDSpinner spnBeginYear, KDSpinner spnBeginMonth, KDSpinner spnEndYear, KDSpinner spnEndMonth) { Calendar instance = Calendar.getInstance(); int thisYear = instance.get(1); SpinnerNumberModel yModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(thisYear, thisYear, 2999, 1); spnBeginYear.setModel(yModel); SpinnerNumberModel yModel1 = new SpinnerNumberModel(thisYear, thisYear, 2999, 1); spnEndYear.setModel(yModel1); int thisMonth = instance.get(2) + 1; SpinnerNumberModel mModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(thisMonth, 1, 12, 1); spnBeginMonth.setModel(mModel); SpinnerNumberModel mModel1 = new SpinnerNumberModel(thisMonth, 1, 12, 1); spnEndMonth.setModel(mModel1); } public static void initSpinFromTO(KDSpinner spnBeginYear, KDSpinner spnBeginMonth, KDSpinner spnEndYear, KDSpinner spnEndMonth) { Calendar instance = Calendar.getInstance(); int thisYear = instance.get(1); SpinnerNumberModel yModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(thisYear, 2000, 2999, 1); spnBeginYear.setModel(yModel); SpinnerNumberModel yModel1 = new SpinnerNumberModel(thisYear, 2000, 2999, 1); spnEndYear.setModel(yModel1); int thisMonth = instance.get(2) + 1; SpinnerNumberModel mModel = new SpinnerNumberModel(thisMonth, 1, 12, 1); spnBeginMonth.setModel(mModel); SpinnerNumberModel mModel1 = new SpinnerNumberModel(thisMonth, 1, 12, 1); spnEndMonth.setModel(mModel1); } /** @deprecated */ public static void clearTree(KDTree tree) { if ((tree == null) || (tree.getModel() == null)) { return; } tree.removeAllChildrenFromParent((MutableTreeNode)tree.getModel().getRoot()); } public static void initCurrency(KDComboBox cbo) throws BOSException, EASBizException { ICurrency iCurrency = CurrencyFactory.getRemoteInstance(); CurrencyCollection currencyCollection = iCurrency.getCurrencyCollection(true); FMHelper.sortCollection(currencyCollection, new String[] { "number" }); cbo.removeAllItems(); cbo.addItems(currencyCollection.toArray()); } public static void initCurrency(KDComboBox cbo, CurrencyCollection currencyCollection) { FMHelper.sortCollection(currencyCollection, new String[] { "number" }); if ((cbo.getActionListeners() != null) && (cbo.getActionListeners().length > 0)) { ActionListener actionTmp = cbo.getActionListeners()[0]; cbo.removeActionListener(cbo.getActionListeners()[0]); cbo.removeAllItems(); cbo.addItems(currencyCollection.toArray()); cbo.addActionListener(actionTmp); } else { cbo.removeAllItems(); cbo.addItems(currencyCollection.toArray()); } } public static List getAllSelectedRow(KDTable tblMain) { List selectBlocks = tblMain.getSelectManager().getBlocks(); KDTSelectBlock selectBlock = null; List rowList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < selectBlocks.size(); i++) { selectBlock = (KDTSelectBlock)selectBlocks.get(i); for (int j = selectBlock.getTop(); j <= selectBlock.getBottom(); j++) { IRow row = tblMain.getRow(j); rowList.add(row); } } return rowList; } public static void suiteWidth(KDTable tbl, int k) { int width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tbl.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (i != k) { width += tbl.getColumn(i).getWidth(); } } tbl.getColumn(k).setWidth(tbl.getWidth() - width); } public static void suiteWidth(KDTable tbl, int tblWidth, int k) { int width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tbl.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (i != k) { width += tbl.getColumn(i).getWidth(); } } tbl.getColumn(k).setWidth(tblWidth - width); } public static DefaultKingdeeTreeNode goLeaf(KDTree tree) { TreeModel model = tree.getModel(); if (model == null) { return null; } Object objNode = model.getRoot(); while (tree.getModel().getChildCount(objNode) > 0) { objNode = tree.getModel().getChild(objNode, 0); } tree.setSelectionNode((DefaultKingdeeTreeNode)objNode); return (DefaultKingdeeTreeNode)objNode; } public static void goCurrentOrgNode(KDTree tree) { TreeModel model = tree.getModel(); if (model == null) { return; } IContextHelper ctxHelper = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance(); BOSUuid currOrgId = ctxHelper.getCurrentCompany().getId(); goOrgViewNode(tree, currOrgId); } public static void goOrgViewNode(KDTree tree, BOSUuid currOrgId) { int i = 0; for (int height = tree.getRowCount(); i < height; i++) { TreePath tp = tree.getPathForRow(i); if (tp == null) { continue; } DefaultKingdeeTreeNode tn = (DefaultKingdeeTreeNode)tp.getLastPathComponent(); OrgStructureInfo orgViewInfo = (OrgStructureInfo)tn.getUserObject(); if (orgViewInfo.getId().equals(currOrgId)) { tree.setSelectionNode(tn); return; } } int i = 0; for (int height = tree.getRowCount(); i < height; i++) { TreePath tp = tree.getPathForRow(i); if (tp == null) { continue; } DefaultKingdeeTreeNode tn = (DefaultKingdeeTreeNode)tp.getLastPathComponent(); OrgStructureInfo orgViewInfo = (OrgStructureInfo)tn.getUserObject(); if (orgViewInfo != null) { tree.setSelectionNode(tn); return; } } } public static KDTDefaultCellEditor getCurrencyEditor(int prec) { KDFormattedTextField currencyTxtFiled = new KDFormattedTextField(); currencyTxtFiled.setDataType(1); currencyTxtFiled.setPrecision(prec); KDTDefaultCellEditor cellEditor = new KDTDefaultCellEditor(currencyTxtFiled); return cellEditor; } public static KDTDefaultCellEditor getNumberEditor() { KDNumberTextField numberTextField = new KDNumberTextField(); numberTextField.setDataType(6); KDTDefaultCellEditor cellEditor = new KDTDefaultCellEditor(numberTextField); return cellEditor; } public static DefaultTreeModel getCompanyTreeModel(boolean isContainSealUp) throws EASBizException, BOSException { INewOrgViewFacade iNewOrgView = null; iNewOrgView = NewOrgViewFacadeFactory.getRemoteInstance(); IRowSet rows = iNewOrgView.buildViewRowSet("00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000024F2827FD", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000CCE7AED4", isContainSealUp); DefaultKingdeeTreeNode root = NewOrgViewHelper.buildTreeByRowSet(rows); return new DefaultTreeModel(root); } public static CompanyOrgUnitCollection getCompanyCollection(String[] companyId) throws BOSException { return getCompanyOrgUnitCollection(companyId); } public static void initComboCurrency(KDComboBox comboCurrency, boolean isSelBaseCurr) throws EASBizException, BOSException { ICurrency iCurrency = CurrencyFactory.getRemoteInstance(); CurrencyCollection currencyCollection = iCurrency.getCurrencyCollection(true); initComboCurrency(comboCurrency, currencyCollection, isSelBaseCurr); } public static void initComboCurrency(KDComboBox comboCurrency) throws EASBizException, BOSException { initComboCurrency(comboCurrency, false); } public static void initComboCurrency(KDComboBox comboCurrency, CurrencyCollection currencyCollection, boolean isSelBaseCurr) throws EASBizException, BOSException { FMHelper.sortCollection(currencyCollection, new String[] { "number" }); comboCurrency.removeAllItems(); comboCurrency.addItems(currencyCollection.toArray()); if (isSelBaseCurr) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo company = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); CurrencyInfo currency = getBaseCurrency(company); setSelectObject(comboCurrency, currency); } } public static void initComboCurrency(KDComboBox comboCurrency, boolean isSelBaseCurr, boolean isExcludeClosed) throws EASBizException, BOSException { ICurrency iCurrency = CurrencyFactory.getRemoteInstance(); CurrencyCollection currencyCollection = iCurrency.getCurrencyCollection(true); initComboCurrency(comboCurrency, currencyCollection, isSelBaseCurr, isExcludeClosed); } public static void initComboCurrency(KDComboBox comboCurrency, CurrencyCollection currencyCollection, boolean isSelBaseCurr, boolean isExcludeClosed) throws EASBizException, BOSException { if (isExcludeClosed) comboCurrency.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { try { if (e.getStateChange() == 1) return; KDComboBox source = (KDComboBox)e.getSource(); Object selectedItem = source.getSelectedItem(); if ((selectedItem != null) && ((selectedItem instanceof CurrencyInfo))) { CurrencyInfo currency = (CurrencyInfo)selectedItem; if (DeletedStatusEnum.DELETED.equals(currency.getDeletedStatus())) { source.setSelectedItem(e.getItem()); MsgBox.showInfo(EASResource.getString("", "17_FMClientHelper")); } } } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); SysUtil.abort(exc); } finally { } } }); FMHelper.sortCollection(currencyCollection, new String[] { "number" }); comboCurrency.removeAllItems(); comboCurrency.addItems(currencyCollection.toArray()); if (isSelBaseCurr) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo company = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); CurrencyInfo currency = getBaseCurrency(company); setSelectObject(comboCurrency, currency); } } public static void initComboCurrency(KDComboBox comboCurrency, boolean isSelBaseCurr, String oprtState) throws EASBizException, BOSException { boolean isExcludeClosed = false; if ((FMHelper.isEmpty(oprtState)) || (oprtState.equals(OprtState.VIEW)) || (oprtState.equals("FINDVIEW"))) { isExcludeClosed = false; } else if ((oprtState.equals(OprtState.ADDNEW)) || (oprtState.equals(OprtState.EDIT))) { isExcludeClosed = true; } else { isExcludeClosed = true; } initComboCurrency(comboCurrency, isSelBaseCurr, isExcludeClosed); } public static void initComboCurrency(KDComboBox comboCurrency, CurrencyCollection currencyCollection, boolean isSelBaseCurr, String oprtState) throws EASBizException, BOSException { boolean isExcludeClosed = false; if ((FMHelper.isEmpty(oprtState)) || (oprtState.equals(OprtState.VIEW)) || (oprtState.equals("FINDVIEW"))) { isExcludeClosed = false; } else if ((oprtState.equals(OprtState.ADDNEW)) || (oprtState.equals(OprtState.EDIT))) { isExcludeClosed = true; } else { isExcludeClosed = true; } initComboCurrency(comboCurrency, currencyCollection, isSelBaseCurr, isExcludeClosed); } public static void initCurrencyComboBox(KDComboBox comboCurrency, CurrencyCollection currencyColl, boolean isSelBaseCurr, String oprtState) throws EASBizException, BOSException { ActionListener[] l = comboCurrency.getActionListeners(); int i = 0; for (int n = l.length; i < n; i++) { comboCurrency.removeActionListener(l[i]); } ItemListener[] itemListener = comboCurrency.getItemListeners(); int i = 0; for (int n = itemListener.length; i < n; i++) comboCurrency.removeItemListener(itemListener[i]); try { initComboCurrency(comboCurrency, currencyColl, isSelBaseCurr, oprtState); } finally { int i = 0; for (int n = l.length; i < n; i++) { comboCurrency.addActionListener(l[i]); comboCurrency.addItemListener(itemListener[i]); } int i = 0; for (int n = itemListener.length; i < n; i++) comboCurrency.addItemListener(itemListener[i]); } } public static void initComboCompany(KDComboBox comboCompany, CompanyOrgUnitInfo curCompany) throws EASBizException, BOSException { if ((curCompany == null) || (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curCompany))) { String innerSql = "SELECT FCompanyID FROM t_bd_accountbanks WHERE FIsMotherAccount = 1 "; FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("id", innerSql, CompareType.INNER)); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("longNumber", curCompany.getLongNumber() + "!%", CompareType.LIKE)); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("isBizUnit", "1")); EntityViewInfo evi = new EntityViewInfo(); evi.setFilter(filter); ICompanyOrgUnit iCompanyOrgUnit = CompanyOrgUnitFactory.getRemoteInstance(); CompanyOrgUnitCollection CompanyOrgUnitColl = iCompanyOrgUnit.getCompanyOrgUnitCollection(evi); FMHelper.sortCollection(CompanyOrgUnitColl, new String[] { "number" }); comboCompany.addItems(CompanyOrgUnitColl.toArray()); } else { comboCompany.addItem(curCompany); setSelectObject(comboCompany, curCompany); comboCompany.setEnabled(false); } } public static void currencyFormat(BOSUuid currencyId, ICell cell) { if ((currencyId == null) || (cell == null)) { return; } int prec = getPrecOfCurrency(currencyId); KDTDefaultCellEditor editor = getCurrencyEditor(prec); String numberFmt = getNumberFtm(currencyId); cell.getStyleAttributes().setNumberFormat(numberFmt); cell.setEditor(editor); } public static void currencyFormat(BOSUuid currencyId, IColumn col) { if ((currencyId == null) || (col == null)) { return; } int prec = getPrecOfCurrency(currencyId); KDTDefaultCellEditor editor = getCurrencyEditor(prec); String numberFmt = getNumberFtm(currencyId); col.getStyleAttributes().setNumberFormat(numberFmt); col.setEditor(editor); } public static void currencyFormat(String numberFmt, IColumn col) { KDTDefaultCellEditor editor = getNumberEditor(); col.getStyleAttributes().setNumberFormat(numberFmt); col.setEditor(editor); } public static CurrencyInfo getBaseCurrency(CompanyOrgUnitInfo company) throws EASBizException, BOSException { CurrencyInfo currency = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCompanyBaseCurrency(company); return currency; } public static void checkSelected(Component ui, KDTable table) { if ((table.getRowCount() == 0) || (table.getSelectManager().getActiveRowIndex() == -1)) { MsgBox.showWarning(ui, EASResource.getString("com.kingdee.eas.framework.FrameWorkResource.Msg_MustSelected")); SysUtil.abort(); } } public static void showSubmitSuccess(CoreUI ui, CoreBaseInfo info) { String classAlias = FrameWorkUtils.getClassAlias(info); ui.setMessageText(classAlias + " " + EASResource.getString("com.kingdee.eas.framework.FrameWorkResource.Msg_Save_OK")); ui.showMessage(); } public static void showSubmitMsg(CoreUI ui, String s) { ui.setMessageText(s); ui.showMessage(); } public static OrgUnitInfo getGroupOrg() { OrgUnitInfo groupOrg = null; try { groupOrg = NewOrgUnitHelper.getRootCU(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return groupOrg; } public static CompanyOrgUnitInfo getCompanyByBankAcct(String acctBankId) throws EASBizException, BOSException { SelectorItemCollection src = new SelectorItemCollection(); src.add(new SelectorItemInfo("*")); src.add(new SelectorItemInfo("company.*")); IAccountBank iAccountBank = AccountBankFactory.getRemoteInstance(); AccountBankInfo accountBank = iAccountBank.getAccountBankInfo(new ObjectUuidPK(acctBankId), src); CompanyOrgUnitInfo comapny = accountBank.getCompany(); return comapny; } public static CompanyOrgUnitCollection getCompanyOrgUnitCollection(String[] companyIds) throws BOSException { if (FMHelper.isEmpty(companyIds)) { return new CompanyOrgUnitCollection(); } Set set = FMHelper.asSet(companyIds); EntityViewInfo ev = new EntityViewInfo(); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); ev.getSelector().add("*"); ev.getSelector().add(""); ev.getSelector().add("accountTable.number"); ev.getSorter().add(new SorterItemInfo("longnumber")); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("id", set, CompareType.INCLUDE)); ev.setFilter(filter); CompanyOrgUnitCollection coll = null; ICompanyOrgUnit company = CompanyOrgUnitFactory.getRemoteInstance(); coll = company.getCompanyOrgUnitCollection(ev); return coll; } public static CompanyOrgUnitCollection getCompanyOrgUnitCollection(Set companyIdSet) throws BOSException { if (FMHelper.isEmpty(companyIdSet)) { return new CompanyOrgUnitCollection(); } EntityViewInfo ev = new EntityViewInfo(); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); ev.getSelector().add("*"); ev.getSelector().add(""); ev.getSelector().add("accountTable.number"); ev.getSorter().add(new SorterItemInfo("longnumber")); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("id", companyIdSet, CompareType.INCLUDE)); ev.setFilter(filter); CompanyOrgUnitCollection coll = null; ICompanyOrgUnit company = CompanyOrgUnitFactory.getRemoteInstance(); coll = company.getCompanyOrgUnitCollection(ev); return coll; } public static CompanyOrgUnitCollection getCompanyOrgUnitCollection(Set companyIdSet, boolean isContainSealUp) throws BOSException { if (FMHelper.isEmpty(companyIdSet)) { return new CompanyOrgUnitCollection(); } EntityViewInfo ev = new EntityViewInfo(); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); ev.getSelector().add("*"); ev.getSelector().add(""); ev.getSelector().add("accountTable.number"); ev.getSorter().add(new SorterItemInfo("longnumber")); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("id", companyIdSet, CompareType.INCLUDE)); if (!isContainSealUp) { filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("isSealUp", Boolean.valueOf(isContainSealUp))); } ev.setFilter(filter); CompanyOrgUnitCollection coll = null; ICompanyOrgUnit company = CompanyOrgUnitFactory.getRemoteInstance(); coll = company.getCompanyOrgUnitCollection(ev); return coll; } public static CompanyOrgUnitCollection getCompanyOrgUnitCollection(Set companyIdSet, boolean isContainSealUp, SelectorItemCollection sic) throws BOSException { if (FMHelper.isEmpty(companyIdSet)) { return new CompanyOrgUnitCollection(); } EntityViewInfo evi = new EntityViewInfo(); evi.setSelector(sic); evi.getSorter().add(new SorterItemInfo("longnumber")); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("id", companyIdSet, CompareType.INCLUDE)); if (!isContainSealUp) { filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("isSealUp", Boolean.valueOf(isContainSealUp))); } evi.setFilter(filter); CompanyOrgUnitCollection coll = null; ICompanyOrgUnit company = CompanyOrgUnitFactory.getRemoteInstance(); coll = company.getCompanyOrgUnitCollection(evi); return coll; } public static IRowSet getRowSet(IMetaDataPK mainQueryPK, EntityViewInfo evi) { IQueryExecutor exec = QueryExecutorFactory.getRemoteInstance(mainQueryPK); exec.setObjectView(evi); IRowSet rowSet = null; try { rowSet = exec.executeQuery(); } catch (BOSException e) { SysUtil.abort(e); } return rowSet; } public static void setNumberFormat(KDTable tblMain, String columnKey, String currencyID) { String numberFormat = null; if (currencyID == null) numberFormat = "%r-[ ]{###,###,##0.00}15.2n"; else { numberFormat = getNumberFtm(; } StyleAttributes styleAttributes = tblMain.getColumn(columnKey).getStyleAttributes(); styleAttributes.setNumberFormat(numberFormat); styleAttributes.setHorizontalAlign(Styles.HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT); } public static void setNumberFormat(KDTable tblMain, int columnIndex, String currencyID) { String numberFormat = null; if (currencyID == null) numberFormat = "%r-[ ]{###,###,##0.00}15.2n"; else { numberFormat = getNumberFtm(; } StyleAttributes styleAttributes = tblMain.getColumn(columnIndex).getStyleAttributes(); styleAttributes.setNumberFormat(numberFormat); styleAttributes.setHorizontalAlign(Styles.HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT); } public static void setActualDigitNumberFormat(ICell cell) { if (cell == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cell is null"); } if (cell.getValue() == null) { return; } DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.###########"); cell.setValue(df.format(cell.getValue())); } public static void setActualDigitNumberFormat(KDTable table, String columnKey) { StyleAttributes styleAttributes = table.getColumn(columnKey).getStyleAttributes(); styleAttributes.setNumberFormat("%r-[ ]{###,###,###.##########}n"); styleAttributes.setHorizontalAlign(Styles.HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT); } public static void setActualDigitNumberFormat(KDTable table, String columnKey, int scale) { StyleAttributes styleAttributes = table.getColumn(columnKey).getStyleAttributes(); String strScale = ""; for (int i = 0; i < scale; i++) { strScale = strScale + "#"; } styleAttributes.setNumberFormat("%r-[ ]{###,###,###." + strScale + "}n"); styleAttributes.setHorizontalAlign(Styles.HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT); } /** @deprecated */ public static void clearF7(KDBizPromptBox f7Item) { EntityViewInfo ev = new EntityViewInfo(); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("id", "null")); ev.setFilter(filter); f7Item.setEntityViewInfo(ev); } public static void setNumberFormat(IRow row, String columnKey, String currencyID) { String numberFormat = getNumberFtm(; StyleAttributes styleAttributes = row.getCell(columnKey).getStyleAttributes(); styleAttributes.setNumberFormat(numberFormat); styleAttributes.setHorizontalAlign(Styles.HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT); } public static void exportToExcel(Component ui, KDTable table) throws Exception { String filePath = null; KDFileChooser fileChooser = new KDFileChooser(); fileChooser.setDialogTitle(EASResource.getString("", "exportToExcel")); fileChooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(true); fileChooser.setFileFilter(new ExcelFileFilter()); String fileName = null; if (fileChooser.showSaveDialog(ui) == 0) { filePath = fileChooser.getSelectedFile().getPath(); fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile().getName(); if (!filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xls")) filePath = filePath + ".xls"; } else { return; } if (filePath == null) { return; } if (fileName.lastIndexOf(".") != -1) { fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")); } KDSBook kdsBook = new KDSBook(fileName); String sheetName = fileName; KDSSheet kdsSheet = table.getIOManager().saveToKDSSheet(kdsBook, true, false, sheetName); kdsBook.addSheet(null, kdsSheet); ExportManager export = new ExportManager(); try { export.exportToExcel(kdsBook, filePath); } catch (RuntimeException e1) { MsgBox.showWarning(ui, EASResource.getString("", "fileIsOpen")); } } public static void exportExcel(Component ui, KDTable table, boolean flag) throws Exception { String filePath = null; KDFileChooser fileChooser = new KDFileChooser(); fileChooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(true); fileChooser.setFileFilter(new ExcelFileFilter()); String fileName = null; File fileDir = null; String totalFileName = null; if (fileChooser.showSaveDialog(ui) == 0) { filePath = fileChooser.getSelectedFile().getPath(); fileDir = new File(filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf("\\"))); fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile().getName(); totalFileName = fileName; if (!fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xls")) { totalFileName = fileName + ".xls"; } if (!filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xls")) filePath = filePath + ".xls"; } else { return; } if (filePath == null) { return; } if (fileName.lastIndexOf(".") != -1) { fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")); } File[] files = null; int status = -1; if ((fileDir != null) && (fileDir.isDirectory())) { files = fileDir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (!files[i].isFile()) continue; if (!files[i].getName().equals(totalFileName)) { continue; } status = MsgBox.showConfirm2(ui, EASResource.getString("", "FileExisted")); if (status == 2) { return; } } } KDSBook kdsBook = new KDSBook(fileName); String sheetName = fileName; KDSSheet kdsSheet; KDSSheet kdsSheet; if (flag) { kdsSheet = table.getIOManager().saveToKDSSheet(kdsBook, true, false, sheetName); } else { kdsSheet = table.getIOManager().saveToKDSSheet(kdsBook, true, false, false, sheetName); } kdsBook.addSheet(null, kdsSheet); ExportManager export = new ExportManager(); try { export.exportToExcel(kdsBook, filePath); } catch (RuntimeException e1) { MsgBox.showWarning(ui, EASResource.getString("", "fileIsOpen")); } } public static void exportExcel(Component ui, KDTable table) throws Exception { exportExcel(ui, table, false); } public static Frame getFrameAncestor(Component c) { for (Component p = c; p != null; p = p.getParent()) { if ((p instanceof Frame)) { return (Frame)p; } } return null; } public static IMetaDataPK getActionPK(ItemAction action) { if (action == null) { return null; } String actoinName = action.getClass().getName(); if (actoinName.indexOf("$") >= 0) { actoinName = actoinName.substring(actoinName.indexOf("$") + 1); } return new MetaDataPK(actoinName); } public static void showSuccessInfo(Component ui, Component component) { if (!(component instanceof KDWorkButton)) { return; } String text = ((KDWorkButton)component).getText(); MsgBox.showInfo(ui, text + EASResource.getString("", "SUCCESS")); } public static void showCanNotInfo(Component ui, ItemAction action) { if (action == null) { return; } MsgBox.showError(ui, EASResource.getString("", "18_FMClientHelper") + action.getExtendProperty("Name")); SysUtil.abort(); } public static void showSuccessInfo(CoreUI ui, ItemAction action) { if (action == null) { return; } ui.setMessageText(action.getExtendProperty("Name") + EASResource.getString("", "SUCCESS")); ui.showMessage(); } public static void showSuccessMessage(CoreUI ui, ActionEvent e) { if ((e == null) || (!(e.getSource() instanceof Component))) { return; } String actionCommand = e.getActionCommand(); if ((e.getSource() instanceof AbstractButton)) { AbstractButton btn = (AbstractButton)e.getSource(); String txt = btn.getText(); try { actionCommand = txt.replaceAll("\\(+[A-Z]+\\)", ""); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage()); actionCommand = ""; } } if (!FMHelper.isEmpty(actionCommand)) { ui.setMessageText(actionCommand + EASResource.getString("", "SUCCESS")); ui.showMessage(); return; } Component component = (Component)e.getSource(); showSuccessInfo(ui, component); } public static void showSuccessMessageBox(CoreUI ui, ActionEvent e) { if ((e == null) || (!(e.getSource() instanceof Component))) { return; } String actionCommand = e.getActionCommand(); if ((e.getSource() instanceof AbstractButton)) { AbstractButton btn = (AbstractButton)e.getSource(); String txt = btn.getText(); try { actionCommand = txt.replaceAll("\\(+[A-Z]+\\)", ""); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage()); actionCommand = ""; } } if (!FMHelper.isEmpty(actionCommand)) { MsgBox.showInfo(ui, actionCommand + EASResource.getString("", "SUCCESS")); return; } Component component = (Component)e.getSource(); showSuccessMessageBox(ui, component); } public static void showSuccessMessage(CoreUI ui, ActionEvent e, int successCounts) { if ((e == null) || (!(e.getSource() instanceof Component))) { return; } String actionCommand = e.getActionCommand(); if ((e.getSource() instanceof AbstractButton)) { AbstractButton btn = (AbstractButton)e.getSource(); String txt = btn.getText(); try { actionCommand = txt.replaceAll("\\(+[A-Z]+\\)", ""); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage()); actionCommand = ""; } } if (!FMHelper.isEmpty(actionCommand)) { String msg = MessageFormat.format(EASResource.getString("", "successCounts"), new Object[] { actionCommand, new Integer(successCounts) }); ui.setMessageText(msg); ui.showMessage(); return; } Component component = (Component)e.getSource(); showSuccessInfo(ui, component); } public static void showSuccessMessage(CoreUI ui, Component component) { if (!(component instanceof AbstractButton)) { return; } String text = ((AbstractButton)component).getText(); if (FMHelper.isEmpty(text)) { text = ((AbstractButton)component).getToolTipText(); } ui.setMessageText(text + EASResource.getString("", "SUCCESS")); ui.showMessage(); } public static void showSuccessMessageBox(CoreUI ui, Component component) { if (!(component instanceof AbstractButton)) { return; } String text = ((AbstractButton)component).getText(); if (FMHelper.isEmpty(text)) { text = ((AbstractButton)component).getToolTipText(); } MsgBox.showInfo(ui, text + EASResource.getString("", "SUCCESS")); } public static void printTDMetaDataField(String pkName) throws BOSException { MetaDataLoaderFactory.setClientMetaDataPath("W:\\apusic\\metas;W:\\eas\\Server\\server\\metas\\*.jar"); IMetaDataLoader loader = MetaDataLoaderFactory.getRemoteMetaDataLoader(); IMetaDataPK pk = new MetaDataPK(pkName); QueryInfo q = loader.getQuery(pk); SelectorInfo s = q.getSelector(); for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) System.out.println(" <Field name=\"" + s.get(i).getName() + "\" alias=\"" + s.get(i).getDisplayName() + "\" description=\"" + s.get(i).getDisplayName() + "\" type=\"" + getTDDataType(s.get(i).getReturnType().toString()) + "\" expr=\"" + s.get(i).getName() + "\" />"); } public static String getTDDataType(String bosType) { if (bosType == null) { return "string"; } if (bosType.equals("String")) { return "string"; } if (bosType.equals("Int")) { return "integer"; } if (bosType.equals("Number")) { return "decimal"; } if (bosType.equals("String")) { return "string"; } if (bosType.equals("Date")) { return "datetime"; } return bosType.toLowerCase(); } public static void printImport(String metaPK) throws BOSException { IMetaDataLoader loader = MetaDataLoaderFactory.getRemoteMetaDataLoader(); IMetaDataPK pk = new MetaDataPK(metaPK); EntityObjectInfo entity = loader.getEntity(pk); DataTableInfo table = entity.getTable(); PropertyCollection properties = entity.getPropertiesRuntime(); String sp = "\t"; for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) { PropertyInfo p = properties.get(i); DataType dataType = DataType.getEnum(p.getString("datatype")); if (p.getMappingField() == null) { continue; } ColumnInfo col = table.getColumnByName(p.getMappingField().getName()); if (col == null) { continue; } System.out.println(p.getName() + sp + getDataTypeAilas(dataType) + sp + col.getLength() + sp + p.getAlias()); } } private static String getDataTypeAilas(DataType dataType) { if (dataType == null) { return EASResource.getString("", "19_FMClientHelper"); } if (dataType.equals(DataType.STRING)) { return EASResource.getString("", "19_FMClientHelper"); } if (dataType.equals(DataType.DATE)) { return EASResource.getString("", "20_FMClientHelper"); } if (dataType.equals(DataType.TIME)) { return EASResource.getString("", "20_FMClientHelper"); } if (dataType.equals(DataType.TIMESTAMP)) { return EASResource.getString("", "20_FMClientHelper"); } if (dataType.equals(DataType.DECIMAL)) { return EASResource.getString("", "21_FMClientHelper"); } if (dataType.equals(DataType.BOOLEAN)) { return EASResource.getString("", "22_FMClientHelper"); } return dataType.toString(); } /** @deprecated */ public static void updateUITitle(CoreUIObject ui, String title) { String resPath = ""; String strTitle = title; if ((ui.getOprtState().equals(OprtState.VIEW)) || (ui.getOprtState().equals("FINDVIEW"))) { ui.setUITitle(strTitle + " - " + EASResource.getString(resPath, "view")); } else if (ui.getOprtState().equals(OprtState.EDIT)) { ui.setUITitle(strTitle + " - " + EASResource.getString(resPath, "edit")); } else if (ui.getOprtState().equals(OprtState.ADDNEW)) { ui.setUITitle(strTitle + " - " + EASResource.getString(resPath, "new")); } else ui.setUITitle(strTitle); } public static void UpdateFilterUITitle(CoreUIObject ui, String title) { String resPath = ""; String strTitle = title; ui.setUITitle(strTitle + " - " + EASResource.getString(resPath, "query")); } public static VoucherCollection getVoucherCollection(String billId) throws BOSException, EASBizException { String[] srcEntriesID = { billId }; IBTPManager iBTPManager = BTPManagerFactory.getRemoteInstance(); BOSObjectType voucherBosType = new VoucherInfo().getBOSType(); BOTRelationCollection relationColl = iBTPManager.getDestRelation(billId); VoucherCollection colVoucher = null; if ((relationColl != null) && (!relationColl.isEmpty())) { Set voucherIds = new HashSet(); BOTRelationInfo relationInfo = null; int i = 0; for (int size = relationColl.size(); i < size; i++) { relationInfo = relationColl.get(i); if (!relationInfo.getDestEntityID().equals(voucherBosType.toString())) { continue; } voucherIds.add(relationInfo.getDestObjectID()); } if ((voucherIds != null) && (voucherIds.size() != 0)) { IVoucher iVoucher = VoucherFactory.getRemoteInstance(); SelectorItemCollection cel = new SelectorItemCollection(); cel.add("*"); cel.add("creator.*"); EntityViewInfo view = new EntityViewInfo(); view.getSelector().addObjectCollection(cel); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); FilterItemInfo filterItem = new FilterItemInfo("id", voucherIds, CompareType.INCLUDE); filter.getFilterItems().add(filterItem); view.setFilter(filter); colVoucher = iVoucher.getVoucherCollection(view); } } if (colVoucher == null) { colVoucher = new VoucherCollection(); } return colVoucher; } public static String getBillNumber(String id) throws Exception { if ((id == null) || (id.trim().length() == 0)) { return null; } IObjectPK pk = new ObjectUuidPK(id); BOSUuid bosId =; IObjectValue info = DynamicObjectFactory.getRemoteInstance().getValue(bosId.getType(), pk); return info.getString("number"); } public static Object[] removeVirtualCompany(Object[] fullOrgUnits) throws Exception { List list = new ArrayList(); SelectorItemCollection selectors = new SelectorItemCollection(); selectors.add(new SelectorItemInfo("id")); selectors.add(new SelectorItemInfo("number")); selectors.add(new SelectorItemInfo("name")); selectors.add(new SelectorItemInfo("isBizUnit")); selectors.add(new SelectorItemInfo("isOnlyUnion")); FullOrgUnitInfo orgUnit = null; CompanyOrgUnitInfo company = null; for (int i = 0; i < fullOrgUnits.length; i++) { orgUnit = (FullOrgUnitInfo)fullOrgUnits[i]; company = CompanyOrgUnitFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCompanyOrgUnitInfo(new ObjectUuidPK(orgUnit.getId()), selectors); if (!GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(company)) { list.add(orgUnit); } } return list.toArray(); } public static void viewSubmitProccess(CoreUIObject ui, BOSObjectType bosType) throws Exception { if (FMHelper.isEmpty(bosType)) { return; } IEnactmentService service = EnactmentServiceFactory.createRemoteEnactService(); String procDefID = service.findSubmitProcDef(bosType, SysContext.getSysContext().getCurrentUserInfo().getId().toString()); if (procDefID != null) { ProcessDefInfo processDefInfo = service.getProcessDefInfo(procDefID); ProcessDef processDef = EnactmentServiceFactory.createRemoteEnactService().getProcessDefByDefineHashValue(processDefInfo.getMd5HashValue()); Locale currentLocale = SysContext.getSysContext().getLocale(); String procDefDiagramTitle = processDef.getName(currentLocale); UIContext uiContext = new UIContext(ui); uiContext.put("define", processDef); uiContext.put("title", procDefDiagramTitle); String className = BasicShowWfDefinePanel.class.getName(); IUIFactory uiFactory = UIFactory.createUIFactory(getEditUIMode(ui)); IUIWindow uiWindow = uiFactory.create(className, uiContext);; } else { MsgBox.showInfo(ui, EASResource.getString("com.kingdee.eas.framework.FrameWorkResource.Msg_WFHasNotDef")); } } public static void viewProccessDef(CoreUIObject ui, String funcName, String packageName, String operationName) throws Exception { IEnactmentService service = EnactmentServiceFactory.createRemoteEnactService(); String procDefID = service.findProcDef(ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentUser().getId().toString(), funcName, operationName); if (procDefID != null) { ProcessDefInfo processDefInfo = service.getProcessDefInfo(procDefID); ProcessDef processDef = EnactmentServiceFactory.createRemoteEnactService().getProcessDefByDefineHashValue(processDefInfo.getMd5HashValue()); Locale currentLocale = SysContext.getSysContext().getLocale(); String procDefDiagramTitle = processDef.getName(currentLocale); UIContext uiContext = new UIContext(ui); uiContext.put("define", processDef); uiContext.put("title", procDefDiagramTitle); String className = BasicShowWfDefinePanel.class.getName(); IUIFactory uiFactory = UIFactory.createUIFactory(getEditUIMode(ui)); IUIWindow uiWindow = uiFactory.create(className, uiContext);; } else { MsgBox.showInfo(ui, EASResource.getString("com.kingdee.eas.framework.FrameWorkResource.Msg_WFHasNotDef")); } } public static void viewDoProccess(CoreUIObject ui, String id) throws BOSException { if (id == null); IEnactmentService service2 = EnactmentServiceFactory.createRemoteEnactService(); ProcessInstInfo instInfo = null; ProcessInstInfo[] procInsts = service2.getProcessInstanceByHoldedObjectId(id); int i = 0; for (int n = procInsts.length; i < n; i++) { if ("open.running".equals(procInsts[i].getState())) { instInfo = procInsts[i]; } } if (instInfo == null) { MsgBox.showInfo(ui, EASResource.getString("com.kingdee.eas.framework.FrameWorkResource.Msg_WFHasNotInstance")); } else { UIContext uiContext = new UIContext(ui); uiContext.put("id", instInfo.getProcInstId()); String className = BasicWorkFlowMonitorPanel.class.getName(); IUIWindow uiWindow = UIFactory.createUIFactory(getEditUIMode(ui)).create(className, uiContext);; } } public static void viewAuditResult(CoreUIObject ui, String id) throws BOSException { if ((id == null) || (id.trim().length() < 1)) { return; } MultiApproveUtil.showApproveHis(, UIModelDialogFactory.class.getName(), ui); } public static void viewNextPerson(CoreUIObject ui, String id) throws BOSException { if (id == null) { return; } DesignateNextActivityPerformerUI.designateNextActivityPerformerByBillId(ui, id); } /** @deprecated */ public static String getEditUIMode(CoreUIObject ui) { Object win = ui.getUIWindow(); if ((win instanceof UINewFrame)) return UIFactoryName.NEWWIN; if ((win instanceof UIDialog)) { return UIFactoryName.MODEL; } return UIFactoryName.NEWTAB; } public static void setNumberValueForCell(Component ui, ICell cell, BigDecimal number) { if ((cell != null) && (!cell.getStyleAttributes().isLocked()) && (number != null)) { if (!isExceedMaxValue(ui, number)) cell.setValue(number); } } public static boolean isExceedMaxValue(Component ui, BigDecimal number) { if (number.compareTo(Constants.MAX_VALUE) > 0) { MsgBox.showWarning(ui, formatMessage("", "numberValueTooLarge", null)); return true; } return false; } public static String formatMessage(String resPath, String resName, Object[] args) { if ((resPath == null) || (resName == null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("resPath or resName is nul!"); } String str = EASResource.getString(resPath, resName); if ((args == null) || (args.length == 0)) { return str; } return MessageFormat.format(str, args); } public static void clearSeparatorOnToolBar(KDToolBar toolBar) { int size = toolBar.getComponentCount(); Component c = null; boolean isSeparator = false; int lastVisibleBtnPosition = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { c = toolBar.getComponentAtIndex(i); if (c.isVisible()) { if ((c instanceof JToolBar.Separator)) { if (isSeparator) { c.setVisible(false); } isSeparator = true; } else { isSeparator = false; lastVisibleBtnPosition = i; } } } for (int i = lastVisibleBtnPosition; i < size; i++) { c = toolBar.getComponentAtIndex(i); if ((c instanceof JToolBar.Separator)) c.setVisible(false); } } public static void clearSeparatorOnMenu(KDMenu menu) { int size = menu.getMenuComponentCount(); Component c = null; boolean isSeparator = false; int lastVisibleBtnPosition = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { c = menu.getMenuComponent(i); if (c.isVisible()) { if ((c instanceof JSeparator)) { if (isSeparator) { c.setVisible(false); } isSeparator = true; } else { isSeparator = false; lastVisibleBtnPosition = i; } } } for (int i = lastVisibleBtnPosition; i < size; i++) { c = menu.getMenuComponent(i); if ((c instanceof JSeparator)) c.setVisible(false); } } public static void disableSomeTableUserPreferenceConf(TablePreferencesHelper tHelper) { tHelper.setCanSetBGColor(false); tHelper.setCanSetForeColor(false); } public static String getAccountTabled(String strCompanyId) throws BOSException, EASBizException { if (FMHelper.isEmpty(strCompanyId)) { return null; } ICompanyOrgUnit company = CompanyOrgUnitFactory.getRemoteInstance(); CompanyOrgUnitInfo comInfo = company.getCompanyOrgUnitInfo(new ObjectUuidPK(strCompanyId)); String strAccountTableId = comInfo.getAccountTable().getId().toString(); return strAccountTableId; } public static PeriodInfo getGLCurrentPeriod(Component comp, CompanyOrgUnitInfo companyInfo) throws EASBizException, BOSException { PeriodInfo currentPeriod = SystemStatusCtrolUtils.getCurrentPeriod(null, SystemEnum.GENERALLEDGER, companyInfo); if (currentPeriod == null) { MsgBox.showWarning(comp, EASResource.getString("", "GL_CurrentPeriod_NULL")); SysUtil.abort(); } return currentPeriod; } public static void viewDetailBill(CoreUIObject owner, String billId, CompanyOrgUnitInfo company) throws Exception { String[] idList = new String[1]; idList[0] = billId; viewDetailBill(owner, idList, company); } public static void viewJournal(CoreUIObject owner, String billId, CompanyOrgUnitInfo company) throws Exception { if (FMHelper.isEmpty(billId)) { throw new Exception("idList is null or empty!"); } String popUi = null; UIContext uiContext = new UIContext(owner); uiContext.put("company", company); IUIWindow uiWindow = null; uiContext.put("ID", billId); IJournal journal = JournalFactory.getRemoteInstance(); ObjectUuidPK pk = new ObjectUuidPK(billId); JournalInfo j = journal.getJournalInfo(pk); if (j.getType() == JournalTypeEnum.BANK) popUi = ""; else { popUi = ""; } uiWindow = UIFactory.createUIFactory(UIFactoryName.MODEL).create(popUi, uiContext, null, "VIEW");; } public static void viewDetailBill(CoreUIObject owner, String[] idList, CompanyOrgUnitInfo company) throws Exception { if ((idList == null) || (idList.length == 0)) { throw new Exception("idList is null or empty!"); } IMetaDataLoader loader = MetaDataLoaderFactory.getRemoteMetaDataLoader(); BOSObjectType bosType = getBOSType(owner, idList); idList = getValidIds(idList, bosType); if ((bosType == null) || (idList == null) || (idList.length < 1)) { return; } if (bosType.equals(new VoucherEntryInfo().getBOSType())) { IVoucherEntry voucher = VoucherEntryFactory.getRemoteInstance(); EntityViewInfo view = new EntityViewInfo(); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("id", FMHelper.asSet(idList), CompareType.INCLUDE)); view.setFilter(filter); VoucherEntryCollection entry = voucher.getVoucherEntryCollection(view); Set voucherIds = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < entry.size(); i++) { voucherIds.add(entry.get(i).getBill().getId().toString()); } idList = (String[])voucherIds.toArray(new String[0]); bosType = new VoucherInfo().getBOSType(); } else if (bosType.equals(new SettmentBatchInfo().getBOSType())) { ISettlementBill voucher = SettlementBillFactory.getRemoteInstance(); EntityViewInfo view = new EntityViewInfo(); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("settBatch", FMHelper.asSet(idList), CompareType.INCLUDE)); view.setFilter(filter); SettlementBillCollection entry = voucher.getSettlementBillCollection(view); Set voucherIds = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < entry.size(); i++) { voucherIds.add(entry.get(i).getId().toString()); } idList = (String[])voucherIds.toArray(new String[0]); bosType = new SettlementBillInfo().getBOSType(); } EntityObjectInfo entity = loader.getEntity(bosType); String popUi = null; UIContext uiContext = new UIContext(owner); uiContext.put("company", company); uiContext.put(OrgType.Company, company); IUIWindow uiWindow = null; String infoID = null; if (idList.length == 1) { infoID = idList[0]; uiContext.put("ID", infoID); if ((owner instanceof BankJournalListUI)) { uiContext.put("TYPE", "OUTER"); } else { uiContext.put("TYPE", "INNER"); } if (bosType.equals(new ChequeInfo().getBOSType())) { EntityViewInfo view = new EntityViewInfo(); SelectorItemCollection sic = new SelectorItemCollection(); sic.add(new SelectorItemInfo("")); ChequeInfo info = ChequeFactory.getRemoteInstance().getChequeInfo(new ObjectUuidPK(infoID), sic); if (!info.getNtType().getGroup().equals(NTTypeGroupEnum.CHEQUE)) popUi = TeleOrderApplyUI.class.getName(); else popUi = entity.getExtendedProperty("editUI"); } else { popUi = entity.getExtendedProperty("editUI"); } uiWindow = UIFactory.createUIFactory(getEditUIMode(owner)).create(popUi, uiContext, null, "FINDVIEW"); } else { uiContext.put("IDList", idList); popUi = entity.getExtendedProperty("listUI"); uiContext.put("IsFromOtherSys", "findview"); uiWindow = UIFactory.createUIFactory(getEditUIMode(owner)).create(popUi, uiContext, null, "FINDVIEW"); }; } public static void viewDetailBill(CoreUIObject owner, UIContext uiContext, String[] idList, CompanyOrgUnitInfo company) throws Exception { if ((idList == null) || (idList.length == 0)) { throw new Exception("idList is null or empty!"); } IMetaDataLoader loader = MetaDataLoaderFactory.getRemoteMetaDataLoader(); BOSObjectType bosType = getBOSType(owner, idList); idList = getValidIds(idList, bosType); if ((bosType == null) || (idList == null) || (idList.length < 1)) { return; } if (bosType.equals(new VoucherEntryInfo().getBOSType())) { IVoucherEntry voucher = VoucherEntryFactory.getRemoteInstance(); EntityViewInfo view = new EntityViewInfo(); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("id", FMHelper.asSet(idList), CompareType.INCLUDE)); view.setFilter(filter); VoucherEntryCollection entry = voucher.getVoucherEntryCollection(view); Set voucherIds = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < entry.size(); i++) { voucherIds.add(entry.get(i).getBill().getId().toString()); } idList = (String[])voucherIds.toArray(new String[0]); bosType = new VoucherInfo().getBOSType(); } EntityObjectInfo entity = loader.getEntity(bosType); String popUi = null; if (uiContext == null) { uiContext = new UIContext(owner); } uiContext.put("company", company); uiContext.put(OrgType.Company, company); IUIWindow uiWindow = null; String infoID = null; if (idList.length == 1) { infoID = idList[0]; uiContext.put("ID", infoID); popUi = entity.getExtendedProperty("editUI"); uiWindow = UIFactory.createUIFactory(getEditUIMode(owner)).create(popUi, uiContext, null, "FINDVIEW"); } else { uiContext.put("IDList", idList); popUi = getListUIName(bosType, entity, uiContext); uiContext.put("IsFromOtherSys", "findview"); uiWindow = UIFactory.createUIFactory(getEditUIMode(owner)).create(popUi, uiContext, null, "FINDVIEW"); }; } private static String getListUIName(BOSObjectType bosType, EntityObjectInfo entity, UIContext uiContext) { if (bosType.equals(new AccrualBillInfo().getBOSType())) { String type = (String)uiContext.get("TYPE"); if ((type != null) && (type.equals("INNER"))) { uiContext.put("UIClassParam", "INNER_QUERY"); return AccrualBillAcceptListUI.class.getName(); }if ((type != null) && (type.equals("OUTER"))) { return AccrualBillListUI.class.getName(); } } return entity.getExtendedProperty("listUI"); } private static String[] getValidIds(String[] idList, BOSObjectType bosType) { if ((idList == null) || (bosType == null)) { return null; } Set idSet = new HashSet(); int i = 0; for (int len = idList.length; i < len; i++) { if (bosType.equals([i]).getType())) { idSet.add(idList[i]); } } return (String[])idSet.toArray(new String[0]); } private static BOSObjectType getBOSType(IUIObject ui, String[] idList) { if (FMHelper.isEmpty(idList)) { return null; } Set set = new HashSet(); BOSObjectType bosType = null; for (int i = 0; i < idList.length; i++) { bosType =[i]).getType(); set.add(bosType); } if ((set == null) || (set.size() == 0)) { return null; } if (set.size() > 1) { try { bosType = BizTypeChooseUI.showDialogWindow(ui, set); } catch (UIException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } return bosType; } public static void isBillExists(String billId, BOSObjectType bosType) throws BOSException { IDynamicObject doCtrl = DynamicObjectFactory.getRemoteInstance(); try { doCtrl.getValue(bosType, "select id where id='" + billId + "'"); } catch (DataAccessException exp) { MsgBox.showError(EASResource.getString("", "billNoExist")); SysUtil.abort(exp); } } public static boolean isHasAsstAcct(String accountId) { String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS fsize FROM T_BD_AccountView acct INNER JOIN T_BD_AsstAccount assAcct ON acct.FCAA = assAcct.FID INNER JOIN T_BD_AsstActGroupDetail assAcctDetail ON assAcct.FID = assAcctDetail.FAsstAccountID INNER JOIN T_BD_AsstActType assAcctType ON assAcctDetail.FAsstActTypeID = assAcctType.FID WHERE assAcctType.FAsstHGAttribute = 'bankAccount' AND acct.FID = '"; sql = sql + accountId + "'"; try { IRowSet rowSet = SQLExecutorFactory.getRemoteInstance(sql).executeSQL(); if ( { Object oSize = rowSet.getObject("fsize"); if (oSize != null) { int size = TypeConversionUtils.objToInt(oSize); if (size > 0) return true; } } } catch (BOSException e) { e.printStackTrace(); SysUtil.abort(e); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); SysUtil.abort(e); } return false; } public static void setTextFieldFormat(JComponent source, boolean selectAll, boolean removeZero) { for (int i = 0; i < source.getComponentCount(); i++) { Component c = source.getComponent(i); if ((c instanceof JComponent)) if (((JComponent)c).getComponentCount() > 0) { setTextFieldFormat((JComponent)c, selectAll, removeZero); } else { if ((c instanceof KDFormattedTextField)) { ((KDFormattedTextField)c).setSelectAllOnFocus(selectAll); ((KDFormattedTextField)c).setRemoveingZeroInDispaly(removeZero); ((KDFormattedTextField)c).setRemoveingZeroInEdit(removeZero); } if ((c instanceof KDTextField)) ((KDTextField)c).addFocusListener(new FocusListener(selectAll, c) { private final boolean val$selectAll; private final Component val$c; public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { if (this.val$selectAll) ((KDTextField)this.val$c).selectAll(); } public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { } }); } } } public static void setComponentEnable(JComponent source, boolean enable) { for (int i = 0; i < source.getComponentCount(); i++) { Component c = source.getComponent(i); if (((c instanceof JComponent)) && (((JComponent)c).getComponentCount() > 0)) { if ((c instanceof KDBizPromptBox)) { ((KDBizPromptBox)c).setEnabled(enable); } if ((c instanceof KDDatePicker)) { ((KDDatePicker)c).setEnabled(enable); } if ((c instanceof KDComboBox)) { ((KDComboBox)c).setEnabled(enable); } if ((c instanceof KDTable)) { ((KDTable)c).getStyleAttributes().setLocked(!enable); } setComponentEnable((JComponent)c, enable); } else { if ((c instanceof KDFormattedTextField)) { ((KDFormattedTextField)c).setEnabled(enable); } if ((c instanceof KDTextField)) { ((KDTextField)c).setEnabled(enable); } if ((c instanceof KDWorkButton)) { ((KDWorkButton)c).setEnabled(enable); } if ((c instanceof KDCheckBox)) ((KDCheckBox)c).setEnabled(enable); } } } /** @deprecated */ public static void setFirstFocus(Component[] controls) { for (int i = 0; i < controls.length; i++) { Component control = controls[i]; if ((control.isVisible()) && (control.isEnabled())) { control.requestFocus(); break; } } } public static String getKDTNumFormat(int prec) { if (prec <= 0) { return "%r-[]{#,##0}f"; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("%r-[]{#,##0."); for (int i = 0; i < prec; i++) { sb.append("0"); } sb.append("}f"); return sb.toString(); } public static void hideIfBizUnitCompany(KDTable kdt, String colName) throws EASBizException, BOSException { IContextHelper helper = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance(); IColumn col = kdt.getColumn(colName); if (helper.isOnlyUnion(helper.getCurrentCompany())) col.getStyleAttributes().setHided(false); else col.getStyleAttributes().setHided(true); } public static void setEditable(JComponent component, boolean editable) { if ((component instanceof KDBizPromptBox)) { KDBizPromptBox bizBox = (KDBizPromptBox)component; bizBox.setEditable(editable); bizBox.setEnabled(editable); } else if ((component instanceof KDComboBox)) { KDComboBox cbx = (KDComboBox)component; cbx.setEnabled(editable); } else if ((component instanceof KDDatePicker)) { KDDatePicker cbx = (KDDatePicker)component; cbx.setEditable(editable); cbx.setEnabled(editable); } else if ((component instanceof KDCheckBox)) { KDCheckBox cb = (KDCheckBox)component; cb.setEnabled(editable); } else if (((component instanceof IKDTextComponent)) && (!(component instanceof KDComboBox))) { ((IKDTextComponent)component).setEditable(editable); } } public static void lockRow(KDTable kdt, int rowIndex, String[] colNames) { IRow row = kdt.getRow(rowIndex); if (colNames != null) { int i = 0; for (int n = colNames.length; i < n; i++) { ICell cell = row.getCell(colNames[i]); cell.getStyleAttributes().setLocked(true); } } else { int i = 0; for (int n = kdt.getColumnCount(); i < n; i++) { ICell cell = row.getCell(i); cell.getStyleAttributes().setLocked(true); } } } public static void verifyMoreThanZero(CoreUIObject ui, KDFormattedTextField txt) { FMClientVerifyHelper.verifyEmpty(ui, txt); String text = ""; if ((txt.getParent() instanceof KDLabelContainer)) { text = ((KDLabelContainer)txt.getParent()).getBoundLabelText(); } if (txt.getBigDecimalValue().signum() <= 0) { text = text + EASResource.getString("", "MustMoreThanOne"); txt.requestFocus(); MsgBox.showWarning(ui, text); SysUtil.abort(); } } public static void verifyNotNegtive(CoreUIObject ui, KDFormattedTextField txt) { FMClientVerifyHelper.verifyEmpty(ui, txt); String text = ""; if ((txt.getParent() instanceof KDLabelContainer)) { text = ((KDLabelContainer)txt.getParent()).getBoundLabelText(); } if (txt.getBigDecimalValue().signum() < 0) { text = text + EASResource.getString("", "MustNotNegtive"); txt.requestFocus(); MsgBox.showWarning(ui, text); SysUtil.abort(); } } public static void checkOnlyUnion(String oprtState) throws EASBizException, BOSException { CompanyOrgUnitInfo company = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if ((ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().isOnlyUnion(company)) && (!oprtState.equalsIgnoreCase("FINDVIEW")) && (!oprtState.equalsIgnoreCase("VIEW"))) { throw new FMException(FMException.UNIONCANNOTOPRT); } } public static void checkOnlyUnion() throws EASBizException, BOSException { CompanyOrgUnitInfo company = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().isOnlyUnion(company)) throw new FMException(FMException.UNIONCANNOTOPRT); } public static void initCurrencyField(BasicFormattedTextField txt) { txt.setHorizontalAlignment(4); if ((txt instanceof KDFormattedTextField)) { KDFormattedTextField ftTxt = (KDFormattedTextField)txt; ftTxt.setDataType(BigDecimal.class); ftTxt.setRemoveingZeroInDispaly(false); ftTxt.setRemoveingZeroInEdit(true); } else if ((txt instanceof KDNumberTextField)) { KDNumberTextField numText = (KDNumberTextField)txt; numText.setDataType(BigDecimal.class); numText.setRemoveingZeroInDispaly(false); numText.setRemoveingZeroInEdit(true); } } public static void initDecimalField(BasicFormattedTextField txt) { txt.setHorizontalAlignment(4); if ((txt instanceof KDFormattedTextField)) { KDFormattedTextField ftTxt = (KDFormattedTextField)txt; ftTxt.setDataType(BigDecimal.class); ftTxt.setRemoveingZeroInDispaly(true); } else if ((txt instanceof KDNumberTextField)) { KDNumberTextField numText = (KDNumberTextField)txt; numText.setDataType(BigDecimal.class); numText.setRemoveingZeroInDispaly(true); } } public static void addSqlMenu(CoreUIObject uiObject, KDMenu menu) { menu.add(new AbstractHidedMenuItem("ctrl shift Q", uiObject) { private final CoreUIObject val$uiObject; public void action_actionPerformed() { try { IUIFactory fy = UIFactory.createUIFactory(UIFactoryName.NEWTAB); UIContext uiContext = new UIContext(this.val$uiObject); IUIWindow wnd = fy.create("", uiContext);; } catch (UIException e) { SysUtil.abort(e); } } }); } public static EntityViewInfo getNothingFilter() { EntityViewInfo evi = new EntityViewInfo(); evi.setFilter(new FilterInfo()); evi.getFilter().getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("id", "", CompareType.EQUALS)); return evi; } public static void setActionEnable(ItemAction[] actions, boolean enabled) { if (actions == null) { return; } int i = 0; for (int len = actions.length; i < len; i++) actions[i].setEnabled(enabled); } public static void setActionVisible(ItemAction[] actions, boolean visible) { if (actions == null) { return; } int i = 0; for (int len = actions.length; i < len; i++) actions[i].setVisible(visible); } public static void setCompEnable(IKDComponent[] components, boolean enabled) { if (components == null) { return; } int i = 0; for (int len = components.length; i < len; i++) if ((components[i] instanceof KDTextField)) ((KDTextField)components[i]).setEnabled(enabled); else if ((components[i] instanceof KDDatePicker)) { ((KDDatePicker)components[i]).setEnabled(enabled); } else if ((components[i] instanceof KDFormattedTextField)) ((KDFormattedTextField)components[i]).setEnabled(enabled); else if ((components[i] instanceof KDComboBox)) ((KDComboBox)components[i]).setEnabled(enabled); else if ((components[i] instanceof KDBizPromptBox)) ((KDBizPromptBox)components[i]).setEnabled(enabled); else if ((components[i] instanceof KDCheckBox)) ((KDCheckBox)components[i]).setEnabled(enabled); else if ((components[i] instanceof KDSpinner)) ((KDSpinner)components[i]).setEnabled(enabled); else if ((components[i] instanceof KDTextArea)) ((KDTextArea)components[i]).setEnabled(enabled); } public static Set getAllComponents(Container container) { Component[] components = container.getComponents(); Set compSet = new HashSet(); int i = 0; for (int n = components.length; i < n; i++) { Component comp = components[i]; compSet.add(comp); if ((!(comp instanceof KDPanel)) && (!(comp instanceof KDScrollPane)) && (!(comp instanceof KDSplitPane)) && (!(comp instanceof KDTabbedPane)) && (!(comp instanceof KDLabelContainer)) && (!(comp instanceof KDContainer)) && (!(comp instanceof JPanel))) { continue; } compSet.addAll(getAllComponents((Container)comp)); } return compSet; } public static Map removeCompListeners(CoreUI ui) throws Exception { Map map = new HashMap(); Class[] lstClasses = { ActionListener.class, KeyListener.class, AncestorListener.class, SelectorListener.class, CommitListener.class, DataChangeListener.class, FocusListener.class, ItemListener.class }; int lstClassLen = lstClasses.length; Set allLeafComponents = getAllComponents(ui); Iterator iter = allLeafComponents.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Component comp = (Component); if (!(comp instanceof IKDTextComponent)) { continue; } Map listenerMap = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < lstClassLen; i++) { Class lstClass = lstClasses[i]; EventListener[] listeners; EventListener[] listeners; if (((comp instanceof KDDatePicker)) && (lstClass.equals(DataChangeListener.class))) { KDDatePicker kddp = (KDDatePicker)comp; DateTimeEditor dtEditor = kddp.getEditor(); listeners = dtEditor.getListeners(lstClass); } else { listeners = comp.getListeners(lstClass); } listenerMap.put(lstClass.getName(), listeners); String className = getClassName(lstClass.getName()); int j = 0; for (int len = listeners.length; j < len; j++) { Class[] ptTypes = { lstClass }; Method method = comp.getClass().getMethod("remove" + className, ptTypes); method.invoke(comp, new Object[] { listeners[j] }); } } map.put(comp.getName(), listenerMap); } return map; } public static void addCompListeners(CoreUI ui, Map map) throws Exception { if ((map == null) || (map.isEmpty())) { return; } Set allLeafComponents = getAllComponents(ui); Iterator iter = allLeafComponents.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Component comp = (Component); if (!(comp instanceof IKDTextComponent)) { continue; } String compName = comp.getName(); Map listenerMap = (Map)map.get(compName); if ((listenerMap == null) || (listenerMap.isEmpty())) { continue; } Iterator iter2 = listenerMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); Class lstClass = Class.forName(entry.getKey().toString()); EventListener[] listeners = (EventListener[])entry.getValue(); String className = getClassName(lstClass.getName()); int i = 0; for (int len = listeners.length; i < len; i++) { Class[] ptTypes = { lstClass }; Method method = comp.getClass().getMethod("add" + className, ptTypes); method.invoke(comp, new Object[] { listeners[i] }); } } } } public static Map removeComponentListeners(JComponent comp) throws Exception { Class[] lstClasses = { ActionListener.class, KeyListener.class, AncestorListener.class, SelectorListener.class, CommitListener.class, DataChangeListener.class, FocusListener.class, ItemListener.class }; int lstClassLen = lstClasses.length; Map listenerMap = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < lstClassLen; i++) { Class lstClass = lstClasses[i]; EventListener[] listeners = comp.getListeners(lstClass); listenerMap.put(lstClass.getName(), listeners); String className = getClassName(lstClass.getName()); int j = 0; for (int len = listeners.length; j < len; j++) { Class[] ptTypes = { lstClass }; Method method = comp.getClass().getMethod("remove" + className, ptTypes); method.invoke(comp, new Object[] { listeners[j] }); } } return listenerMap; } public static void addComponentListeners(JComponent comp, Map listenerMap) throws Exception { if ((listenerMap == null) || (listenerMap.isEmpty())) { return; } Iterator iter2 = listenerMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); Class lstClass = Class.forName(entry.getKey().toString()); EventListener[] listeners = (EventListener[])entry.getValue(); String className = getClassName(lstClass.getName()); int i = 0; for (int len = listeners.length; i < len; i++) { Class[] ptTypes = { lstClass }; Method method = comp.getClass().getMethod("add" + className, ptTypes); method.invoke(comp, new Object[] { listeners[i] }); } } } private static String getClassName(String classSpaceName) { int lastIndexOf = classSpaceName.lastIndexOf("."); return classSpaceName.substring(lastIndexOf + 1, classSpaceName.length()); } /** @deprecated */ public static boolean isAcctHasAcctBankAssis(String acctViewId) throws EASBizException, BOSException, UuidException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("SELECT T_BD_AsstActType.FRealtionDataObject AS tName, A.FID FROM T_BD_AccountView A INNER JOIN T_BD_AsstAccount ON A.FCAA = T_BD_AsstAccount.FID INNER JOIN T_BD_AsstActGroupDetail ON T_BD_AsstAccount.FID = T_BD_AsstActGroupDetail.FAsstAccountID INNER JOIN T_BD_AsstActType ON T_BD_AsstActGroupDetail.FAsstActTypeID = T_BD_AsstActType.FID WHERE (T_BD_AsstActType.FRealtionDataObject = 'T_BD_AccountBanks') and A.fid='" + acctViewId + "'"); IRowSet rs = SQLExecutorFactory.getRemoteInstance(sb.toString()).executeSQL(); try { if ( return true; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new BOSException(e); } return false; } public static int getExchangeRatePrec(String sourceCurID, String desCurID) throws BOSException, EASBizException { ExchangeRateInfo erInfo = findExchangeRate(sourceCurID, desCurID); if ((erInfo != null) && (erInfo.getExchangeAux() != null)) { int prec = erInfo.getExchangeAux().getPrecision(); return prec; } return 3; } public static ExchangeRateInfo findExchangeRate(String sourceCurID, String desCurID) throws BOSException, EASBizException { CompanyOrgUnitInfo clearingHouseCompany = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); ExchangeTableInfo baseExchangeTable = clearingHouseCompany.getBaseExchangeTable(); if (baseExchangeTable == null) { MsgBox.showError(EASResource.getString("", "23_FMClientHelper") + clearingHouseCompany.getName() + EASResource.getString("", "24_FMClientHelper")); SysUtil.abort(); } IObjectPK destCurrpk = new ObjectUuidPK(desCurID); IObjectPK excTablepk = new ObjectUuidPK(baseExchangeTable.getId()); IExchangeRate iexchangRate = ExchangeRateFactory.getRemoteInstance(); IObjectPK sourceCurrpk = new ObjectUuidPK(sourceCurID); ExchangeRateInfo erInfo = iexchangRate.getExchangeRate(excTablepk, sourceCurrpk, destCurrpk, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); return erInfo; } public static ExchangeRateInfo getExRateInfo(String companyId, String srcCurrId, String destCurrId, Date date) throws BOSException, EASBizException { if ((FMHelper.isEmpty(companyId)) || (FMHelper.isEmpty(srcCurrId))) { return null; } if (date == null) { date = new Date(); } date = DateTimeUtils.truncateDate(date); String key = companyId + "_" + srcCurrId + "_" + destCurrId + "_" + date.toString(); if (exRateMap.containsKey(key)) { return (ExchangeRateInfo)exRateMap.get(key); } CompanyOrgUnitInfo company = getCompany(companyId); ExchangeTableInfo baseExTable = company.getBaseExchangeTable(); if (baseExTable == null) { MsgBox.showError(EASResource.getString("", "23_FMClientHelper") + company.getName() + EASResource.getString("", "24_FMClientHelper")); SysUtil.abort(); } String exTableId = baseExTable.getId().toString(); if (FMHelper.isEmpty(destCurrId)) { destCurrId = company.getBaseCurrency().getId().toString(); } IObjectPK exTablePk = new ObjectUuidPK(exTableId); IObjectPK srcCurrPk = new ObjectUuidPK(srcCurrId); IObjectPK destCurrPk = new ObjectUuidPK(destCurrId); IExchangeRate iExRate = ExchangeRateFactory.getRemoteInstance(); ExchangeRateInfo exRateInfo = iExRate.getExchangeRate(exTablePk, srcCurrPk, destCurrPk, date); exRateMap.put(key, exRateInfo); return exRateInfo; } public static ExchangeRateInfo getExRateInfo(String companyId, String srcCurrId, String destCurrId, Date date, SettlementBillRpcCacheInfo rpcCacheInfo) throws BOSException, EASBizException { if ((FMHelper.isEmpty(companyId)) || (FMHelper.isEmpty(srcCurrId))) { return null; } if (date == null) { date = new Date(); } date = DateTimeUtils.truncateDate(date); String key = companyId + "_" + srcCurrId + "_" + destCurrId + "_" + date.toString(); if (exRateMap.containsKey(key)) { return (ExchangeRateInfo)exRateMap.get(key); } CompanyOrgUnitInfo company = null; if ((rpcCacheInfo.getCurrentCompany() != null) && (rpcCacheInfo.getCurrentCompany().getId().toString().equals(companyId))) { company = rpcCacheInfo.getCurrentCompany(); } else { company = getCompany(companyId); } ExchangeTableInfo baseExTable = company.getBaseExchangeTable(); if (baseExTable == null) { MsgBox.showError(EASResource.getString("", "23_FMClientHelper") + company.getName() + EASResource.getString("", "24_FMClientHelper")); SysUtil.abort(); } String exTableId = baseExTable.getId().toString(); if (FMHelper.isEmpty(destCurrId)) { destCurrId = company.getBaseCurrency().getId().toString(); } IObjectPK exTablePk = new ObjectUuidPK(exTableId); IObjectPK srcCurrPk = new ObjectUuidPK(srcCurrId); IObjectPK destCurrPk = new ObjectUuidPK(destCurrId); IExchangeRate iExRate = ExchangeRateFactory.getRemoteInstance(); ExchangeRateInfo exRateInfo = iExRate.getExchangeRate(exTablePk, srcCurrPk, destCurrPk, date); exRateMap.put(key, exRateInfo); return exRateInfo; } public static CompanyOrgUnitInfo getCompany(String companyId) throws EASBizException, BOSException { CompanyOrgUnitInfo company = null; if (companyMap.containsKey(companyId)) { company = (CompanyOrgUnitInfo)companyMap.get(companyId); } else { company = CompanyOrgUnitFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCompanyOrgUnitInfo(new ObjectUuidPK(companyId)); companyMap.put(companyId, company); } return company; } public static int getPrecOfExRate(String companyId, String srcCurrId, String destCurrId, Date date) throws BOSException, EASBizException { if (FMHelper.isEmpty(destCurrId)) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo company = getCompany(companyId); destCurrId = company.getBaseCurrency().getId().toString(); } String key = srcCurrId + "_" + destCurrId; if (mapPrecOfExRate.containsKey(key)) { return ((Integer)mapPrecOfExRate.get(key)).intValue(); } ExchangeRateInfo exRateInfo = getExRateInfo(companyId, srcCurrId, destCurrId, date); int prec = 5; if (exRateInfo != null) { prec = exRateInfo.getPrecision(); } if (srcCurrId.equals(destCurrId)) { prec = getPrecOfCurrency(; } mapPrecOfExRate.put(key, new Integer(prec)); return prec; } public static BigDecimal getExRate(String companyId, String srcCurrId, String destCurrId, Date date) throws BOSException, EASBizException { ExchangeRateInfo exRateInfo = getExRateInfo(companyId, srcCurrId, destCurrId, date); if (exRateInfo != null) { return exRateInfo.getConvertRate(); } return Constants.ONE; } public static PeriodCollection getValidPeriodColl(CompanyOrgUnitInfo curCompany) { PeriodCollection pc2 = new PeriodCollection(); EntityViewInfo evi = new EntityViewInfo(); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("periodType", curCompany.getAccountPeriodType().getId().toString(), CompareType.EQUALS)); evi.getSorter().add(new SorterItemInfo("periodYear")); evi.getSorter().add(new SorterItemInfo("periodNumber")); evi.setFilter(filter); PeriodCollection pc = null; try { pc = PeriodFactory.getRemoteInstance().getPeriodCollection(evi); } catch (BOSException e) { SysUtil.abort(e); } if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curCompany)) { pc2 = pc; } else { PeriodInfo startPeriod = null; try { startPeriod = SystemStatusCtrolUtils.getStartPeriod(null, SystemEnum.CASHMANAGEMENT, curCompany); } catch (Exception e) { SysUtil.abort(e); } if (startPeriod == null) { MsgBox.showError(EASResource.getString("", "25_FMClientHelper")); SysUtil.abort(); } for (int i = 0; i < pc.size(); i++) { PeriodInfo p = pc.get(i); if (p.getBeginDate().compareTo(startPeriod.getBeginDate()) >= 0) { pc2.add(p); } } } return pc2; } public static TreeMap periodAssembleMap(PeriodCollection pc) { TreeMap result = new TreeMap(); Iterator iter = pc.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PeriodInfo pi = (PeriodInfo); Integer year = new Integer(pi.getPeriodYear()); if (!result.containsKey(year)) { PeriodCollection periodSubCo = new PeriodCollection(); periodSubCo.add(pi); result.put(year, periodSubCo); } else { PeriodCollection periodSubCo = (PeriodCollection)result.get(year); periodSubCo.add(pi); } } return result; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String queryPk = ""; printTDMetaDataField(queryPk); } public static void generateDestBill(CoreBillListUI owner, String srcBosType, String destBosType, CoreBillBaseCollection billCollection) throws Exception { String openType; String openType; if ((owner != null) && ((owner.getUIWindow() instanceof UINewTab))) { openType = UIFactoryName.NEWTAB; } else { String openType; if ((owner != null) && ((owner.getUIWindow() instanceof UIFixTab))) { openType = UIFactoryName.FIXTAB; } else { openType = UIFactoryName.MODEL; } } generateDestBill(owner, srcBosType, destBosType, billCollection, openType); } public static void generateDestBill(CoreBillListUI owner, String srcBosType, String destBosType, String billId) throws Exception { String openType; String openType; if ((owner != null) && ((owner.getUIWindow() instanceof UINewTab))) { openType = UIFactoryName.NEWTAB; } else { String openType; if ((owner != null) && ((owner.getUIWindow() instanceof UIFixTab))) { openType = UIFactoryName.FIXTAB; } else openType = UIFactoryName.MODEL; } generateDestBill(owner, srcBosType, destBosType, billId, openType); } public static void generateDestBill(CoreBillListUI owner, String srcBosType, String destBosType, String billId, String openType) throws Exception { CoreBillBaseInfo billInfo = (CoreBillBaseInfo)EJBAccessFactory.createRemoteInstance().getEntityInfo(billId, owner.getBOTPSelectors()); CoreBillBaseCollection billCollection = new CoreBillBaseCollection(); billCollection.add(billInfo); generateDestBill(owner, srcBosType, destBosType, billCollection, openType); } private static void generateDestBill(CoreBillListUI owner, String srcBosType, String destBosType, CoreBillBaseCollection srcBillCollection, String openType) throws Exception { IBOTMapping botMapping = BOTMappingFactory.getRemoteInstance(); CoreBillBaseInfo billInfo = srcBillCollection.get(0); owner.beforeTransform(srcBillCollection, destBosType); BOTMappingInfo botMappingInfo = botMapping.getMapping(billInfo, destBosType, DefineSysEnum.BTP); if (botMappingInfo == null) { throw new FMException(FMException.NODESTBILL); } IBTPManager iBTPManager = BTPManagerFactory.getRemoteInstance(); BTPTransformResult btpResult = null; String[] ids = new String[srcBillCollection.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < srcBillCollection.size(); i++) { CoreBaseInfo info = srcBillCollection.get(i); ids[i] = info.getId().toString(); } btpResult = iBTPManager.transformForBotp(ids, new String[] { owner.getEntriesName() }, new ArrayList(), getBotpSelectors(botMappingInfo, destBosType, iBTPManager), destBosType, new ObjectUuidPK(botMappingInfo.getId().toString()), srcBosType); IObjectCollection destBillCols = btpResult.getBills(); BOTRelationCollection botRelationCols = btpResult.getBOTRelationCollection(); int showUIMode = botMappingInfo.getIsShowEditUI(); if (showUIMode == 1) { String destBillEditUIClassName = iBTPManager.getEntityObjectInfoExtendPro(destBosType, "editUI"); Map map; Map map; if ((owner != null) && ((owner.getUIWindow() instanceof UINewTab))) { map = new UIContext(owner); } else { map = new UIContext(owner); } map.put("srcBillID", billInfo.getId().toString()); map.put("BOTPViewStatus", new Integer(1)); map.put("fmtype", "createTo"); IUIWindow uiWindow = null; if (destBillCols.size() > 1) { IIDList idList = RealModeIDList.getEmptyIDList(); int i = 0; for (int count = destBillCols.size(); i < count; i++) { CoreBillBaseInfo destBillInfo = (CoreBillBaseInfo)destBillCols.getObject(i); iBTPManager.saveRelations(destBillInfo, botRelationCols); idList.add(destBillInfo.getId().toString()); } idList.setCurrentIndex(0); map.put("ID", idList.getCurrentID()); map.put("IDList", idList); uiWindow = UIFactory.createUIFactory(openType).create(destBillEditUIClassName, map, null, OprtState.EDIT); } else { IObjectValue dataObject = destBillCols.getObject(0); map.put("InitDataObject", dataObject); map.put("BOTPUIParam", "test"); uiWindow = UIFactory.createUIFactory(openType).create(destBillEditUIClassName, map, null, OprtState.ADDNEW); IUIObject uiObject = uiWindow.getUIObject(); if ((uiObject instanceof IBotEditUI)) { ((IBotEditUI)uiObject).initDataObject(dataObject); } if ((uiWindow.getUIObject().getDataObject() == null) || (uiWindow.getUIObject().getDataObject().get("id") == null) || (!uiWindow.getUIObject().getDataObject().get("id").toString().equals(dataObject.get("id").toString()))) { uiObject.setDataObject(dataObject); uiObject.loadFields(); } ((CoreBillEditUI)uiWindow.getUIObject()).setMakeRelations(botRelationCols); }; } else { int i = 0; for (int count = destBillCols.size(); i < count; i++) { CoreBillBaseInfo destBillInfo = (CoreBillBaseInfo)destBillCols.getObject(i); iBTPManager.submitRelations(destBillInfo, botRelationCols); } } } private static SelectorItemCollection getBotpSelectors(BOTMappingInfo botMappingInfo, String destBillTypeBOSType, IBTPManager iBTPManager) throws Exception { SelectorItemCollection botpSelectors = new SelectorItemCollection(); if (botMappingInfo.getIsTempSave() != 2) { botpSelectors = BotpHelper.getBOTPSelectors(botMappingInfo); } else { String destBillEditUIClassName = iBTPManager.getEntityObjectInfoExtendPro(destBillTypeBOSType, "editUI"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(destBillEditUIClassName)) { try { Class c = null; try { c = Class.forName(destBillEditUIClassName + "CTEx", false, AbstractUIFactory.class.getClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { try { c = Class.forName(destBillEditUIClassName + "PIEx", false, AbstractUIFactory.class.getClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException _) { c = Class.forName(destBillEditUIClassName); } } IUIObject uiObj = (IUIObject)c.newInstance(); if ((uiObj instanceof EditUI)) { botpSelectors = ((EditUI)uiObj).getSelectors(); } } catch (Exception _) { } } } return botpSelectors; } public static void viewBgBalance(Component owner, String boName, BgCtrlParamCollection paramColl, IObjectValue info) throws BOSException, EASBizException { IBgControlFacade iBgControlFacade = BgControlFacadeFactory.getRemoteInstance(); BgCtrlResultCollection coll = iBgControlFacade.getBudget(boName, paramColl, info); UIContext uiContext = new UIContext(owner); uiContext.put("BGBALANCE", coll); IUIWindow uiWindow = UIFactory.createUIFactory(UIFactoryName.MODEL).create(BgBalanceViewUI.class.getName(), uiContext, null, OprtState.VIEW);; } public static void viewBgBalance4ListUI(Component owner, String fid) throws BOSException, EASBizException { IBudgetCtrlFacade iBgControlFacade = BudgetCtrlFacadeFactory.getRemoteInstance(); BgCtrlResultCollection coll = iBgControlFacade.getBudget(fid); UIContext uiContext = new UIContext(owner); uiContext.put("BGBALANCE", coll); IUIWindow uiWindow = UIFactory.createUIFactory(UIFactoryName.MODEL).create(BgBalanceViewUI.class.getName(), uiContext, null, OprtState.VIEW);; } public static void viewBgBaoListlance(Component ownerUI, String boId) throws BOSException, EASBizException { BgCtrlResultCollection ctrlResultCol = BudgetCtrlFacadeFactory.getRemoteInstance().getBudget(boId); UIContext uiContext = new UIContext(ownerUI); uiContext.put("BGBALANCE", ctrlResultCol); IUIWindow uiWindow = UIFactory.createUIFactory(UIFactoryName.MODEL).create(BgBalanceViewUI.class.getName(), uiContext, null, OprtState.VIEW);; } public static String getActualAcctTable(String companyId, int beginYear, int beginMonth, int endYear, int endMonth) { if (FMHelper.isEmpty(companyId)) { companyId = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany().getId().toString(); } try { PeriodInfo beginPeriod = PeriodUtils.getPeriodInfo(beginYear, beginMonth, new ObjectUuidPK(companyId)); PeriodInfo endPeriod = PeriodUtils.getPeriodInfo(endYear, endMonth, new ObjectUuidPK(companyId)); return getActualAcctTable(companyId, beginPeriod.getBeginDate(), endPeriod.getEndDate()); } catch (EASBizException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (BOSException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static String getActualAcctTable(String companyId, Date beginDate, Date endDate) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo company = null; try { if (FMHelper.isEmpty(companyId)) { company = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); } else { ICompanyOrgUnit iCompany = CompanyOrgUnitFactory.getRemoteInstance(); company = iCompany.getCompanyOrgUnitInfo(new ObjectUuidPK(companyId)); } String companyid = company.getId().toString(); AccountRefContrastCollection coll = getStrideAcctRefContrastColl(companyid, beginDate, endDate); if ((coll == null) || (coll.isEmpty())) { PeriodInfo period = PeriodUtils.getPeriodInfo(null, endDate, company); if (period == null) { MsgBox.showError(DateUtil.DateToString(endDate) + EASResource.getString("", "26_FMClientHelper")); SysUtil.abort(); } int yearNumber = period.getPeriodYear(); int monthNumber = period.getPeriodNumber(); AccountTableInfo tbl = company.getAccountTable(); String currTableId = AccountTools.getCurrentAcctTable(companyid, tbl.getId().toString(), yearNumber, monthNumber); return currTableId; }if ((null != coll) && (coll.get(0).getRefType() == RefTypeEnum.BOOKS)) return coll.get(0).getEnabledAcctTable().getId().toString(); } catch (EASBizException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BOSException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String msg = new FMException(FMException.HASCOMPANYADJUSTACCT).getMessage(); MsgBox.showError(MessageFormat.format(msg, new String[] { company.getName() })); SysUtil.abort(); return null; } public static AccountRefContrastCollection getStrideAcctRefContrastColl(String companyId, Date beginDate, Date endDate) throws BOSException { FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("", companyId)); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("enabledPeriod.endDate", DateTimeUtils.truncateDate(beginDate), CompareType.GREATER_EQUALS)); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("enabledPeriod.endDate", DateTimeUtils.truncateDate(endDate), CompareType.LESS)); EntityViewInfo evi = new EntityViewInfo(); evi.setFilter(filter); IAccountRefContrast acctContrast = AccountRefContrastFactory.getRemoteInstance(); AccountRefContrastCollection coll = acctContrast.getAccountRefContrastCollection(evi); return coll; } public static AccountRefContrastCollection getEnabledAcctRefContrastColl(String companyId, Date beginDate, Date endDate) throws BOSException { FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("", companyId)); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("enabledPeriod.endDate", DateTimeUtils.truncateDate(beginDate), CompareType.GREATER_EQUALS)); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("enabledPeriod.endDate", DateTimeUtils.truncateDate(endDate), CompareType.LESS_EQUALS)); EntityViewInfo evi = new EntityViewInfo(); evi.setFilter(filter); IAccountRefContrast acctContrast = AccountRefContrastFactory.getRemoteInstance(); AccountRefContrastCollection coll = acctContrast.getAccountRefContrastCollection(evi); return coll; } public static String getActualAcctTable(int beginYear, int beginMonth, int endYear, int endMonth) { return getActualAcctTable(null, beginYear, beginMonth, endYear, endMonth); } /** @deprecated */ public static String getActualAcctTable(Date beginDate, Date endDate) { return getActualAcctTable(null, beginDate, endDate); } public static void checkIsAdjustPeriod(Component uiComp, CompanyOrgUnitInfo companyInfo) { if (isAdjustPeriod(companyInfo)) { MsgBox.showError(uiComp, new FMException(FMException.CURRPERIODISADJUST).getMessage()); SysUtil.abort(); } } public static boolean isAdjustPeriod(CompanyOrgUnitInfo companyInfo) { PeriodInfo periodInfo = null; try { periodInfo = SystemStatusCtrolUtils.getCurrentPeriod(null, SystemEnum.CASHMANAGEMENT, companyInfo); } catch (EASBizException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BOSException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return (periodInfo != null) && (periodInfo.isIsAdjustPeriod()); } public static void setTableAutoSorter(KDTable tbl) { KDTSortManager manager2 = new KDTSortManager(tbl); manager2.setSortAuto(true); for (int i = 0; i < tbl.getColumnCount(); i++) tbl.getColumn(i).setSortable(true); } public static String getSysStatusBarTitle(CoreUI ui, FmRpcCacheInfo rpcCacheInfo) throws EASBizException, BOSException { if (ui == null) { return null; } String packageName = ui.getClass().getPackage().getName(); if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = null; if (rpcCacheInfo == null) { curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); } else { curC = rpcCacheInfo.getCurrentCompany(); } if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } PeriodInfo curP = null; if (rpcCacheInfo == null) { curP = CashClientHelper.getCurrentPeriod(curC); } else { curP = rpcCacheInfo.getCurPeriod(); } if (curP == null) { return null; } return getPeriodString(curP); } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } PeriodInfo curP = SystemStatusCtrolUtils.getCurrentPeriod(null, SystemEnum.GENERALLEDGER, curC); if (curP == null) { return null; } return getPeriodString(curP); } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } PeriodInfo curP = SystemStatusCtrolUtils.getCurrentPeriod(null, SystemEnum.FIXEDASSETS, curC); if (curP == null) { return null; } return getPeriodString(curP); } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } PeriodInfo curP = SystemStatusCtrolUtils.getCurrentPeriod(null, SystemEnum.LOWCOSTMATERIAL, curC); if (curP == null) { return null; } return getPeriodString(curP); } if ((packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith(""))) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = null; if (rpcCacheInfo == null) { curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); } else { curC = rpcCacheInfo.getCurrentCompany(); } if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } BankInfo clearingHouse = null; if (rpcCacheInfo == null) { clearingHouse = BankFactory.getRemoteInstance().getClearingHouse(curC.getId().toString()); } else { clearingHouse = rpcCacheInfo.getClearHouse(); } if (clearingHouse == null) { return null; } Date settleDate = clearingHouse.getSettleDate(); if (settleDate == null) { return null; } return EASResource.getString("", "CHDateTile") + Constants.FORMAT_DAY.format(settleDate); } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } Date settleDate = getDailySettledDate(curC.getId().toString()); if (settleDate == null) { return null; } return EASResource.getString("", "EXCHDateTile") + Constants.FORMAT_DAY.format(settleDate); } return null; } public static String getSysStatusBarTitle(CoreUI ui) throws EASBizException, BOSException { if (ui == null) { return null; } String packageName = ui.getClass().getPackage().getName(); if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } PeriodInfo curP = CashClientHelper.getCurrentPeriod(curC); if (curP == null) { return null; } return getPeriodString(curP); } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } PeriodInfo curP = SystemStatusCtrolUtils.getCurrentPeriod(null, SystemEnum.GENERALLEDGER, curC); if (curP == null) { return null; } return getPeriodString(curP); } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } PeriodInfo curP = SystemStatusCtrolUtils.getCurrentPeriod(null, SystemEnum.FIXEDASSETS, curC); if (curP == null) { return null; } return getPeriodString(curP); } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } PeriodInfo curP = SystemStatusCtrolUtils.getCurrentPeriod(null, SystemEnum.LOWCOSTMATERIAL, curC); if (curP == null) { return null; } return getPeriodString(curP); } if ((packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith(""))) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } BankInfo clearingHouse = null; if ((ui instanceof SettlementBillListUI)) { SettlementBillListUI settleBillListUi = (SettlementBillListUI)ui; clearingHouse = settleBillListUi.rpcCacheInfo.getClearHouse(); } else { clearingHouse = BankFactory.getRemoteInstance().getClearingHouse(curC.getId().toString()); } if (clearingHouse == null) { return null; } Date settleDate = clearingHouse.getSettleDate(); if (settleDate == null) { return null; } return EASResource.getString("", "CHDateTile") + Constants.FORMAT_DAY.format(settleDate); } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } Date settleDate = getDailySettledDate(curC.getId().toString()); if (settleDate == null) { return null; } return EASResource.getString("", "EXCHDateTile") + Constants.FORMAT_DAY.format(settleDate); } return null; } public static String getPeriodString(PeriodInfo curP) { if (curP == null) { return null; } return EASResource.getString("", "PeriodTitle") + curP.getPeriodYear() + EASResource.getString("", "year") + curP.getPeriodNumber() + EASResource.getString("", "period"); } public static Date getDailySettledDate(String companyId) throws BOSException { Date initday = new Date(); String sql = " select FsettleDate from T_SK_SettleDate where FCurCompanyID='" + companyId + "' and FIsinit=0 "; try { IRowSet rs = SQLExecutorFactory.getRemoteInstance(sql).executeSQL(); if ( initday = rs.getDate("FsettleDate"); else return null; } catch (SQLException e) { throw FMHelper.toBOSException(e); } return initday; } public static SystemEnum getSystemEnum(CoreUI ui) { if (ui == null) { return null; } String packageName = ui.getClass().getPackage().getName(); if (packageName.startsWith("")) { return SystemEnum.CASHMANAGEMENT; } if ((packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith(""))) { return SystemEnum.FINANCESETTLE; } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { return SystemEnum.CASHMANAGEMENT; } if ((packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith(""))) { return SystemEnum.FINANCESETTLE; } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { return SystemEnum.NT_MANAGEMENT; } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { return SystemEnum.FINANCEPLAN; } return SystemEnum.FINANCEMANAGE; } public static void setCompontDisplayFormat(CoreUIObject ui, CurrencyInfo currencyInfo) throws EASBizException, BOSException { if (currencyInfo == null) return; int pre = FMHelper.getPrecOfCurrency(null, currencyInfo.getId().toString()); Component[] comps = ui.getComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) { Component comp = comps[i]; if ((comp instanceof KDLabelContainer)) { KDLabelContainer ct = (KDLabelContainer)comp; JComponent editor = ct.getBoundEditor(); if ((editor instanceof KDFormattedTextField)) { KDFormattedTextField txtEditor = (KDFormattedTextField)editor; txtEditor.setHorizontalAlignment(4); txtEditor.setPrecision(pre); txtEditor.setRemoveingZeroInDispaly(false); } } } } public static void setToolTipText(CoreUIObject ui) throws EASBizException, BOSException { Component[] comps = ui.getComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) { Component comp = comps[i]; if ((comp instanceof KDWorkButton)) { KDWorkButton wbComp = (KDWorkButton)comp; wbComp.setToolTipText(wbComp.getText()); } } } public static void showMenu(CoreUIObject ui, String destui) throws UIException { IUIFactory uiFactory = UIFactory.createUIFactory(getEditUIMode(ui)); UIContext uiContext = new UIContext(ui); IUIWindow uiWindow = uiFactory.create(destui, uiContext);; } public static void addToolsMenu(CoreUIObject ui) throws UIException { KDMenuBar bar = ui.getUIMenuBar(); JMenu tools = null; for (int i = 0; i < bar.getMenuCount(); i++) { tools = bar.getMenu(i); if ("menuTool".equalsIgnoreCase(tools.getName())) { break; } } if (tools == null) { return; } if (!containsMenuCustom(ui, tools)) addMenuCustom(ui, tools); } public static void setEditAndBizMemuBarEnabled(CoreUIObject ui, boolean enable) { KDMenuBar bar = ui.getUIMenuBar(); JMenu tools = null; for (int i = 0; i < bar.getMenuCount(); i++) { tools = bar.getMenu(i); if ((tools == null) || ((!"menuEdit".equalsIgnoreCase(tools.getName())) && (!"menuBiz".equalsIgnoreCase(tools.getName())))) { continue; } setMenuEnabled(tools, enable); } } public static void setMenuEnabled(JMenu tools, boolean enable) { Component[] menuComponents = tools.getMenuComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < menuComponents.length; i++) { Component comp = menuComponents[i]; if ((comp instanceof KDMenuItem)) { KDMenuItem kdmenu = (KDMenuItem)comp; Action action = kdmenu.getAction(); action.setEnabled(enable); } } } private static void addMenuCustom(CoreUIObject ui, JMenu tools) { ActionCapitalSum actionCustom = new ActionCapitalSum(ui); KDMenuItem menuItemCustome = new KDMenuItem(); menuItemCustome.setName("menuItemCustome"); menuItemCustome.setAction(actionCustom); menuItemCustome.setMnemonic('Z'); menuItemCustome.setText(EASResource.getString("", "27_FMClientHelper")); tools.add(menuItemCustome); } private static boolean containsMenuCustom(CoreUIObject ui, JMenu tools) { boolean contains = false; Component[] menuComponents = tools.getMenuComponents(); for (int i = 0; i < menuComponents.length; i++) { Component comp = menuComponents[i]; if (!(comp instanceof KDMenuItem)) continue; KDMenuItem kdmenu = (KDMenuItem)comp; if (kdmenu.getName().equals("menuItemCustome")) { contains = true; break; } } return contains; } public static UserInfo getUserByF7Person(CoreUI ui, KDBizPromptBox f7Person) { Object selectPerson = f7Person.getValue(); if ((selectPerson instanceof PersonInfo)) { PersonInfo person = (PersonInfo)selectPerson; EntityViewInfo evi = new EntityViewInfo(); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("", person.getId().toString())); evi.setFilter(filter); try { UserCollection uc = UserFactory.getRemoteInstance().getUserCollection(evi); if ((uc == null) || (uc.size() == 0)) { MsgBox.showWarning(ui, EASResource.getString("", "29_FMClientHelper")); f7Person.requestFocus(); SysUtil.abort(); } else { return uc.get(0); } } catch (BOSException e) { e.printStackTrace(); SysUtil.abort(e); } } else if ((selectPerson instanceof UserInfo)) { return (UserInfo)selectPerson; } return null; } public static void setCustomerFilterF7(CoreUI ui, KDBizPromptBox bizPromptBox, boolean isUnUse, FilterInfo f) { setCustomerFilterF7(ui, bizPromptBox, isUnUse, f, false); } public static void setCustomerFilterF7(CoreUI ui, KDBizPromptBox bizPromptBox, boolean isUnUse, FilterInfo f, boolean isMultiSelect) { bizPromptBox.setQueryInfo(""); isUnUse = false; String cuid = SysContext.getSysContext().getCurrentCtrlUnit().getId().toString(); bizPromptBox.setCommitFormat("$number$"); EntityViewInfo view = new EntityViewInfo(); SorterItemCollection sorc = view.getSorter(); SorterItemInfo sort = new SorterItemInfo("number"); sorc.add(sort); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("usedStatus", new Integer(0), CompareType.NOTEQUALS)); try { FilterInfo Dfilter = GlWebServiceUtil.getDFilterInfo(CustomerFactory.getRemoteInstance(), cuid); if (Dfilter != null) { filter.mergeFilter(Dfilter, "and"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } view.setFilter(filter); bizPromptBox.setEntityViewInfo(view); } public static void setCustomerF7(CoreUI ui, KDBizPromptBox bizPromptBox, boolean isUnUse, FilterInfo f) { setCustomerF7(ui, bizPromptBox, isUnUse, f, false); } public static void setCustomerF7(CoreUI ui, KDBizPromptBox bizPromptBox, boolean isUnUse, FilterInfo f, boolean isMultiSelect) { isUnUse = false; String cuid = SysContext.getSysContext().getCurrentCtrlUnit().getId().toString(); bizPromptBox.setCommitFormat("$number$"); EntityViewInfo view = new EntityViewInfo(); SorterItemCollection sorc = view.getSorter(); SorterItemInfo sort = new SorterItemInfo("number"); sorc.add(sort); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); view.setFilter(filter); FilterItemCollection fic = filter.getFilterItems(); if (!isUnUse) { fic.add(new FilterItemInfo("usedStatus", new Integer(1))); } try { FilterInfo Dfilter = GlWebServiceUtil.getDFilterInfo(CustomerFactory.getRemoteInstance(), cuid); if (Dfilter != null) { filter.mergeFilter(Dfilter, "and"); } if (f != null) filter.mergeFilter(f, "and"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } bizPromptBox.setEntityViewInfo(view); try { GeneralKDPromptSelectorAdaptor gks = new GeneralKDPromptSelectorAdaptor(bizPromptBox, new F7CustomerTreeDetailListUI(), ui, null, "", ""); gks.setQueryProperty("mobile", "and"); gks.setNeedShowUnUsed(isUnUse); if ((ui instanceof RptMultiColumnDesignUI)) { gks.setNeedShowUnUsed(true); } gks.setIsMultiSelect(isMultiSelect); assignSelector(bizPromptBox, gks); } catch (Exception er) { er.printStackTrace(); } bizPromptBox.setQueryInfo(""); } private static void assignSelector(KDPromptBox promptBox, KDPromptSelector selector) { promptBox.setSelector(selector); } public static String getSysStatusBarTitle(CoreUI ui, PeriodInfo curP) throws EASBizException, BOSException { if (ui == null) { return null; } String packageName = ui.getClass().getPackage().getName(); if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } if (curP == null) { return null; } return getPeriodString(curP); } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } if (curP == null) { return null; } return getPeriodString(curP); } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } if (curP == null) { return null; } return getPeriodString(curP); } if (packageName.startsWith("")) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } if (curP == null) { return null; } return getPeriodString(curP); } if ((packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith("")) || (packageName.startsWith(""))) { CompanyOrgUnitInfo curC = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); if (GlUtils.isCompanyUnion(curC)) { return null; } BankInfo clearingHouse = BankFactory.getRemoteInstance().getClearingHouse(curC.getId().toString()); if (clearingHouse == null) { return null; } Date settleDate = clearingHouse.getSettleDate(); if (settleDate == null) { return null; } return EASResource.getString("", "CHDateTile") + Constants.FORMAT_DAY.format(settleDate); } return null; } public static PeriodInfo checkIsAdjustPeriodAndReturn(Component uiComp, CompanyOrgUnitInfo companyInfo) { PeriodInfo periodInfo = null; try { periodInfo = SystemStatusCtrolUtils.getCurrentPeriod(null, SystemEnum.CASHMANAGEMENT, companyInfo); } catch (Exception e) { MsgBox.showError(uiComp, e.getMessage()); SysUtil.abort(); } if ((periodInfo != null) && (periodInfo.isIsAdjustPeriod())) { MsgBox.showError(uiComp, new FMException(FMException.CURRPERIODISADJUST).getMessage()); SysUtil.abort(); } return periodInfo; } public static void checkIsAdjustPeriod(Component uiComp, PeriodInfo periodInfo) { if ((periodInfo != null) && (periodInfo.isIsAdjustPeriod())) { MsgBox.showError(uiComp, new FMException(FMException.CURRPERIODISADJUST).getMessage()); SysUtil.abort(); } } public static void setRequireByParam(KDBizPromptBox bizBox, String param, String companyId) { boolean val = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getBooleanParam(param, new ObjectUuidPK(companyId)); if (val) bizBox.setRequired(true); else bizBox.setRequired(false); } public static void setRequireByParam(KDTextField txtField, String param, String companyId) { boolean val = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getBooleanParam(param, new ObjectUuidPK(companyId)); if (val) txtField.setRequired(true); else txtField.setRequired(false); } public static void setNumberFormat(KDTable table, String[] cols, String sFmt) { int i = 0; for (int len = cols.length; i < len; i++) table.getColumn(cols[i]).getStyleAttributes().setNumberFormat(sFmt); } public static void setBaseFilter(KDBizPromptBox prmt) throws EASBizException, BOSException { EntityViewInfo ev = new EntityViewInfo(); FilterInfo filter = new FilterInfo(); ev.setFilter(filter); filter.getFilterItems().add(new FilterItemInfo("deletedStatus", new Integer(2), CompareType.NOTEQUALS)); prmt.setEntityViewInfo(ev); prmt.getQueryAgent().resetRuntimeEntityView(); } public static void checkPeriod(CoreUI ui) throws EASBizException, BOSException { CompanyOrgUnitInfo currentCompany = ContextHelperFactory.getRemoteInstance().getCurrentCompany(); PeriodInfo currPeriodInfo = SystemStatusCtrolUtils.getCurrentPeriod(null, SystemEnum.CASHMANAGEMENT, currentCompany); PeriodInfo startPeriodInfo = SystemStatusCtrolUtils.getStartPeriod(null, SystemEnum.CASHMANAGEMENT, currentCompany); if ((currPeriodInfo == null) || (startPeriodInfo == null)) { MsgBox.showWarning(ui, EASResource.getString("", "StartPeriod_NullMsg")); SysUtil.abort(); } } public static Date getServerDate() { Date date = new Date(); try { date = SettleFacadeFactory.getRemoteInstance().getServerDate(); } catch (EASBizException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BOSException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return date; } public static void addDataFilter(FilterInfo filter, ArrayList param) throws BOSException { if ((filter == null) || (filter.getFilterItems().size() == 0)) { return; } if ((param == null) || (param.size() == 0)) { return; } FilterInfo datafilter = null; if ((param != null) && (param.size() > 0)) { DSParam dp = (DSParam)param.get(0); String s = dp.getColName(); if ((s != null) && (s.equalsIgnoreCase("datafilter"))) { String f = dp.getAssociateField(); try { datafilter = new FilterInfo(f); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(f); e.printStackTrace(); } } } if ((datafilter != null) && (datafilter.getFilterItems().size() > 0)) filter.mergeFilter(datafilter, "AND"); } public static String[] IDListToArray(IIDList idlist) { String[] ids = new String[idlist.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < idlist.size(); i++) { ids[i] = idlist.getID(i); } return ids; } public static Set IDListToSet(IIDList idlist) { Set ids = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < idlist.size(); i++) { ids.add(idlist.getID(i)); } return ids; } public static Set list2Set(IIDList list) { Set idSet = new HashSet(); if ((list == null) || (list.size() < 1)) { return idSet; } int i = 0; for (int size = list.size(); i < size; i++) { list.setCurrentIndex(i); idSet.add(list.getCurrentID()); } return idSet; } public static void setCutValue(KDFormattedTextField cmp, Number value) { setCutValue(cmp, value, true); } public static void setCutValue(KDFormattedTextField cmp, Number value, boolean fireListener) { if (null == cmp) { return; } if ((value instanceof BigDecimal)) { value = ((BigDecimal)value).setScale(cmp.getPrecision(), 4); } cmp.setNumberValue(value, fireListener); } public static void setCutValue(KDNumberTextField cmp, Number value, boolean fireListener) { if (null == cmp) { return; } if ((value instanceof BigDecimal)) { value = ((BigDecimal)value).setScale(cmp.getPrecision(), 4); } cmp.setNumberValue(value, fireListener); } public static void initBgItemF71(KDBizPromptBox prmt) { NewBgItemDialog bgItemSelect = new NewBgItemDialog(); prmt.setSelector(bgItemSelect); prmt.setDisplayFormat("$name$"); prmt.setEditFormat("$number$"); prmt.setCommitFormat("$number$;$name$"); } public static void initBgItemF7(KDBizPromptBox prmtBgItem, FpCashDirectionEnum[] enums, boolean isShowLeafOnly, boolean isSelectCombinItem) { BgItemForFpDialog bgItemSelect = new BgItemForFpDialog(); bgItemSelect.setSelectCombinItem(isSelectCombinItem); bgItemSelect.setShowLeafOnly(isShowLeafOnly); bgItemSelect.setCashDirection(enums); prmtBgItem.setSelector(bgItemSelect); prmtBgItem.setDisplayFormat("$name$"); prmtBgItem.setEditFormat("$number$"); prmtBgItem.setCommitFormat("$number$;$name$"); } public static void loadFieldsBgItem(KDBizPromptBox prmt, CoreBaseInfo info, FMBgItemProp bgItemProp) { String valueBgItemID = info.getString(bgItemProp.getBgItemIDProp()); String valueBgItemNumber = info.getString(bgItemProp.getBgItemNumberProp()); String valueBgItemName = info.getString(bgItemProp.getBgItemNameProp()); if (valueBgItemNumber == null) { prmt.setValue(null); return; } VisualItemInfo bgItem = new VisualItemInfo(); BOSUuid uuId = FMHelper.isEmpty(valueBgItemID) ? null :; bgItem.setId(uuId); bgItem.setNumber(valueBgItemNumber); bgItem.setName(valueBgItemName); prmt.setValue(bgItem); } public static void loadFieldsBgItem(ICell cell, CoreBaseInfo info, FMBgItemProp bgItemProp) { String valueBgItemID = info.getString(bgItemProp.getBgItemIDProp()); String valueBgItemNumber = info.getString(bgItemProp.getBgItemNumberProp()); String valueBgItemName = info.getString(bgItemProp.getBgItemNameProp()); if (valueBgItemNumber == null) { cell.setValue(null); return; } VisualItemInfo bgItem = new VisualItemInfo(); BOSUuid uuId = valueBgItemID == null ? null :; bgItem.setId(uuId); bgItem.setNumber(valueBgItemNumber); bgItem.setName(valueBgItemName); cell.setValue(bgItem); } public static void storeFieldsBgItem(KDBizPromptBox prmt, CoreBaseInfo info, FMBgItemProp bgItemProp) { if (prmt.getValue() == null) { info.setString(bgItemProp.getBgItemIDProp(), null); info.setString(bgItemProp.getBgItemNumberProp(), null); info.setString(bgItemProp.getBgItemNameProp(), null); } else { VisualItemInfo bgItem = (VisualItemInfo)prmt.getValue(); String bgItemId = bgItem.getId() == null ? null : bgItem.getId().toString(); info.setString(bgItemProp.getBgItemIDProp(), bgItemId); info.setString(bgItemProp.getBgItemNumberProp(), bgItem.getNumber()); info.setString(bgItemProp.getBgItemNameProp(), bgItem.getName()); } } public static void storeFieldsBgItem(ICell cell, CoreBaseInfo info, FMBgItemProp bgItemProp) { if (cell.getValue() == null) { info.setString(bgItemProp.getBgItemIDProp(), null); info.setString(bgItemProp.getBgItemNumberProp(), null); info.setString(bgItemProp.getBgItemNameProp(), null); } else { VisualItemInfo bgItem = (VisualItemInfo)cell.getValue(); String bgItemId = bgItem.getId() == null ? null : bgItem.getId().toString(); info.setString(bgItemProp.getBgItemIDProp(), bgItemId); info.setString(bgItemProp.getBgItemNumberProp(), bgItem.getNumber()); info.setString(bgItemProp.getBgItemNameProp(), bgItem.getName()); } } public static void initFpOrBgF7Item(boolean isFpItem, KDLabelContainer fpF7cont, KDLabelContainer bgF7cont) { if ((fpF7cont == null) || (bgF7cont == null)) { return; } if (isFpItem) { fpF7cont.setVisible(true); bgF7cont.setVisible(false); } else { fpF7cont.setVisible(false); bgF7cont.setVisible(true); } } public static void initFpOrBgF7Item(boolean isFpItem, IColumn fpItem, IColumn bgItem) { if ((fpItem == null) || (bgItem == null)) { return; } if (isFpItem) { fpItem.getStyleAttributes().setHided(false); fpItem.setWidth(200); bgItem.getStyleAttributes().setHided(true); bgItem.setWidth(0); } else { fpItem.getStyleAttributes().setHided(true); fpItem.setWidth(0); bgItem.getStyleAttributes().setHided(false); bgItem.setWidth(200); } } public static boolean getIsFpOrBg() { try { String paramValue = ParamManager.getParamValue(null, null, "BG056"); return (!FMHelper.isEmpty(paramValue)) && (!"0".equals(paramValue)); } catch (EASBizException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (BOSException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } public static void addViewCompHelper(CoreUI uiObject, KDMenu menu) { ViewComps viewer = new ViewComps(uiObject); menu.add(viewer.getMenuItemShowInfo()); } private static Object getSafeValue(Object o2, Field f3) { f3.setAccessible(true); Object o3 = null; try { o3 = f3.get(o2); } catch (Exception e) { } return o3; } public static Object getField(Object obj, String fieldName) throws SecurityException { if (obj == null) { return EASResource.getString("", "30_FMClientHelper"); } Field f = null; try { f = obj.getClass().getField(fieldName); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { } if (f == null) { try { f = obj.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { } if (f == null) { Class superclass = obj.getClass().getSuperclass(); while ((f == null) && (superclass != null)) { try { f = superclass.getDeclaredField(fieldName); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { } superclass = superclass.getSuperclass(); } } } return f == null ? EASResource.getString("", "31_FMClientHelper") : getSafeValue(obj, f); } public static Object invokeMethod(String methodName, Class[] parameterTypes, Object obj, Object[] args) throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { if ((obj == null) || (methodName == null) || (methodName.length() == 0)) { return EASResource.getString("", "30_FMClientHelper"); } Method method = null; try { method = obj.getClass().getMethod(methodName, parameterTypes); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } if (method == null) { try { method = obj.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName, parameterTypes); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } if (method == null) { Class superclass = obj.getClass().getSuperclass(); while ((method == null) && (superclass != null)) { try { method = superclass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, parameterTypes); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } superclass = superclass.getSuperclass(); } } if (method != null) { method.setAccessible(true); } } return method == null ? EASResource.getString("", "32_FMClientHelper") : method.invoke(obj, args); } public static String getListSql(ListUI ui) throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, BOSException { if (ui == null) { return EASResource.getString("", "33_FMClientHelper"); } IMetaDataPK queryPK = ui.getMainQueryPK(); EntityViewInfo query = ui.getMainQuery(); Object ret = invokeMethod("getQueryExecutor", new Class[] { IMetaDataPK.class, EntityViewInfo.class }, ui, new Object[] { queryPK, query }); return ((IQueryExecutor)ret).getSQL(); } public static String getF7Sql(KDBizPromptBox f7) throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, BOSException { if (f7 == null) { return EASResource.getString("", "33_FMClientHelper"); } return f7.getQueryAgent().getQueryExecutor().getSQL(); } public static String searchMenu(String menuName) { return "select fname_l2,fshortcutcode,fuiclassname,fuiclassparam from t_bas_sysmenuitem where fname_l2 like '%" + menuName + "%' "; } public static String getTansSql(String sql, int DBtype) throws SqlTranslateException { return TransUtil.Translate(sql, DBtype); } public static Component getCompNameByInfoPropName(CoreUIObject ui, String propertyName) throws SecurityException { DataBinder dataBinder = (DataBinder)getField(ui, "dataBinder"); return dataBinder.getComponetByField(propertyName); } public static String helps() { return EASResource.getString("", "34_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.getField(CoreUI, \"editData\") \n" + "\n" + EASResource.getString("", "35_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.getListSql(CoreUI) \n" + "\n" + EASResource.getString("", "36_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.getF7Sql( ) \n" + "\n" + EASResource.getString("", "37_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.invoke(\"com.kingdee.eas.\",\"\", new Object[]{ }) \n" + "\n" + EASResource.getString("", "38_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.searchMenu(\"\") \n" + "\n" + EASResource.getString("", "39_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.locateClassClt(\"com.kingdee.eas..class\") \n" + "\n" + EASResource.getString("", "40_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.locateClassSvr(\"com.kingdee.eas..class\") \n" + "\n" + EASResource.getString("", "41_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.locateMetaClt(\"\") \n" + "\n" + EASResource.getString("", "42_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.locateMetaSvr(\"\") \n" + "\n" + EASResource.getString("", "43_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.saveClassOrJarFileClt(\"com.kingdee.eas..class\", \"c:\") \n" + "\n" + EASResource.getString("", "44_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.saveClassOrJarFileSvr(\"com.kingdee.eas..class\", \"c:\") \n" + "\n" + EASResource.getString("", "45_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.getCompNameByInfoPropName(CoreUI, \"number\" ) \n" + "\n" + EASResource.getString("", "46_FMClientHelper") + "FMClientHelper.invokeMethod(\"\", new Class[]{ }, CoreUI, new Object[]{ }) \n"; } public static Object invoke(String className, String methodName, Object[] args) throws BOSException { return DynamicObjectFactory.getRemoteInstance().invoke(className, methodName, args); } public static String locateClassClt(String className) throws Exception { int idx = className.lastIndexOf('.'); String ext = className.substring(idx); className = className.substring(0, idx).replace('.', '/'); if (!className.startsWith("/")) className = "/" + className; className = className + ext; URL classUrl = null; classUrl = Class.class.getResource(className); if (classUrl != null) { return classUrl.toString() + "\n" + ReadFileInfoHelper.getModifiedTimeAndSize(classUrl); } return null; } public static String saveClassOrJarFileClt(String className, String destPath) throws Exception { int idx = className.lastIndexOf('.'); String ext = className.substring(idx); className = className.substring(0, idx).replace('.', '/'); if (!className.startsWith("/")) className = "/" + className; className = className + ext; URL classUrl = null; classUrl = Class.class.getResource(className); InputStream in = null; if (classUrl != null) in = Class.class.getResourceAsStream(className); else try { in = new FileInputStream(new File(className)); } catch (Exception e) { } if (in != null) { OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(destPath, className.split("/")[(className.split("/").length - 1)])); try { StreamUtil.copy(in, out, 32768); } finally { StreamUtil.closeStream(in); StreamUtil.closeStream(out); } return "ok"; } return "not found"; } public static String saveClassOrJarFileSvr(String className, String destPath) throws Exception { IFMCommonFacade Ifmcomm = FMCommonFacadeFactory.getRemoteInstance(); try { Map ret = Ifmcomm.beforeDownLoadClassOrJarFile(className); boolean isSucceed = ((Boolean)ret.get("isSucceed")).booleanValue(); if (isSucceed) { url = System.getProperty("UPDATE_SERVER"); saveToFile(url + "/" + className, destPath + "/" + className); String str1 = "ok"; return str1; } String url = (String)ret.get("infomation"); return url; } finally { Ifmcomm.afterDownLoadClassOrJarFile(className); } throw localObject; } private static void saveToFile(String destUrl, String fileName) throws IOException { FileOutputStream fos = null; BufferedInputStream bis = null; HttpURLConnection httpUrl = null; URL url = null; byte[] buf = new byte[32768]; int size = 0; url = new URL(destUrl); httpUrl = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); httpUrl.connect(); bis = new BufferedInputStream(httpUrl.getInputStream()); File file = new File(fileName); if (!file.exists()) { if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } file.createNewFile(); } fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName); try { while ((size = != -1) fos.write(buf, 0, size); } finally { fos.close(); bis.close(); httpUrl.disconnect(); } } public static String locateMetaClt(String metaName) throws Exception { int idx = metaName.lastIndexOf('.'); String ext = metaName.substring(idx); metaName = metaName.substring(0, idx).replace('.', '/'); if (!metaName.startsWith("/")) metaName = "/" + metaName; metaName = metaName + ext; URL classUrl = null; classUrl = MDLoader.createInstance(null).cl.findResource(metaName); if (classUrl != null) { return classUrl.toString() + "\n" + ReadFileInfoHelper.getModifiedTimeAndSize(classUrl); } return null; } public static String locateClassSvr(String className) { try { return FMCommonFacadeFactory.getRemoteInstance().locateClassSvr(className); } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } public static String locateMetaSvr(String metaName) { try { return FMCommonFacadeFactory.getRemoteInstance().locateMetaSvr(metaName); } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } public static void txtBoxShow(Object[] box, int alignment) { if (box == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < box.length; i++) if ((box[i] instanceof KDFormattedTextField)) { KDFormattedTextField kdBox = (KDFormattedTextField)box[i]; kdBox.setHorizontalAlignment(alignment); } } public static void initSpComponents(KDComboBox cboCurrency, KDFormattedTextField txtAmt, KDFormattedTextField txtRate, KDFormattedTextField txtBaseAmt, CurrencyInfo baseCurrency, KDDatePicker bizDate, CompanyOrgUnitInfo currentCompany) { ActionHelper.initSpComponents(cboCurrency, txtAmt, txtRate, txtBaseAmt, baseCurrency, bizDate, currentCompany); } public static void initBankInterface(KDComboBox cmp, String bank) throws Exception { Object[] bankCert = null; try { bankCert = BankFacadeFactory.getRemoteInstance().getBankCert(bank); } catch (Exception e) { MsgBox.showWarning(e.getMessage()); } cmp.removeAllItems(); cmp.addItems(bankCert); } public static void showMsgBox(Component comp, Map value, Map color) throws Exception { IUIWindow uiWindow = null; UIContext uiContext = new UIContext(comp); uiContext.put("value", value); uiContext.put("color", color); uiWindow = UIFactory.createUIFactory(UIFactoryName.MODEL).create(MsgBoxUI.class.getName(), uiContext, null, OprtState.EDIT);; ((MsgBoxUI)uiWindow.getUIObject()); int result = MsgBoxUI.result; if (result == 0) SysUtil.abort(); } static class ActionCapitalSum extends ItemAction { public ActionCapitalSum() { this(null); } public ActionCapitalSum(IUIObject uiObject) { super(); String _tempStr = null; putValue("AcceleratorKey", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("shift ctrl 1")); _tempStr = EASResource.getString("", "28_FMClientHelper"); putValue("ShortDescription", _tempStr); putValue("LongDescription", _tempStr); putValue("Name", _tempStr); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { FMClientHelper.showMenu((CoreUIObject)getUIObject(), RptCapitalSumMainUI.class.getName()); } catch (UIException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } }
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