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Android HAL consists of several hardware accelerated modules, and copybit is one of them implemented in G1 phone.
While OpenGL ES cannot be used or it's in software implementation, copybit is used. Actually in cupcake branch, SurfaceFlinger always uses copybit instead of GL if copybit is available -- but that's an oversight.
[[ Functions ]]
copybit is just an abstraction for a basic 2D blitter with support for rotation, scaling and color/pixelformat conversions. These features can be supported in full or partially.
If the copybit module is present, then SurfaceFlinger will try to use it instead of using OpenGL ES.
On the G1 copybit is used for all window compositions and video playback (CC and scaling), on this h/w copybit is very fast and provide very good up and down scaling.
[[ Donut Changes ]]
HOWEVER, on the release after Donut, the copybit module won't be used by SurfaceFlinger directly, instead it will be used as a back-end for our software OpenGL ES 1.x and SurfaceFlinger will only use the OpenGL ES API. Eventually, the copybit module will be phased out, instead, we will ask the ISV/OEMs to implement these features on their OpenGL ES drivers, if they think it is necessary.
[[ Usability ]]
If your h/w doesn't have accelerated GL, but has some sort of decent 2D blitter, you can write a copybit HAL module for it, and it will be used automatically by SurfaceFlinger -- at least under cupcake and donut.
[[ Limitations ]]
There are no mechanism to accelerate applications at the moment. Skia is a purely software renderer. It can greatly benefit from newer CPUs though, which have SIMD instructions, often, it'll be able to operate at bus speed in that case. We're working on optimization in that area.
If a device has a GPU, it makes no sense to implement copybit, because
(1) it won't be used by apps and
(2) SurfaceFlinger already uses the GPU for its work.
Now, if the device has an additional 2D part (like the G1), it is useful to implement copybit, this way application won't have to share the GPU with SurfaceFlinger
From: http://hi.baidu.com/zhupan19851230/item/a2a9ff13a1ffd606b98a1ad4
While OpenGL ES cannot be used or it's in software implementation, copybit is used. Actually in cupcake branch, SurfaceFlinger always uses copybit instead of GL if copybit is available -- but that's an oversight.
[[ Functions ]]
copybit is just an abstraction for a basic 2D blitter with support for rotation, scaling and color/pixelformat conversions. These features can be supported in full or partially.
If the copybit module is present, then SurfaceFlinger will try to use it instead of using OpenGL ES.
On the G1 copybit is used for all window compositions and video playback (CC and scaling), on this h/w copybit is very fast and provide very good up and down scaling.
[[ Donut Changes ]]
HOWEVER, on the release after Donut, the copybit module won't be used by SurfaceFlinger directly, instead it will be used as a back-end for our software OpenGL ES 1.x and SurfaceFlinger will only use the OpenGL ES API. Eventually, the copybit module will be phased out, instead, we will ask the ISV/OEMs to implement these features on their OpenGL ES drivers, if they think it is necessary.
[[ Usability ]]
If your h/w doesn't have accelerated GL, but has some sort of decent 2D blitter, you can write a copybit HAL module for it, and it will be used automatically by SurfaceFlinger -- at least under cupcake and donut.
[[ Limitations ]]
There are no mechanism to accelerate applications at the moment. Skia is a purely software renderer. It can greatly benefit from newer CPUs though, which have SIMD instructions, often, it'll be able to operate at bus speed in that case. We're working on optimization in that area.
If a device has a GPU, it makes no sense to implement copybit, because
(1) it won't be used by apps and
(2) SurfaceFlinger already uses the GPU for its work.
Now, if the device has an additional 2D part (like the G1), it is useful to implement copybit, this way application won't have to share the GPU with SurfaceFlinger
From: http://hi.baidu.com/zhupan19851230/item/a2a9ff13a1ffd606b98a1ad4
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`copybit` 是 Android 操作系统中的一个重要组件,主要用于屏幕的拷贝与显示操作。它提供了高效的 2D 图形加速功能,尤其对于简单的图形变换(如缩放、旋转等)具有较高的性能表现。本文将重点介绍高通平台下基于 ...
Copybit 是 Android 中的一种技术,使用 2D 引擎来加速图形操作,主要是 Surface 之间的 composition 操作。 五、Skia 在 Android 中的作用 Skia 是 Android 中的 2D 图形库,用于绘制文字、几何图形、图像等。...
例如,copybit.c中的接口就提供了对显示硬件的直接控制,实现了高效的数据复制和混合操作。 总结来说,Android的显示框架是通过精细的硬件和软件协同工作来实现高效、流畅的图像呈现。从高通7系列的硬件组件到Linux...
/hardware/libhardware/include/hardware 目录下包含了多个头文件,例如 hardware.h、copybit.h、gralloc.h、lights.h、overlay.h、qemud.h 和 sensors.h 等,这些头文件都是通用硬件模块的头文件。 /hardware/...
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不同版本的Android对这两种技术的支持有所不同,Android 1.6之前倾向于优先使用copybit,而在1.6之后,copybit更多地作为OpenGL ES 1.x的后端处理使用。 综上所述,随着Android系统的不断发展,其对硬件的需求也在...
- **Copybit in libagl**:自2010年7月30日起,Android 4.0不再支持libagl中的Copybit功能。 - **OpenGLES 2.0 Support**:增加了对OpenGLES 2.0的支持。 - **High-level Render Scripts Support**:基于LLVM提供...
总之,Surface Flinger在Android系统中是图形渲染的中枢,它负责合成多个应用的图形层,协调硬件资源,如EGL上下文、Copybit和Overlay引擎,以确保平滑、高效的显示效果。通过与OpenGL ES库和其他系统服务的交互,...
* Copybit * Audio * Camera * Lights * Ril * Overlay 等 四、两种 HAL 架构比较 目前存在两种 HAL 架构,位于 libhardware_legacy 目录下的“旧 HAL 架构”和位于 libhardware 目录下的“新 HAL 架构”。两种...
Android OpenGL的2D部分描述了与2D图形相关的API使用,以及libagl库中的copybit函数的作用。copybit函数用于在屏幕合成器(SurfaceFlinger)和应用程序之间共享位图数据。这通常用于提高图像渲染的效率,尤其是在...
Android的硬件抽象层(HAL: Hardware Abstract Layer)是操作系统与硬件设备驱动程序之间的一个关键接口。HAL的主要目标是隐藏不同硬件实现的复杂性,使框架层可以以统一的方式来调用各种硬件功能,无论硬件的具体实现...
- `/hardware/libhardware/include/hardware`:此目录包含了多个硬件模块的头文件,例如`hardware.h`、`copybit.h`、`gralloc.h`等。 - `/hardware/libhardware/modules`:此目录下定义了许多具体的硬件模块,如...
在Android display部分,HAL的实现代码位于`copybit.c`文件中,应用程序可以直接调用这些接口进行操作。 ##### Linux Kernel层 Linux内核中与显示相关的主要是FrameBuffer机制,这是一种模拟显卡功能的抽象层,...
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