
myth buster - typeof accepting array of types not acceptable

  • C#

I have seen from some book where this kind of code has been given.

Type[] types = typeof(TypeA, TypeB);

whether it is some new feature that has y et to be supported now, or is it somehting that is typo from the original books...
Let's give a try, and below is the test result.

    class TypeA
    { }

    class TypeB

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Type[] types = typeof(TypeA, TypeB);
            if (types.Length > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("syntax type(ypeA, TypeB) is OK");
                Console.WriteLine("syntax type(TypeA, TypeB) is not OK");

 while, the code stop to compile in the first place. so the myth-buster, typeof can accept more than one type as arguments - proven false. 






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