苹果应用安装程序,其实质是一个压缩文件,里面包含应用所需的图片资源,但被压缩过,无法直接拿来使用,需要在MacOSX 中调用pngcrush工具把图片转换成正常的图像才行。在Windows系统上,在sf上有个开源工具号称可以转换,但没搞明白如何使用,放弃了。今天从国外网站找了个Python脚本,还没试,等需要的时候再试。
#--- # iPIN - iPhone PNG Images Normalizer v1.0 # Copyright (C) 2007 # # Author: # Axel E. Brzostowski # http://www.axelbrz.com.ar/ # axelbrz@gmail.com # # References: # http://iphone.fiveforty.net/wiki/index.php/PNG_Images # http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/spec/1.2/PNG-Contents.html # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # #--- from struct import * from zlib import * import stat import sys import os def getNormalizedPNG(filename): pngheader = "\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n" file = open(filename, "rb") oldPNG = file.read() file.close() if oldPNG[:8] != pngheader: return None newPNG = oldPNG[:8] chunkPos = len(newPNG) # For each chunk in the PNG file while chunkPos < len(oldPNG): # Reading chunk chunkLength = oldPNG[chunkPos:chunkPos+4] chunkLength = unpack(">L", chunkLength)[0] chunkType = oldPNG[chunkPos+4 : chunkPos+8] chunkData = oldPNG[chunkPos+8:chunkPos+8+chunkLength] chunkCRC = oldPNG[chunkPos+chunkLength+8:chunkPos+chunkLength+12] chunkCRC = unpack(">L", chunkCRC)[0] chunkPos += chunkLength + 12 # Parsing the header chunk if chunkType == "IHDR": width = unpack(">L", chunkData[0:4])[0] height = unpack(">L", chunkData[4:8])[0] # Parsing the image chunk if chunkType == "IDAT": try: # Uncompressing the image chunk bufSize = width * height * 4 + height chunkData = decompress( chunkData, -8, bufSize) except Exception, e: # The PNG image is normalized return None # Swapping red & blue bytes for each pixel newdata = "" for y in xrange(height): i = len(newdata) newdata += chunkData[i] for x in xrange(width): i = len(newdata) newdata += chunkData[i+2] newdata += chunkData[i+1] newdata += chunkData[i+0] newdata += chunkData[i+3] # Compressing the image chunk chunkData = newdata chunkData = compress( chunkData ) chunkLength = len( chunkData ) chunkCRC = crc32(chunkType) chunkCRC = crc32(chunkData, chunkCRC) chunkCRC = (chunkCRC + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000 # Removing CgBI chunk if chunkType != "CgBI": newPNG += pack(">L", chunkLength) newPNG += chunkType if chunkLength > 0: newPNG += chunkData newPNG += pack(">L", chunkCRC) # Stopping the PNG file parsing if chunkType == "IEND": break return newPNG def updatePNG(filename): data = getNormalizedPNG(filename) if data != None: file = open(filename, "wb") file.write(data) file.close() return True return data def getFiles(base): global _dirs global _pngs if base == ".": _dirs = [] _pngs = [] if base in _dirs: return files = os.listdir(base) for file in files: filepath = os.path.join(base, file) try: st = os.lstat(filepath) except os.error: continue if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): if not filepath in _dirs: getFiles(filepath) _dirs.append( filepath ) elif file[-4:].lower() == ".png": if not filepath in _pngs: _pngs.append( filepath ) if base == ".": return _dirs, _pngs print "-----------------------------------" print " iPhone PNG Images Normalizer v1.0" print "-----------------------------------" print " " print "[+] Searching PNG files...", dirs, pngs = getFiles(".") print "ok" if len(pngs) == 0: print " " print "[!] Alert: There are no PNG files found. Move this python file to the folder that contains the PNG files to normalize." exit() print " " print " - %d PNG files were found at this folder (and subfolders)." % len(pngs) print " " while True: normalize = raw_input("[?] Do you want to normalize all images (Y/N)? ").lower() if len(normalize) > 0 and (normalize[0] == "y" or normalize[0] == "n"): break normalized = 0 if normalize[0] == "y": for ipng in xrange(len(pngs)): perc = (float(ipng) / len(pngs)) * 100.0 print "%.2f%% %s" % (perc, pngs[ipng]) if updatePNG(pngs[ipng]): normalized += 1 print " " print "[+] %d PNG files were normalized." % normalized
这次我们要探讨的是如何在Java环境中处理iOS应用(IPA)中的PNG图像文件,并将其解码以便在Windows或其他非iOS平台上正常显示。首先,让我们理解一下问题的背景。 PNG(Portable Network Graphics)是一种无损压缩...
4. ipin.py:这是源代码文件的名字,通常是一个Python脚本,用于实现从IPA文件中提取PNG图片的功能。Python是一种广泛使用的编程语言,因其简洁的语法和丰富的库支持而适合进行这样的任务。它可能包含了读取ZIP文件...
1. 查找:Python脚本可以遍历项目的资源文件,如图片(.png, .jpg等)和本地化文件(.strings)。 2. 替换:通过正则表达式或特定规则定位需要替换的资源,然后进行替换操作。例如,替换图片名称或字符串变量。 四...
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1. **编程语言**:如果压缩包包含代码文件(如`.java`、`.py`、`.cpp`等),它们可能涉及Java、Python或C++等编程语言的基础知识,包括语法、数据结构、算法等。 2. **软件开发**:可能包含项目文件(`.git`、`.sln...
在 Python 中编写测试脚本,我们可以调用 WebDriver 提供的各种方法来模拟用户操作,如点击按钮、输入文本、滑动屏幕等。例如: ```python driver.find_element_by_name('ButtonName').click() # 点击按钮 driver....