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ffmpeg api

  • php

ffmpeg_movie object methods
Method Description
$movie = new ffmpeg_movie(String path_to_media, boolean persistent) Open a video or audio file and return it as an object.
path_to_media - File path of video or audio file to open.
persistent - Whether to open this media as a persistent resource. See the PHP documentation for more info about persistent resources
$movie->getDuration() Return the duration of a movie or audio file in seconds.
$movie->getFrameCount() Return the number of frames in a movie or audio file.
$movie->getFrameRate() Return the frame rate of a movie in fps.
$movie->getFilename() Return the path and name of the movie file or audio file.
$movie->getComment() Return the comment field from the movie or audio file.
$movie->getTitle() Return the title field from the movie or audio file.
$movie->getAuthor() alias $movie->getArtist() Return the author field from the movie or the artist ID3 field from an mp3 file.
$movie->getCopyright() Return the copyright field from the movie or audio file.
$movie->getArtist() Return the artist ID3 field from an mp3 file.
$movie->getGenre() Return the genre ID3 field from an mp3 file.
$movie->getTrackNumber() Return the track ID3 field from an mp3 file.
$movie->getYear() Return the year ID3 field from an mp3 file.
$movie->getFrameHeight() Return the height of the movie in pixels.
$movie->getFrameWidth() Return the width of the movie in pixels.
$movie->getPixelFormat() Return the pixel format of the movie.
$movie->getBitRate() Return the bit rate of the movie or audio file in bits per second.
$movie->getVideoBitRate() Return the bit rate of the video in bits per second.
NOTE: This only works for files with constant bit rate.

$movie->getAudioBitRate() Return the audio bit rate of the media file in bits per second.
$movie->getAudioSampleRate() Return the audio sample rate of the media file in bits per second.
$movie->getFrameNumber() Return the current frame index.
$movie->getVideoCodec() Return the name of the video codec used to encode this movie as a string.
$movie->getAudioCodec() Return the name of the audio codec used to encode this movie as a string.
$movie->getAudioChannels() Return the number of audio channels in this movie as an integer.
$movie->hasAudio() Return boolean value indicating whether the movie has an audio stream.
$movie->hasVideo() Return boolean value indicating whether the movie has a video stream.
$movie->getFrame([Integer framenumber]) Returns a frame from the movie as an ffmpeg_frame object. Returns false if the frame was not found.
framenumber - Frame from the movie to return. If no framenumber is specified, returns the next frame of the movie.
$movie->getNextKeyFrame() Returns the next key frame from the movie as an ffmpeg_frame object. Returns false if the frame was not found.



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