
Dynamically add button, textbox, input, radio elements in html form using JavaSc



Dynamically add button, textbox, input, radio elements in html form using JavaScript

Adding Elements like textbox, button, radio button etc in a html form using JavaScript is very simple. JavaScript’s document object has a method called createElement() which can be used to create html elements dynamically.

We had used this function in our tutorial: Dynamic combobox-listbox-drop-down using javascript to add dynamic options to a combo box-listbox. Let us use this function to create textboxes, radio buttons, buttons etc dynamically and add them in our page.


Following is the source code of our example.

<TITLE>Dynamically add Textbox, Radio, Button in html Form using JavaScript</TITLE>
<SCRIPT language="javascript">
function add(type) {
    //Create an input type dynamically.
    var element = document.createElement("input");
    //Assign different attributes to the element.
    element.setAttribute("type", type);
    element.setAttribute("value", type);
    element.setAttribute("name", type);
    var foo = document.getElementById("fooBar");
    //Append the element in page (in span).
<H2>Dynamically add element in form.</H2>
Select the element and hit Add to add it in form.
<SELECT name="element">
    <OPTION value="button">Button</OPTION>
    <OPTION value="text">Textbox</OPTION>
    <OPTION value="radio">Radio</OPTION>
<INPUT type="button" value="Add" onclick="add(document.forms[0].element.value)"/>
<span id="fooBar">&nbsp;</span>

 Also note that we have used setAttribute() method to assign the attributes to our dynamically created element.



  • 大小: 7.5 KB



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