LINQ Tools for Java
JoSQL (Java Objects SQL) provides SQL capabilities for querying, ordering and grouping of collections of Java objects (POJOs). It allows a SQL statement to be applied to the collection of objects and the matching set returned, ordered and grouped.
Quaere is an open source, extensible framework that adds a querying syntax reminiscent of SQL to Java applications. Quaere allows you to filter, enumerate and create projections over a number of collections and other queryable resources using a common, expressive syntax.
Quaere detaches queries from the query API used by different queryable resources such as databases, catalogs and other structured data, allowing one language to be used to query numerous resources.
public class GettingStartedWithQuaere { public static void main() { City[] cities=City.ALL_CITIES; Iterable<City> largePopulations = from("city").in(cities). orderBy("city.getName()"). orderByDescending("city.getPopulation()"). select("city"); for (City city : largePopulations) { System.out.println(city); } } }
SessionFactory sessionFactory=new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory = new EntityManagerFactoryImpl(sessionFactory, PersistenceUnitTransactionType.RESOURCE_LOCAL, true); QueryableEntityManager entityManager = new QueryableEntityManager(entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager()); // Select all customers in the Washington region Iterable<Customer> waCustomers = from("c").in(entityManager.entity(Customer.class)). where(eq("c.getRegion()", "WA")). select("c"); System.out.println("These customers are located in the Washington region:"); for (Customer c : waCustomers) { System.out.println(c.getCompanyName()); }
linq4j is a port of LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) to Java.
ASP, which was designed as a quick-and-dirty set of tools for inserting dynamic content into ordinary web pages. By contrast, ASP.NET is a full-blown platform for developing comprehensive, ...
ASP, which was designed as a quick-and-dirty set of tools for inserting dynamic content into ordinary web pages. By contrast, ASP.NET is a full-blown platform for developing comprehensive, ...
ASP, which was designed as a quick-and-dirty set of tools for inserting dynamic content into ordinary web pages. By contrast, ASP.NET is a full-blown platform for developing comprehensive, ...
ASP, which was designed as a quick-and-dirty set of tools for inserting dynamic content into ordinary web pages. By contrast, ASP.NET is a full-blown platform for developing comprehensive, ...
- **.NET as a Reaction to the Java World**: Microsoft’s response to Sun Microsystems’ Java platform, aiming to provide a robust framework for building and running applications. - **The Open Source...
- **Visual Studio Design Tools**:支持 XAML 设计。 - **Blend for Visual Studio**:高级 UI 设计工具。 #### 四、C# 编程 **4.1 管理编程** - **C# 特性**:LINQ、Lambda 表达式、动态类型等。 - **类库对比*...
21. LINQ (Language Integrated Query) in .NET Framework allows querying, insertion, and modification of data, but not importing. 22. To set the tab order of controls on a Windows Form, you would use ...
C#的设计融合了C++和Java的优点,同时引入了许多现代编程概念,如垃圾回收、自动类型推断和匿名方法等。 该书可能会涵盖以下核心知识点: 1. **基础语法**:包括变量、数据类型、运算符、流程控制(如if语句、for...
1. **C#基础**:C#的基本语法结构与C++和Java类似,包括变量声明、数据类型(如int、float、bool)、控制流语句(if-else、for、while)以及函数定义。了解这些基础知识是完成任何C#任务的前提。 2. **类与对象**:...
1. **基础语法**:C#的基本语法结构与C++和Java类似,包括变量声明、数据类型(如int、float、bool等)、控制结构(如if语句、for循环、while循环)以及函数定义。 2. **面向对象**:C#的核心是面向对象编程,支持...