Tracing the events executed in a transaction
By Suresh Kumar Parvathaneni, from link.
In the article triggering events programmatically, we learned about triggering the events programmatically in our custom programs. But SAP has already provided with many events in almost all the standard SAP transactions like:
1. When a material is created, a standard event is triggered
2. When a Purchase Order is created, an event is triggered.
3. When the status of a production order is changed, an event is triggered.
We can link the events to either standard workflows or custom workflows to carry out our business requirements. Before linking the business workflows to events, we would need to trace the events that are triggered in a transaction. This document explains the procedure in tracing the events for the Material Master transaction (MM01). We would trace the events that are triggered when a Material is created using MM01.
1. Go to transaction SWELS. A pop-up screen as shown below would appear:
2. Click on “Switch on”. The event trace would be on now.
3. Keeping this event trace on, create a material using MM01.
4. Now go to transaction SWELS and click on “Switch Off” to switch off the event trace.
5. Go to transaction SWEL to get the list of events triggered during the Material creation.
6. Click on Execute.
The list of events that are triggered are shaded in green. A workflow object (shown in yellow) is also triggered as it is attached to the event CREATED belonging to the business object BUS1001006.
Ray Tracing in One Weekend, Ray Tracing The Next Week, Ray Tracing The Rest of Your Life 三本关于射线追踪的资料,简单易懂,容易上手。并附有源程序
Ray Tracing in a Weekend 带标签。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。...
《Ray Tracing in a Weekend》和《Ray Tracing: The Next Week》是两本非常受欢迎的计算机图形学(CG)入门书籍,专注于光线追踪技术。光线追踪是一种模拟光如何在三维场景中传播的方法,用于创建极其逼真的图像。这...
在介绍部分(Chapter 0: Overview),作者首先回顾了作者之前的两本关于光线追踪的书籍《Ray Tracing In One Weekend》和《Ray Tracing: the Next Week》,在这些书中,读者已经建立了一个基本的光线追踪器。...
首先,文档标题和描述中提到的 "Ray Tracing in a Weekend.pdf" 显示了一种旨在快速学习光栅追踪技术的方法。作者Peter Shirley通过将他多年的图形学课程笔记改编成了一个"how-to"指南,目的是为了让读者能够尽快...
_ray_tracing_in_a_weekend_中文版 本资源是关于光线追踪的中文版教程,作者 Peter Shirley,版本 1.53,copyright 2018。该教程旨在帮助读者在一个周末内快速学习光线追踪的基本概念和实现。 章节概览 第 0 章:...
在“Ray Tracing in a Weekend”这个压缩包中,包含了一本PDF电子书,这本电子书将引导读者在短时间内理解并实现一个简单的光线追踪器。以下是关于光线追踪的一些关键知识点: 1. **光线追踪基本概念**:光线追踪的...
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在给出的描述中,作者提到了本书是继《Ray Tracing in a Weekend》之后的第三部作品,这表明这三本书构成了一个系列,其中前两部作品可能为本书提供了基础。在该系列中,作者指导读者构建了一个“真正”的光线追踪器...
标题《Ray Tracing in One Weekend》和描述表明,这是一本关于光线追踪技术(ray tracing)的入门书籍,作者是Peter Shirley。作者分享了这本书,并说明读者可以在一个周末内学习基础的光线追踪技术。这本书被归类在...
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《Ray Tracing in One Weekend》是一本由Peter Shirley编写的关于射线追踪技术的入门书籍。它概述了作者多年教授图形学课程的经验,并展示了如何快速构建一个基础的射线追踪器。这本书被设计为一个实践指南,使读者...
Ray Tracing from the Ground Up 光跟踪算法技术 Kevin Suffern 好书一枚,非常详实的讲解了一个ray tracer怎么写,从原理到实践,对应网站上面还提供了完整的立即可编译运行的代码。