Dynamic Parallel Processing
Sometimes we need to process a dialog step (activity) several times in parallel and we may not be aware of how many times exactly this step has to be processed. Consider this scenario: For a sales order, we need to check the available quantity of the line items (materials). For each value of this list, a particular function has to be performed. So we need to create different work items for each material. This is called dynamic parallel processing, since the number of line items is known only during runtime.
To achieve this, follow these steps:
- We need to define a multiline container for the material.
- Go to "Miscellaneous" tab of the dialog step (activity)
- Enter this workflow container element on this tab.
Restriction : The multiline element should not contain more than 99 values. At runtime, the workflow system generates from the step as many parallel work items as there are values in the multiline container element at that time. The number of values need not be known at definition time. If the table is empty, this step is ignored.
整个文件内容的综述表明,Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops 是一个在并行和分布式计算领域具有重要影响力的学术会议,它不仅聚集了来自不同国家的专家,也展示了并行处理及相关领域的最新研究成果。...
ICPP 2008国际会议目录!!!!!!!! 网格计算、P2P系统等
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