The defer Attribute
The defer attribute makes a solemn promise to the browser. It states that your JavaScript does not contain any document.write or DOM modification nastiness:
<script src="file.js" defer></script>
The browser will begin to download file.js and other deferred scripts in parallel without stopping page processing.defer was implemented in Internet Explorer version 4.0 — over 12 years ago! It’s also been available in Firefox since version 3.5.While all deferred scripts are guaranteed to run in sequence, it’s difficult to determine when that will occur. In theory, it should happen after the DOM has completely loaded, shortly before the DOMContentLoaded event. In practice, it depends on the OS and browser, whether the script is cached, and what other scripts are doing at the time.
The async Attribute
async has been introduced in HTML5:
<script src="file.js" async></script>
async is identical to defer, except that the script executes at the first opportunity after download (an optional onload attribute can be added to run a specific function). You can’t guarantee that scripts will execute in sequence, but they will have loaded by the time the window onload event fires.There’s support for async in Firefox 3.6, Opera 10.5, and the latest WebKit build, so it should appear in the next versions of Chrome and Safari. IE9 is yet to support async, but the IE team could easily add it as an alias for defer. You can use both async and defer to support all browsers — even IE4.Perhaps within a few months, we’ll finally have a native, non-blocking JavaScript loading method that works in all browsers.
形象的描述了async与defer的区别,简单易懂的理解 async是异步执行,异步下载完毕后就会执行,不确保执行顺序,一定在 onload前,但不确定在 DOMContentLoaded事件的前或后 defer是延迟执行,在浏览器看起来的效果像...
在前端技术领域,理解`<script>`标签的`defer`和`async`属性的区别是开发中常见的需求,这关系到页面加载性能和脚本执行顺序。本篇文档围绕这两个属性进行解释,并扩展到前端面试相关的知识点。 ### defer和async的...
竟然同时有async和defer属性,心想着肯定是前辈老司机的什么黑科技,两个一块儿肯定会发生什么神奇化学反应,于是赶紧怀着一颗崇敬的心去翻书翻文档,先复习一下各自的定义。 二、调查一番 先看看async和defer各自...
1. **没有defer或async属性**: 当`<script>`标签没有这两个属性时,浏览器会立即下载脚本,并在解析到该标签时执行。这意味着在执行脚本的过程中,浏览器会暂停HTML的解析,直到脚本执行完毕。这种方法对于小脚本...
此外,如果在script标签中同时使用了async和defer属性,浏览器会忽略async属性,将脚本当作defer处理。如果脚本不需要异步加载或保证执行顺序,则不应该在脚本标签中使用这些属性。 总结: 理解并正确使用defer和...
在JavaScript的世界里,`async` 和 `defer` 是两个在`<script>`标签中用于控制脚本加载和执行方式的关键属性。它们主要用来解决脚本阻塞页面渲染的问题,确保网页的加载性能和用户体验。下面将详细讲解这两个属性的...
将脚本放在页面底部、使用 defer 属性或使用 async 都无法实现这一点。 该脚本实际上确保脚本在页面加载完成后才加载。 只需将脚本从 defer.js 文件中复制出来,并将其放置在结束正文标记之前的脚本标记中(当然,...