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C++ container member map



Member map

This is a comparison chart with the different member functions present on each of the different containers:

C++98 C++11
Available since C++98
New in C++11

Sequence containers

constructor implicit vector deque forward_list list
destructor implicit ~vector ~deque ~forward_list ~list
operator= implicit operator= operator= operator= operator=
iterators begin begin begin begin begin
end end end end end end
rbegin rbegin rbegin rbegin rbegin
rend rend rend rend rend
const iterators begin cbegin cbegin cbegin cbegin
cend cend cend cend cend cend
crbegin crbegin crbegin crbegin crbegin
crend crend crend crend crend
capacity size size size size size
max_size max_size max_size max_size max_size max_size
empty empty empty empty empty empty
resize resize resize resize resize
shrink_to_fit shrink_to_fit shrink_to_fit
capacity capacity
reserve reserve
element access front front front front front front
back back back back back
operator[] operator[] operator[] operator[]
at at at at
modifiers assign assign assign assign assign
emplace emplace emplace emplace_after emplace
insert insert insert insert_after insert
erase erase erase erase_after erase
emplace_back emplace_back emplace_back emplace_back
push_back push_back push_back push_back
pop_back pop_back pop_back pop_back
emplace_front emplace_front emplace_front emplace_front
push_front push_front push_front push_front
pop_front pop_front pop_front pop_front
clear clear clear clear clear
swap swap swap swap swap swap
list operations splice splice_after splice
remove remove remove
remove_if remove_if remove_if
unique unique unique
merge merge merge
sort sort sort
reverse reverse reverse
observers get_allocator get_allocator get_allocator get_allocator get_allocator
data data data

Associative containers

constructor set multiset map multimap unordered_set unordered_multiset unordered_map unordered_multimap
destructor ~set ~multiset ~map ~multimap ~unordered_set ~unordered_multiset ~unordered_map ~unordered_multimap
assignment operator= operator= operator= operator= operator= operator= operator= operator=
iterators begin begin begin begin begin begin begin begin begin
end end end end end end end end end
rbegin rbegin rbegin rbegin rbegin
rend rend rend rend rend
const iterators cbegin cbegin cbegin cbegin cbegin cbegin cbegin cbegin cbegin
cend cend cend cend cend cend cend cend cend
crbegin crbegin crbegin crbegin crbegin
crend crend crend crend crend
capacity size size size size size size size size size
max_size max_size max_size max_size max_size max_size max_size max_size max_size
empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty
reserve reserve reserve reserve reserve
element access at at at
operator[] operator[] operator[]
modifiers emplace emplace emplace emplace emplace emplace emplace emplace emplace
emplace_hint emplace_hint emplace_hint emplace_hint emplace_hint emplace_hint emplace_hint emplace_hint emplace_hint
insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert insert
erase erase erase erase erase erase erase erase erase
clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear
swap swap swap swap swap swap swap swap swap
operations count count count count count count count count count
find find find find find find find find find
equal_range equal_range equal_range equal_range equal_range equal_range equal_range equal_range equal_range
lower_bound lower_bound lower_bound lower_bound lower_bound
upper_bound upper_bound upper_bound upper_bound upper_bound
observers get_allocator get_allocator get_allocator get_allocator get_allocator get_allocator get_allocator get_allocator get_allocator
key_comp key_comp key_comp key_comp key_comp
value_comp value_comp value_comp value_comp value_comp
key_eq key_eq key_eq key_eq key_eq
hash_function hash_function hash_function hash_function hash_function
buckets bucket bucket bucket bucket bucket
bucket_count bucket_count bucket_count bucket_count bucket_count
bucket_size bucket_size bucket_size bucket_size bucket_size
max_bucket_count max_bucket_count max_bucket_count max_bucket_count max_bucket_count
hash policy rehash rehash rehash rehash rehash
load_factor load_factor load_factor load_factor load_factor
max_load_factor max_load_factor max_load_factor max_load_factor max_load_factor



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    C++标准库提供了一系列不同的容器,包括但不限于上述提到的`vector`、`list`和`map`。这些容器具有不同的特性和使用场景。例如,`vector`适用于需要随机访问的场合,而`list`适用于需要频繁插入和删除的场合。 ####...


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    - `Member Function`:扩展STL的`mem_fun`和`mem_fun_ref`。 - `Ref`:包装对象引用,已被TR1接纳。 - `Result Of`:确定调用表达式返回类型,已被TR1接纳。 - `Signals`:线程安全的观察者模式实现。 这些库极...


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    stdafx.h的代码// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library. // Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // This source code is only intended as a ...

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    在效率重要的情况下仔细选择`map::operator[]`和`map-insert`(Choose carefully between map::operator[] and map-insert when efficiency is important)** - **概述**:两种插入元素的方法。 - **关键点**: -...


    例如,C++ STL 中的 `std::map` 和 `std::set` 就属于关联式容器。 #### 14. Atomic (不可分割的 原子的) **Atomic** 在计算机科学中指的是一个操作或指令,它要么完全完成,要么完全不发生。原子操作在并发编程中...


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    11. **Pointer**:指针,C/C++中的概念,用于存储内存地址,Java中没有直接的指针,但有引用的概念。 12. **Operator Overloading**:运算符重载,允许一个运算符在不同上下文中具有不同的含义。 13. **Multiple ...

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