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CVS thinks I'm Administrator, not myself



Christopher Brooks , 29 Oct 2001
Last updated: 14 Nov 2004

If, under Windows, when you run cvs update you are prompted for the Administrator password on the CVS repository, or you have permission problems writing to files, then you may need to set up /etc/passwd on machine to include your name and UID.

Location of /etc/passwd

Note that the actual location of /etc/passwd varies depending on where you installed Cygwin. If Cygwin is installed in c:/cygwin , then /etc/passwd will actually end up in c:/cygwin/etc/passwd



The easiest way to update /etc/passwd is to run the mkpasswd command that is included with the Cygwin toolkit. Usually, when Cygwin is installed, mkpasswd is run and /etc/passwd is automatically created. If your account was added after Cygwin was installed, then you may need to run mkpasswd by hand.

mkpasswd -help will print out the help for mkpasswd.

Below are a few scenarios for updating /etc/passwd :

Your machine is in a windows domain

If your Windows machine is a member of a Windows domain, use this command to add yourself to /etc/passwd:

mkpasswd -d | grep yourlogin

 > /etc/passwd

Note that if your domain is rather large, then mkpasswd -d could take a minute to complete.

Your machine is not in a Windows domain

To generate /etc/passwd for all the local Windows accounts, try:

mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd

Your home directory

/etc/passwd also defines where your home directory is. Usually, Cygwin will set your initial default home directory to /home/yourname , which maps to c:/cygwin/home/yourname .
Unfortunately, tools like Java do not know about the Cygwin directory mapping, so you may want to reset your home directory to a location outside of the Cygwin tree.
For example, if your home directory was at c:/users/yourname , then Cygwin would find this as /cygdrive/c/users/yourname because Cygwin mounts the c: drive as /cygdrive/c To set up Cygwin so that it finds your home directory, edit c:/cygwin/etc/passwd and change your home directory from /home/yourname to /cygdrive/c/users/yourname

Set up /etc/passwd by hand

Stephen Neuendorffer suggests

Edit /etc/passwd and add a new line that contains your information.
username ::userid :groupid :fullName :home directory :/bin/sh
Your username and fullname should be obvious. If you forget these, then CVS probably won't be much use to you! Your home directory is probably /home/username . Your groupid should probably be the same as the administrator and your userid should be some unique number that is not used elsewhere in the file and less than 65535. Adding one to the largest number in the file will probably work.

Another suggestion for obtaining a userid is to look at your entry in /etc/passwd on a Unix machine and use that number.


There is also a mkgroup command that is similar to mkpasswd . mkgroup can be used to create /etc/group :

mkgroup -l > /etc/group

Other resources

The CVS Account Name FAQ covers how to use a CVS repository with a login that is different than your current login. Note that even if you configure your system to properly use a different login on the cvs server, then you may still have permission problems if you do not have /etc/passwd set up properly.



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