1. A good comprehension model:
1) Where expression: Fit this experssion into every row and get the true/false result.
#Where expression comprehension model select * from stu where stu_name = 'zhangsan';
2) Row: Regard as variable which enables basic math operation.
#Row comprehension model #We can regard the second 'stu_name' as a variable whose value depends on the row cursor now pointing to select stu_name from stu where stu_name = 'zhangsan'
3) Result set: Regard as a temporary table which enables further query.
#We regard the sub-query result set as a temp table which enables further query #We want to find the stu_name whose max score equals or larger than 80 select * from (select stu_name, max(stu_score) as stu_max from stu group by stu_name) as temp where stu_max >= 80;
2. Four Types of Sub-query
1) Where sub-query
# Find the highest score and the corresponding stu_name, stu_course # Solution 1: Where sub-query # Regard the result of where sub-query as a value select stu_name, stu_score, stu_course from stu where stu_score = (select max(stu_score) from stu); # Solution 2: Order & Limit select stu_name, stu_score, stu_course from stu group by stu_score limit 1;
#Find the highest score and the corresponding student in each course #Using where sub-query #But this kind of approach is not that precise. #Just use the stu_score as the signal, there may be some other stu_score in other courses that equals the max(score). select * from stu where stu_score in (select max(stu_score) from stu group by stu_course); #There is an overlap in Literature course because the stu_score in Literature 50 equals the highest score that in Geograph 50 +----------+------------+-----------+ | stu_name | stu_course | stu_score | +----------+------------+-----------+ | zhangsan | Math | 90 | | zhangsan | Literature | 50 | | lisi | Literature | 55 | | zhaoliu | Geograph | 50 | | zhaoliu | Politic | 99 | +----------+------------+-----------+
2) In sub-query
#The core thought lies behind From sub-query is regarding the result of inner query as a table based on which we can start a new outter query. select * from (select max(stu_score) from stu group by stu_course) as temp;
#Find the avg score for students who has more than one invalid course. #Using Where sub-query #Most inner query find the stu_name who has more than one invalid course. #Secondary inner query filter other useless columns for where sub-query #Outter query find the average score for each students whose name lists in inner query. select stu_name, avg(stu_score) from stu where stu_name in (select stu_name from (select stu_name, stu_score, sum(stu_score < 60) as invalid_count from stu group by stu_name having invalid_count >= 2) as temp) group by stu_name; #Another way to find out the student name whose invalid course in more than one select stu_name, count(*) as invalid_count from stu where stu_score < 60 group by stu_name having invalid_count >= 2;
3) Exists sub-query
#Core thoughts lies on Exists sub-query is that 'Put the result of out query into inner query to judge the inner query true or false' select * from category; #First Level Category ####Secondary Category #######Real Goods #######Real Goods ####Secondary Category #######Third Level Category ###########Real Goods ####Secondary Category # All the categories are stored in category table, # But some categories contains no goods but secondary category # What if we want to figure out the category that directly contains goods? select cat_id, cat_name from category where exists(select * from goods where goods.cat_id = category.cat_id);
- 子查询可以在SELECT、FROM或WHERE子句中嵌套使用。 - **在子查询中使用汇总函数:** - 可以在子查询中使用COUNT、SUM等函数。 - **子查询的嵌套:** - 子查询可以嵌套多层。 - **相关子查询:** - 相关子查询...
- `DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;` - **查询数据:** - `SELECT * FROM table_name;` #### 示例 - **创建一个名为 `school` 的数据库,并在其中创建一个名为 `teacher` 的表:** - `DROP DATABASE IF...
- operator: Exists effect: NoSchedule serviceAccountName: flannel initContainers: - name: install-cni image: jmgao1983/flannel:v0.11.0-amd64 command: - cp args: - -f - /etc/kube-flannel/...
$mysql->db->do('create table if not exists names (name text)');# Insert a few rowsmy $db = $mysql->db;$db->query('insert into names values (?)', 'Sara');$db->query('insert into names values (?)', '...
- 示例:`SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees WHERE Department = 'Sales';` - **总结:** SELECT语句的基本结构及其常见用途。 #### 三、表达式、条件语句与运算 - **表达式:** - 包括算术运算、字符...
- 删除数据:`DELETE FROM 表名 WHERE 条件;` **示例:** - 创建教师表: - `CREATE TABLE teacher (id INT(3) AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(10) NOT NULL, address VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '北京...
- `SELECT * FROM employees WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM departments WHERE employees.department_id = departments.id AND departments.location = 'New York');` #### 八、操作数据 - **数据操作语句:** - ...
- `SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE condition` 查询符合条件的数据。 - **高级功能:** - 排序与分页:`ORDER BY`, `LIMIT`。 - 子查询:`IN`, `EXISTS`。 - MySQL函数:聚合函数(`SUM`, `AVG`, ...
- `DELETE FROM [表名] WHERE ...;` 从表中删除满足条件的记录。 - **查询数据:** - `SELECT * FROM [表名];` 查询表中的所有记录。 - **示例:** - 创建并使用名为`school`的数据库。 ```sql DROP ...
- `CREATE TABLE table2 AS SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE 1<>1;` - **说明:** 这样做是为了避免复制数据,只复制表结构。 **复制表(包括数据):** - `CREATE TABLE table2 AS SELECT * FROM table1;` - **说明...
- 示例:`SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM table2 WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM table3));` - **相关子查询:** - 相关子查询依赖于外层查询中的列值。 - 示例:`SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE ...