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Magento: 建立RSS,Setting Up RSS Feeds


RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based data format that is used to distribute information online. This means that your customers can subscribe to your RSS feeds and be notified of new products and promotions. RSS is a great way to let your customers know about new products available in your store. RSS Feeds can also be used to publish your product information on shopping aggregation sites.


The software that is used to read an RSS feed is called a feed reader. People use feed readers to subscribe to headlines, blogs, podcasts, and much more. Google Reader is just one of the many feed readers which are available online for free.


To enable RSS feeds for your store:

  1. From the Admin panel, select System > Configuration.
  2. In the Configuration panel on the left, under Catalog, select RSS Feeds.
  3. In the Rss Config section, set Enable RSS to "Enable." Then, in each section below, set the feeds that you want to activate to "Enable."
    1. In the Wishlist section, set Enable RSS to "Enable."
    2. In the Catalog section, set any, or all, of the following feeds to "Enable."
      • New Products
      • Special Products
      • Coupons/Discounts
      • Tags Products
      • Top Level Category
  4. In the Order section, set Customer Order Status Notification to Enable.
  5. Click the Save Config button to save your changes.

Once enabled, any new additions to products, specials, categories, and coupons in your store will be automatically syndicated to the subscribers of each feed.


RSS Feeds

Wishlist When enabled, an RSS feed link will be available on top of customer wishlist pages. Additionally, the wishlist sharing page will also include a checkbox that lets you add a link to wishlist RSS feeds on shared wishlists.
New Products The new products RSS feed tracks new products added to the store catalog and will syndicate them.
Special Products The special products RSS feed will syndicate products with special pricing.
Coupons / Discounts Any special coupons or discounts generated in your store will be added to this RSS feed.
Tags Products The tags products RSS feed manages and syndicates newly added product tags.
Top Level Category This RSS feed tracks new top level categories, or root level categories, in your catalog.
Customer Order Status Allows customers to track their order status with an RSS feed. When enabled, an RSS feed link will appear on the order information page once an order is created.


地址: your_domain/rss/


from:  http://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/enable-rss-feeds-in-your-store





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