Eastsun 写道
但我看了下原题,貌似是可以包含数字的,譬如号码"1-800-PICK-UPS "应该可以以"1800-PICK-UPS "形式作为一个解.
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import with_statement
button_mapping = {
'A' : 2, 'B' : 2, 'C' : 2,
'D' : 3, 'E' : 3, 'F' : 3,
'G' : 4, 'H' : 4, 'I' : 4,
'J' : 5, 'K' : 5, 'L' : 5,
'M' : 6, 'N' : 6, 'O' : 6,
'P' : 7, 'Q' : 7, 'R' : 7, 'S' : 7,
'T' : 8, 'U' : 8, 'V' : 8,
'W' : 9, 'X' : 9, 'Y' : 9, 'Z' : 9,
{ word_signature:word }
signatures = {}
def suffeient(word):
remove empty and un-mapped strings
if not word:
return False
if len(word) >= 2 and word[-2] == "\'":
return False
for c in word:
if not (c.upper() in button_mapping.keys()):
return False
return True
def make_signature(word, sig_dict):
#def action_maker(seq):
# return lambda c: seq.append(c)
sig_tmp = []
#f = action_maker(sig_tmp)
[ sig_tmp.append(str(button_mapping[c])) for c in [c.upper() for c in word] ]
sig_dict[''.join(sig_tmp)] = word
def make_signatures(words):
global signatures
[ make_signature(word, signatures) for word in words if suffeient(word) ]
def build_word_list(number, words_dict, indent=0):
Brief introduction of the algorithm:
Find all of the signatures that are contained in the number in the signature dict
Sort the matched keys in decend order
For each of the matched element:
divide the element into 3 parts: header, matched, reminder
call the build_word_list recursively to find the possible matched word
for the header and reminder parts, respectively
examine the result and return
There might be more than one word having the same signature, it depends the
signature-building algorithm and the signature storage's data structure. In
this solution the words having the duplicated signatures are omitted to
reduce the complexity of the implementation; this simplification should not
(um..., maybe not:-)) affect the correctness of the algorithm.
def compose_result(header, matched, reminder):
ret = "%s-%s-%s" % (header, matched, reminder)
if ret[0] == '-':
return ret[1:]
elif ret[-1] == '-':
return ret[0:-1]
return ret
#print '%sinput:%s' % (indent * '.', number )
if not number:
return True, number
if number in words_dict.keys():
#print '%smatches:%s' % ( indent * '.', words_dict[number] )
return True, number
possible_matches = [num for num in words_dict.keys() if num in number]
possible_matches.sort(lambda a,b:len(a) < len(b) and 1 or -1)
#print '%spossible_matches: %s' % (indent * '.', [ (word, words_dict[word]) for word in possible_matches ])
for matched in possible_matches:
header_num, matched_num, reminder_num = number.partition(matched)
#print "header_num:%s, matched_num:%s, reminder_num:%s" % (header_num, matched_num, reminder_num)
header_matched, header_word = build_word_list(header_num,
words_dict, indent + 1)
reminder_matched, reminder_word = build_word_list(reminder_num,
words_dict, indent + 1)
if header_matched and reminder_matched:
return True, compose_result(header_word, matched, reminder_word)
elif header_matched and not reminder_matched:
return False, compose_result(header_word, matched, reminder_num)
elif not header_matched and reminder_matched:
return False, compose_result(header_num, matched, reminder_word)
elif not header_matched and not reminder_matched:
return False, compose_result(header_num, matched, reminder_num)
return False, number
def output(build_result):
global signatures
ret = ""
grouped_result = build_result[1].split('-')
#print "build result %s, %s:" % build_result
for group in grouped_result:
if signatures.has_key(group):
ret = ret + "-" + signatures[group]
ret = ret + "-" + group
return ret[1:]
def input(number):
return ''.join(str(number).split('-'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
with file('words') as f:
trimed = [ line[0:-1] for line in f ]
word_list = build_word_list('118737829', signatures)
print word_list and output(word_list) or "None"
word_list = build_word_list('7425877', signatures)
print word_list and output(word_list) or "None"
word_list = build_word_list('74258777425877', signatures)
print word_list and output(word_list) or "None"
word_list = build_word_list(input('1-800-7425-877'), signatures)
print word_list and output(word_list) or "None"
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