static :我们都知道被static 修饰的变量都是静态变量,对于静态变量在JVM中存在于常量池中,常量池一般在perm heap 中. 对于static 变量的初始化是在类构造器clinit中。
public class A { public String name="peter"; public static final int age=100; public static int salary = 10000; static { System.out.println("init static block"); } }
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // System.out.println(A.age); System.out.println(A.salary); } } result : init static block 10000
final static :被final修饰的变量一旦初始化其值或引用都不能修改,final static基本类型的变量的初始化是在类初始化的准备阶段。引用类型的变量初始化也是在类构造器clinit中
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(A.age); // System.out.println(A.salary); } } result : 100
1.1.1 Manager and Controller Scripts...............................2 1.1.2 Script Communication.......................................3 1.1.3 Using the Singleton Pattern in Unity.........................
Troubleshooting server performance-based support calls requires product knowledge, good communication skills, and a proven troubleshooting methodology. In this module we will discuss Microsoft® SQL ...
2. understanding the difference between main project and library project 在主项目中,资源ID是static final类型的,编译时会直接使用它的值进行替换。在库项目中,资源ID仅被static修饰,编译时不会使用它的值...
* Connections between the JavaMail API and the JavaBeans Activation Framework Objectives By the end of this module you will be able to: * Send and read mail using the JavaMail API * Deal with ...