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  • 来自: 上海

bt4在启动时出现filename must be either or block list...

在启动bt4的时候出现这个报错,经检查是由于menu.lst中kernel  (hd0,4)后面有空格的原因,去掉指定盘符后面的空格,程序可以正常启动



    This can either be a conventional file or a block device. If the file doesn't exist it will be created, if it does exist and a squashfs filesystem exists on it, mksquashfs will append. The -noappend ...


    This can either be a conventional file or a block device. If the file doesn't exist it will be created, if it does exist and a squashfs filesystem exists on it, mksquashfs will append. The -noappend ...


    1. Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist 该错误表示文件名格式错误。在GRUB中,要么是以绝对路径给出文件,例如: grub> kernel vmlinuz root=label=/ Error 1: Filename must be either ...


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    VclZip pro v3.10.1

    IMPORTANT: If installing the registered version, please be sure to always re-install/rebuild the components (VCLZip and VCLUnZip) to the component pallette (or rebuild the design time package) so that...

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    be acquired by the user(s) through POP or IMAP. This does not require your SMTP server to be an open relay, as authentication is supported, but it is your responsibility to ensure the SMTP server is...


    Debug Version: 155.4K Code, 63.1K Data, 218.5K Total Current Release: Non-Debug Version: 77.9K Code, 17.0K Data, 94.9K Total Debug Version: 155.2K Code, 63.1K Data, 218.3K Total 2) iASL Compiler...


    c STARTUP must be supplied, in the correct format, to provide inversion parameters. c data and model files pointed at by STARTUP c c Files generated by OCCAM: c c LOGFIL provides a blow by blow ...

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