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The getLastError command returns the error status of the last operation on the current connection. By default MongoDB does not provide a response to confirm the success or failure of a write operation, clients typically use getLastError in combination with write operations to ensure that the write succeeds.
Consider the following prototype form.
{ getLastError: 1 }
The following options are available:
j (boolean) – If true, wait for the next journal commit before returning, rather than a full disk flush. If mongod does not have journaling enabled, this option has no effect.
w – When running with replication, this is the number of servers to replicate to before returning. A w value of 1 indicates the primary only. A w value of 2 includes the primary and at least one secondary, etc. In place of a number, you may also set w to majority to indicate that the command should wait until the latest write propagates to a majority of replica set members. If using w, you should also use wtimeout. Specifying a value for w without also providing a wtimeout may cause getLastError to block indefinitely.
fsync (boolean) – If true, wait for mongod to write this data to disk before returning. Defaults to false. In most cases, use the j option to ensure durability and consistency of the data set.
wtimeout (integer) – Optional. Milliseconds. Specify a value in milliseconds to control how long to wait for write propagation to complete. If replication does not complete in the given timeframe, the getLastError command will return with an error status.
See also Write Concern, Replica Set Write Concern, and db.getLastError().
The getLastError command returns the error status of the last operation on the current connection. By default MongoDB does not provide a response to confirm the success or failure of a write operation, clients typically use getLastError in combination with write operations to ensure that the write succeeds.
Consider the following prototype form.
{ getLastError: 1 }
The following options are available:
j (boolean) – If true, wait for the next journal commit before returning, rather than a full disk flush. If mongod does not have journaling enabled, this option has no effect.
w – When running with replication, this is the number of servers to replicate to before returning. A w value of 1 indicates the primary only. A w value of 2 includes the primary and at least one secondary, etc. In place of a number, you may also set w to majority to indicate that the command should wait until the latest write propagates to a majority of replica set members. If using w, you should also use wtimeout. Specifying a value for w without also providing a wtimeout may cause getLastError to block indefinitely.
fsync (boolean) – If true, wait for mongod to write this data to disk before returning. Defaults to false. In most cases, use the j option to ensure durability and consistency of the data set.
wtimeout (integer) – Optional. Milliseconds. Specify a value in milliseconds to control how long to wait for write propagation to complete. If replication does not complete in the given timeframe, the getLastError command will return with an error status.
See also Write Concern, Replica Set Write Concern, and db.getLastError().
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`db.getLastError()`函数提供了检测写操作是否成功的方法,并且可以通过设置超时来避免无限期等待的情况发生。 最后,数据库管理员在面对数据损坏或迁移问题时,需要对集合的有效性进行检验。如果数据在迁移或备份...
8. **错误与日志**:`db.getLastError()`和`db.getLastErrorObj()`用于检查最近一次操作的错误信息,`db.getProfilingLevel()`设置或查看性能剖析级别,`db.printCollectionStats()`打印集合的统计信息,`db....
- `db.getLastError()`:获取最后一个错误消息 - `db.getLastErrorObj()`:获取最后一个错误对象 - `db.getMongo().setSlaveOk()`:设置从服务器查询 以上就是根据给定的文档内容提取和整理出的关键知识点。这些...
`db.getLastError()`:返回最后一个错误的提示消息。 12. `db.getLastErrorObj()`:返回最后一个错误的对象。 13. `db.getMongo()`:取得当前服务器的连接对象。 14. `db.getMondo().setSlaveOk()`:允许此连接...
但 MongoDB 提供了可以确认当前写操作是否成功提交的 getLastError 方法。 安全 MongoDB 支持基于角色的访问控制(RBAC),可以对用户和角色进行授权和认证。 MongoDB 还支持 SSL/TLS 加密和 Kerberos 认证。 ...
- `db.getLastError()` 和 `db.getLastErrorObj()`:检查最近一次操作的错误信息。 - `db.getMongo()`:获取当前服务器连接对象。 - `db.removeUser(username)`:从数据库中删除用户。 - `db.repairDatabase()`:...
### MongoDB入门需知(For...- `db.getLastError()`:返回最近发生的错误信息。 以上是关于MongoDB安装、启动、关闭及基本语法的操作介绍。对于希望在PHP环境中使用MongoDB的开发者来说,这些知识将是十分宝贵的资源。
11. **`getLastError`**:获取上次操作的状态,对于调试和错误处理很有帮助。 12. **`group`**:执行分组聚合,允许根据指定字段对数据进行汇总,是数据分析师的常用工具。 13. **`isMaster`**:检查服务器是否为...
MongoDB的连接字符串是连接MongoDB数据库的关键组成部分,它包含了所有必要的信息,如服务器地址、认证信息、数据库名称以及各种连接参数。以下是对MongoDB连接字符串的详细解释: 首先,连接字符串的基本格式如下...
1、我怎么查看 Mongo 正在使用的链接 2、数据库的整体结构 4、getLastError的作用 5、启用备份故障恢复需要多久 6、mongodb是否支持事