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查找算法学习之二分查找(Python版本)——BinarySearch -
这个装饰器的会把self._auto_finish 置为 False。
result is :
<__main__.Foo instance at 0x103152c20> <__main__.Foo instance at 0x103152c20> True
<__main__.Bar instance at 0x103152c68> <__main__.Bar instance at 0x103152cb0> False
assert a > 100000,"arg %r must gt 100000" % a
AssertionError: arg 5000 must gt 100000
- 1、decorators
- 2、functools
Decorate methods with this to require that the user be logged in.
def authenticated(method): """Decorate methods with this to require that the user be logged in.""" @functools.wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.current_user: if self.request.method in ("GET", "HEAD"): url = self.get_login_url() if "?" not in url: if urlparse.urlsplit(url).scheme: # if login url is absolute, make next absolute too next_url = self.request.full_url() else: next_url = self.request.uri url += "?" + urllib.urlencode(dict(next=next_url)) self.redirect(url) return raise HTTPError(403) return method(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
def asynchronous(method): @functools.wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.application._wsgi: raise Exception("@asynchronous is not supported for WSGI apps") self._auto_finish = False with stack_context.ExceptionStackContext( self._stack_context_handle_exception): return method(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
这个装饰器的会把self._auto_finish 置为 False。
def singleton(cls): instances = {} def get_instance(): if cls not in instances: instances[cls] = cls() return instances[cls] return get_instance @singleton class Foo: def __init__(self): pass class Bar: def __init__(self): pass f = Foo() m = Foo() print f,m,f == m a = Bar() b = Bar() print a,b,a == b
result is :
<__main__.Foo instance at 0x103152c20> <__main__.Foo instance at 0x103152c20> True
<__main__.Bar instance at 0x103152c68> <__main__.Bar instance at 0x103152cb0> False
#-*-coding:utf-8-*- def accepts(*types): def check_accepts(f): # assert len(types) == f.func_code.co_argcount def new_f(*args, **kwds): for (a, t) in zip(args, types): assert isinstance(a, t), \ "arg %r does not match %s" % (a,t) return f(*args, **kwds) new_f.func_name = f.func_name return new_f return check_accepts def returns(rtype): def check_returns(f): def new_f(*args, **kwds): result = f(*args, **kwds) assert isinstance(result, rtype), \ "return value %r does not match %s" % (result,rtype) return result new_f.func_name = f.func_name return new_f return check_returns @accepts(int, (int,float)) @returns((int,float)) def func(arg1, arg2): return arg1 * arg2 print func(1,2.0)
def check_param_isvalid(): def check(method): def check_param(*args,**kwargs): for a in args: assert isinstance(a, int),"arg %r does not match %s" % (a,int) assert a > 100000,"arg %r must gt 100000" % a return method(*args, **kwargs) return check_param return check @check_param_isvalid() def foo(*args): print args foo(200000,5000)
assert a > 100000,"arg %r must gt 100000" % a
AssertionError: arg 5000 must gt 100000
Design Goals:
The new syntax should
* work for arbitrary wrappers, including user-defined callables and the existing builtins classmethod() and staticmethod(). This requirement also means that a decorator syntax must support passing arguments to the wrapper constructor
* work with multiple wrappers per definition
* make it obvious what is happening; at the very least it should be obvious that new users can safely ignore it when writing their own code
* be a syntax "that ... [is] easy to remember once explained"
* not make future extensions more difficult
* be easy to type; programs that use it are expected to use it very frequently
* not make it more difficult to scan through code quickly. It should still be easy to search for all definitions, a particular definition, or the arguments that a function accepts
* not needlessly complicate secondary support tools such as language-sensitive editors and other "toy parser tools out there [12]"
* allow future compilers to optimize for decorators. With the hope of a JIT compiler for Python coming into existence at some point this tends to require the syntax for decorators to come before the function definition
* move from the end of the function, where it's currently hidden, to the front where it is more in your face [13]
The new syntax should
* work for arbitrary wrappers, including user-defined callables and the existing builtins classmethod() and staticmethod(). This requirement also means that a decorator syntax must support passing arguments to the wrapper constructor
* work with multiple wrappers per definition
* make it obvious what is happening; at the very least it should be obvious that new users can safely ignore it when writing their own code
* be a syntax "that ... [is] easy to remember once explained"
* not make future extensions more difficult
* be easy to type; programs that use it are expected to use it very frequently
* not make it more difficult to scan through code quickly. It should still be easy to search for all definitions, a particular definition, or the arguments that a function accepts
* not needlessly complicate secondary support tools such as language-sensitive editors and other "toy parser tools out there [12]"
* allow future compilers to optimize for decorators. With the hope of a JIT compiler for Python coming into existence at some point this tends to require the syntax for decorators to come before the function definition
* move from the end of the function, where it's currently hidden, to the front where it is more in your face [13]
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Python Decorators是一种函数设计模式,允许用户在不改变原有函数定义的情况下,为函数添加额外的功能。它是在函数定义前使用@符号加上装饰器函数名的方式来实现的。装饰器本质上是一个接受函数作为参数并返回一个新...
使用Python decorators特性,函数可以被编译成原生机器码,虽然这一特性会带来大约2倍的内存消耗,但也使python有更快的执行速度。函数编译可设置使用底层整数代替python内建对象作为数字使用。有些代码的运行效率...
python_articles 收集一些python好文章 Parallelism in one line A Guide to Python Frameworks for Hadoop Python, C-Python, Cython代码与GIL的交互 用 ElementTree 在 Python 中解析 XML Decorators I: ...
### Python装饰器详解 #### 一、什么是装饰器? 装饰器是Python中一个非常重要的特性。简单来说,装饰器就是一个可以修改其他函数功能的函数。它们可以帮助我们编写更加简洁、可读性更强的代码,同时也使得代码...
**Python库aws_lambda_decorators-0.45-py3-none-any.whl详解** `aws_lambda_decorators` 是一个Python库,专为Amazon Web Services(AWS)的Lambda服务设计,用于简化函数装饰器的使用,从而更高效地开发和管理...
《Python库aws-lambda-decorators-0.51:构建高效AWS Lambda函数》 在IT行业中,Python作为一门强大的编程语言,广泛应用于各种场景,特别是在后端开发领域。随着云计算的发展,Amazon Web Services(AWS)提供的...
**Python库-kafka_client_decorators 0.9.2** `kafka_client_decorators` 是一个专门针对Python的Kafka客户端开发的装饰器库,它为处理Apache Kafka消息提供了便捷和灵活的方式。这个库的版本0.9.2是专为Python 3...
在Python中,还有许多其他高级主题,如装饰器(decorators)用于修改或增强函数行为,生成器(generators)用于创建迭代器,以及上下文管理器(context managers)用于资源的自动获取和释放,如使用with语句处理文件。...
《Python库:comapsmarthome-lambda-decorators-1.0.1》 在IT行业中,Python作为一门强大的开发语言,因其简洁易读的语法和丰富的库支持,广泛应用于后端开发、数据分析、机器学习等多个领域。本文将重点探讨名为`...
资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:lambda-decorators-0.1.tar.gz 资源来源:官方 安装方法:https://lanzao.blog.csdn.net/article/details/101784059
此外,装饰器(decorators)和上下文管理器(context managers)也可能出现在这些案例中,它们是Python中用于代码重用和资源管理的强大工具。 面向对象编程(OOP)是Python的另一个关键方面。案例可能涵盖类(classes)的...
7. **装饰器(Decorators)**:装饰器是Python的一种元编程技术,可以用来修改或增强函数、类的行为。理解装饰器的工作原理和使用场景,如授权、日志记录,对于编写高效代码至关重要。 8. **全局变量和返回(Return)**...
Learning Python, Fifth Edition by Mark Lutz Get a comprehensive, in-depth introduction to the core...- Learn advanced Python tools, including decorators, descriptors, metaclasses, and Unicode processing
6. **装饰器(Decorators)**: - 装饰器是Python的一种函数,用于修改或增强其他函数的功能,如添加日志、性能监控等。 - `@decorator`语法糖使得装饰器使用更加简洁。 - 装饰器可以接收参数,增加其灵活性,实现...
使用Python decorators特性,函数可以被编译成原生机器码,虽然这一特性会带来大约2倍的内存消耗,但也使python有更快的执行速度。 函数编译可设置使用底层整数代替python内建对象作为数字使用。有些代码的运行效率...
2. **装饰器(Decorators)**:装饰器是Python中的一个强大工具,可以修改或增强函数、类的行为,而不改变其原始代码。学习如何创建和使用装饰器可以提升代码的灵活性和重用性。 3. **上下文管理器(Context ...