Certificate attributes
This section lists the filterable certificate attributes and indicates whether the CryptoAPI and Netscape signature engines return identical strings when returning certificate attributes with identical data. If you want to filter for specific filteridentity tag values without specifying an engine, filter for strings that can be recognized by both RSA-compliant signature engines. If you want to filter for other tag values, your organization should maintain a policy stating the preferred signature engine for attaining digital certificates.
For example, if you wanted to filter for certificates encrypted with an md5 algorithm, you would find that Netscape and CryptoAPI return different strings for this attribute. CryptoAPI returns md5RSA, while Netscape returns PKCS #1 MD5 With RSA Encryption. If you listed either of these attributes as a tag value, you would return certificates from only one engine.
Subject: CN | the certificate owner’s common name | Yes |
Subject: E | the certificate owner’s email address | Yes |
Subject: T | the certificate owner’s locality | Yes |
Subject: ST | the certificate owner’s state of residence | Yes |
Subject: O | the organization to which the certificate owner belongs | Yes |
Subject: OU | the name of the organizational unit to which the certificate owner belongs | Yes |
Subject: C | the certificate owner’s country of residence | Yes |
Subject: STREET | the certificate owner’s street address | Yes |
Subject: ALL | the certificate owner’s complete distinguished name | Yes |
Issuer: CN | the certificate issuer’s common name | Yes |
Issuer: E | the certificate issuer’s email address | Yes |
Issuer: T | the certificate issuer’s locality | Yes |
Issuer: ST | the certificate issuer’s state of residence | Yes |
Issuer: O | the organization to which the certificate issuer belongs | Yes |
Issuer: OU | the name of the organizational unit to which the certificate issuer belongs | Yes |
Issuer: C | the certificate issuer’s country of residence | Yes |
Issuer: STREET | the certificate issuer’s street address | Yes |
Issuer: ALL | the certificate issuer’s complete distinguished name | Yes |
Serial | the certificate’s serial number | No |
SignatureAlg | the algorithm used by the Certificate Authority to sign the certificate | No |
BeginDate | the date at which the certificate becomes valid | Yes |
EndDate | the date at which the certificate becomes invalid | Yes |
PublicKey | the certificate’s public key | No |
FriendlyName | the certificate’s friendly name | No |
KeyUsage: ALL | indicates the purposes for which the certificate’s public key can be used | No |
KeyUsage: Digital Signature | this certificate’s public key can create digital signatures | No |
KeyUsage: NonRepudiation | this certificate’s public key can be used for non-repudiation | No |
KeyUsage: KeyEncipherment | this certificate’s public key can encipher keys | No |
KeyUsage: DataEncipherment | this certificate’s public key can encipher data | No |
KeyUsage: KeyAgreement | this certificate’s public key can ensure that other public keys match their certificates. Used in certificate management. | No |
KeyUsage: KeyCertSign | this certificate’s public key can sign key certificates | No |
KeyUsage: CRLSign | this certificate’s public key can sign Certificate Revocation Lists | No |
KeyUsage: EncipherOnly | this certificate’s public key can only encipher keys or data | No |
KeyUsage: DecipherOnly | this certificate’s public key can only decipher keys or data | No |
BasicConstraints | behaves as though the fCA tag was specified | Yes |
BasicConstraints: fCA | determines whether the subject of this certificate can act as a Certificate Authority (1 if true, 0 if false) | Yes |
BasicConstraints: pathLength | the number of CA certificates that can follow this certificate in a certification path. | Yes |
Policies | returns all of the Object Identification Numbers of the certificate's policies in a comma separated string | Yes |
PolicyConstraints: requireExplicitPolicy | indicates whether an explicit policy is required | Yes |
PolicyConstraints: inhibitPolicyMapping | indicates whether policy mapping is inhibited | Yes |
Engine: Name | the name of the signature engine that created the certificate | Yes |
With KeyWords you can find the key words in a text. The tools have been used by Oxford University Press for their own lexicographic work in preparing dictionaries, by language teachers and students, ...
Key words: Newton iterates the equation root 1 牛顿迭代法的简介 1.1 牛顿迭代法的概述 牛顿迭代法(Newton's method)又称为牛顿-拉夫逊方法(Newton-Raphson method),它是牛顿在17世纪提出的...
reverse_word_index = dict([(value, key) for (key, value) in word_index.items()]) # We decode the review; note that our indices were offset by 3 # because 0, 1 and 2 are reserved indices for "padding",...
Key words: automated testing, computer security, cryptographic algorithms, cryptography, Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA), Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES), Federal Information Processing...
for text_result in result['words_result']: print(text_result['words']) ``` 对于更复杂的场景,可能需要对识别结果进行进一步处理,比如使用正则表达式进行文本清洗和格式化。下面是一个综合示例,它展示了从...
T: First, let's look at some key words and expressions related to our topic. "Draw one's attention" means to make someone notice something. For instance, a loud noise can draw our attention. "At hand...
sorted_list = sorted(my_list, key=lambda x: (-x[0], x[1])) ``` 这种方式首先按第一个元素降序排序,相同的情况下再按照第二个元素升序排序,从而保证了排序的稳定性。 **2.4 Sorting by One Field, Then by ...
- **问题**:考虑以下代码:`words = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date"]`,`words.sort(key=len)`。排序后,列表中第一个元素是什么? - **选项**:A. “apple”;B. “banana”;C. “cherry”;D. “date”...
items.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for i in range(30): word, count = items[i] print("{0:<10}{1:>5}".format(word, count)) ``` 这里使用了列表推导式和排序函数对统计结果进行排序,并使用`print`...
top_5_words = sorted(word_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:5] for word, count in top_5_words: print(f"'{word}': {count}次") ``` 这段代码将统计文本中每个单词的出现次数,并打印出出现...
sorted_words = sorted(words, key=lambda x: len(x)) print(sorted_words) # 输出: ['apple', 'cherry', 'banana'] ``` #### 九、使用**运算符解包字典 在调用函数时,如果需要将字典中的键值对作为关键字参数...
items.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) with open('HLM_词频.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for i in range(topn): word, count = items[i] f.write(f"{word}\t{count}\n") wordFreq(text, 20) ...
1.首先是这样写的: import jieba txt = open(D:/python程序/threekingdoms.txt,rt,encoding='utf-8').read() words=jieba.lcut(txt) counts={} for word in words: ...items.sort(key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)
硕士论文选辑(一)。 With the developing of Internet and the increasing of users , the Chinese text for the Internet are growing ...Key Words: Cloud Computing; Text; Support Vector Machine; MapReduce
wc Count the number of lines, words, and chars in an object who Display credential information whoami Display information about this peer or the current peergroup xfer Send a file to another peer
A function key “Editor: Refresh Code Assistant” has been added, to bring the Code Assistant up to date after creating new database objects. When selecting a word, all matching words will be ...
sorted_pairs = sorted(pairs, key=lambda x: x[1]) print(sorted_pairs) # 输出: [(5, 0), (3, 1), (1, 2)] ``` #### 九、Python 排序的稳定性 **知识点**: - Python 的默认排序是稳定的。 - 稳定排序在需要保持...