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WebSphere Commerce Contract Export

Exporting contracts using XML files

Exporting contracts using the XML flies that define them.

    Start the WebSphere Commerce Test Server.
    Open a SQL session to your database and type the following SQL query:

    select * from contract;

    If you are using Apache Derby:
        Start the WebSphere Commerce Test Server.
        Open a browser and type the following URL: http://host_name/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet/db.jsp.
        In the SQL window, paste the SQL query.
    Locate the contract ID of the contract you are trying to export and make a note of it.
    Open the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
    Log into the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator using your username and password.
    When the Select Store and Language page appears enter the following URL into the same window after adding the file name and contract ID:



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