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1.  Definition : the load factor of a hash table is (# of objects in hash table/ # of buckets of hash table)

     -- load factor = O(1) is necessary condition for operations to run in constant time.

     -- with open addressing, need << 1.

     -- good Hash Table performance need to control load.


2.  For good HT performance, need a good hash function.

     Ideal : user super-clever hash function guaranteed to spread every data set out evenly.

     Problem : DOES NOT EXIST! (for every hash function, there is a Pathological Data Sets

     Reason : fix a hash function h : U -> {0,1,2,…,n-1} , there exist bucket i such that at least

     |u|/n elements of U hash to i under h.  if data set drawn only from these, everything collides !



3.  Solutions to pathological data sets

    1) Use a cryptographic hash function (e.g. SHA-2)

        -- infeasible to reverse engineer a pathological data set

    2) Use randomization. 

        -- design a family H of hash functions such that for all data sets S, “almost all” functions spread S

out “pretty evenly”.


4.  Universal Hash Functions Definition :

    -- Let H be a set of hash functions from U to {0,1,2,…,n-1} 

    -- H is universal if and only if : for all x,y in U (with x ≠ y ) , P(h in H) { x , y  collide} <= 1/n

        (n = # of buckets) When h is chosen uniformly at random from H.

   (i.e., collision probability as small as with “gold standard” of perfectly random hashing)


5.  Example: Hashing IP Addresses

     Let U = IP addresses of the form (x1,x2,x3,x4), with each xi in [0, ... , 255]

     Let n = a prime (e.g., small multiple of # of objects in HT)

     Definition : Define one hash function ha per 4-tuple a = (a1,a2,a3,a4) with each ai in [0, ..., n-1]

                       Define ha : IP addrs --> buckets by :

                                    ha ( x1, x2, x3, x4) = (a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3 + a4x4) mod n

                       Define H = { ha| a1, a2, a3, a4 in [0, ..., n] }

      Proof : Consider distinct IP addresses (x1,x2,x3,x4), (y1,y2,y3,y4). Assume x4 ≠ y4

      collision <==> a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3 + a4x4 = a1y1 + a2y2 + a3y3 + a4y4 ( mod n)

                    <==> a4(x4-y4) = a1(y1-x1) + a2(y2-x2) + a3 (y3-x3) (mod n)

      condition probability on random choice of a1, a2, a3.  (a4 is still random)

      x4 ≠ y4 (x4-y4 ≠ 0 mod n , assume n is bigger than any xi) n is prime, a4 uniform at random


6.  Chaining: Constant-Time Guarantee

     Claim : All operations run in O(1) time when hash table is implemented with chaining. Hash function h

chosen uniformly at random from universal family H.

     Caveats: 1) in expectation over the random choice of the hash function h. 

                     2) assumes |S| = O(n)  (load factor is |S|/n = O(1) )

                     3) assumes takes O(1) time to evaluate hash function

     Proof: analyze an unsuccessful Lookup (other operations only faster).

     Let S = data set with |S| = O(n) Consider Lookup for x not in S :

     Running Time : O(1) (compute h(x) ) + O(list length in A[h(x)] ) (traverse list , call it L)

     For y in S (so, y ≠ x) define Zy = 1 if h(y) = h(x) , 0 otherwise. So L = Sum(y in S) { Zy}

     So E[L] = E(Sum(y in S) {Zy}) = Sum (y in S) { E(Zy)} <= |S|/n = load factor = O(1)


7.  Open Addresing Performance :

    Heuristic assumption : (for a quick & dirty idealized analysis only) all n! probe sequences equally.

    under heuristic assumption, expected Insertion time is ~ 1/(1-load)

    Proof : A random probe finds an empty slot with 1- load 

               Insertion time ~ the number N of coin flips to get “heads”, where Pr[“heads”] = 1 - load

               E[N] = 1 (1st flip) + load (probability of tail) * E[N]

               So E[N] = 1/ (1-load)

     With linear probing, heuristic assumtion is completely false. 

      Assume instead : initial probes uniform at random independent for different keys ( less false)

      Theorem : [Knuth 1962] under above assumption, expected Insertion time is 1/(1-load)^2




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