
This template depends on the Android Support library


刚才更新SDK, ADT,可是新建项目的时候却出现问题了,操作一路默认,出现了下面的提示:
This template depends on the Android Support library, which is either not installed, or the
template depends on a more recent version than the one you hava installed.

Required version: 8
Installed version: Not installed

You can install or upgrade it by clicking the Install button below, or alternatively, you can
install it outside of Eclipse with the SDK Manager, the click on "Check Again" to proceed.

两个按钮:Install/Upgrade Check Again

按照提示安装升级了一下,再次Check Again, 还是这个错误提示,所以看看SDK的支持类下载没有,结果发现<sdk>/ extras/android/文件夹之下,原来的support变成compatibility了,于是新建了一个support文件夹,将下载过来的compatibility里面的东东全部copy到support中,重启。就没有那个BUG了。
我的是下载完在成android-sdk-windows/android-compatibility文件夹了 把里面的东西拷贝到extras/android/support下就ok了 如果没有support文件夹就创建一个






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