  • 浏览: 10559 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 上海



NuoDB发布可扩展的云关系型数据库 http://www.infoq.com/cn/news/2013/03/nuodb


wget http://www.nuodb.com/latest/nuodb-1.0.1.linux.x64.tar.gz



 tar -zxvf nuodb-1.0.1.linux.x64.tar.gz
 cd nuodb-


[phoenix@ays1 nuodb-]$ sudo ./run-quickstart
[sudo] password for phoenix:
[phoenix@ays1 nuodb-]$ sudo ./run-quickstart
[sudo] password for phoenix:
Setting PATH to /home/phoenix/heming/nuodb-
Unable to find the NuoDB demo-archives directory, check that /var/opt/nuodb/demo-archives exists and is writable
Press [enter] to continue ....

[phoenix@ays1 nuodb-]$ sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/nuodb/demo-archives
[phoenix@ays1 nuodb-]$ sudo ./run-quickstart
Setting PATH to /home/phoenix/heming/nuodb-
This script sets up NuoDB processes and a sample database.

Starting up a database named: test
Checking for a valid version of java
Found java at: /usr/bin/java
Found compatible version of Java for NuoDB
Starting a NuoDB Broker
Waiting for NuoDB Broker to start...
Starting a NuoDB Storage Manager
Initializing a new archive: /var/opt/nuodb/demo-archives/test
Started: [SM] ays1.phoenix/ [ pid = 4270 ] ACTIVE
Starting a NuoDB Transaction Engine
Started: [TE] ays1.phoenix/ [ pid = 4321 ] ACTIVE
Creating Sample Quickstart Schema
Importing Sample Quickstart Data
Capturing Sample Quickstart Database to /tmp/quickstart_capture.txt
Use the 'restart' command with this file to restart the database

Starting NuoDB Web Console, access via: http://localhost:8080
Starting an interactive SQL session with nuosql
Domain name: "domain"
User: "quickstart", Password: "quickstart"

Database name: "test"

DBA Username: "dba", DBA Password: "goalie"

Start executing SQL commands at the SQL prompt, such as:

SQL> show hockey;
SQL> select * from hockey;



用户名:密码 domain:bird


SQL> help
      ALTER DOMAIN            Change definition of a domain (not yet implemented)
      ALTER SEQUENCE          Change definition of a sequence
      ALTER TABLE             Change definition of a table
      ALTER TRIGGER           Change definition of a trigger
      ALTER USER              Change definition of a user
      AUTOCOMMIT              ON by default. If AUTOCOMMIT is specified as ON, the changes made by each statement are automatically committed as soon as the statement is run. To enable grouping of multiple data manipulation SQL commands into a single atomic transaction, specify AUTOCOMMIT OFF instead.
      COMMIT                  Commit the current transaction
      CREATE DATABASE         Use NuoDB Console or NuoDB Manager to create and drop databases; you cannot use the NuoDB SQL client for this purpose.
      CREATE DOMAIN           Define a new domain
      CREATE INDEX            Define a new index
      CREATE PROCEDURE        Return the exact string to use to recreate a stored procedure (Not Yet Implemented)
      CREATE ROLE             Define a new database role
      CREATE SCHEMA           Define a new schema
      CREATE SEQUENCE         Define a new sequence
      CREATE TABLE            Define a new table
      CREATE TRIGGER          Define a new trigger
      CREATE USER             Define a new database user account
      CREATE VIEW             Define a new view. Note limitations with SELECT.
      DELETE                  Remove table rows as specified by WHERE. See also TRUNCATE.
      DROP DATABASE           Use NuoDB Console to create and drop databases; you cannot use the NuoDB SQL client for this purpose.
      DROP DOMAIN             Remove a domain from the database
      DROP INDEX              Remove an index
      DROP PROCEDURE          Remove a specified procedure or function from storage
      DROP ROLE               Remove a role from the database
      DROP SCHEMA             Remove a schema
      DROP SEQUENCE           Remove a sequence
      DROP TABLE              Remove a table. See also TRUNCATE.
      DROP TRIGGER            Remove a trigger
      DROP USER               Remove a database user account
      DROP VIEW               Remove a view
      EXPLAIN                 Determine whether or not an index is used in processing a SELECT statement.
      GRANT                   Define access
      INSERT                  Create new rows in a table
      RELEASE                 Release a savepoint. See SAVEPOINT.
      RENAME TABLE            Rename one or more tables
      REPLACE                 Replace values in a table with new values
      REVOKE                  Remove access privileges
      ROLLBACK                Stop and end the current transaction.
      SAVEPOINT               Mark and name a point within a transaction to use with ROLLBACK and RELEASE.
      SELECT                  Retrieve rows from a table or view
      SET                     Set variables that define system behavior
      SHOW                    Display information about schemas, tables, domains, and status of AUTOCOMMIT isolation level.
      START TRANSACTION       Start a transaction block
      TRUNCATE                Empty a table
      UPDATE                  Update rows of a table
      UPGRADE                 Change or create tables and indexes. (NuoDB extension)
      USE                     Specify a schema as the default for the current connection to the NuoDB SQL client




  • 大小: 11.3 KB
  • 大小: 45.7 KB
  • 大小: 34.3 KB



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    DbVisualizer Pro

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    在上述代码中,`Class.forName("com.nuodb.jdbc.Driver")`这行用于加载GBase的JDBC驱动,这里的类名可能会根据实际的驱动版本有所不同,请参照驱动文档进行调整。`DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, ...


    Fix: (IBM DB2/NuoDB/Oracle) 修正插入物件後移除參數計數 /x 處理(7274) - SQL 編輯器(SQL Editor): Fix: 修正縮排(Increase/Decrease Indent)例外處理(7274) - 資料匯入(Data Import): Add: 新增支持 ...


    java Beautifier ffc8d8=af7ac5 7799ee=3498db ee77aa=8e44ad 55aa55=2ecc71 module.html ### Benchmarker目前,这是硬编码的,尽管它可以毫无偏差地损害NuoDB Python,Ruby和JDBC驱动程序的性能。




    NewSQL数据库,如VoltDB和NuoDB,则是在保持ACID属性的同时,提高了大数据环境下的性能,适用于需要高性能事务处理的应用。 课程改革还应关注大数据处理平台,如Hadoop和Spark。Hadoop是分布式计算框架,能够处理和...

    springboot gbase.zip

    - `spring.datasource.driver-class-name`: 驱动类名,对于GBase,应设置为`com.nuodb.jdbc.Driver`(请根据实际版本确认)。 3. **依赖管理**: 在`pom.xml`(如果你的项目是Maven)或`build.gradle`(如果是...


    NuoDB和Oracle等数据库产品已经在Docker上实现,这使得数据库层面的扩展变得更加灵活。 在电信行业,容器化正引领网络功能虚拟化(NFV)的趋势,帮助通信服务提供商(CSP)降低成本,提升网络扩展的灵活性。SDN-NFV...

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