Fixed Deposit Account (定期存款账户): customer deposits a big sum of money for a fixed duration of time (Atleast 3 months or higher). bank gives a very good interest as payment for keeping the deposit
savings account(储蓄账户/活期账户):where you can withdraw money at any time and get very low interest for the balance at the end of the month
Installment loan(分期付款):a loan that is repaid over time with a set number of scheduled payments. The term of loan may be as little as a few months and as long as 30 years. A mortgage, for example, is a type of installment loan.
- "You can open a savings account at any time with an initial deposit of 50 dollars." 告知客户储蓄账户的起始存款金额。 5. **账户管理**: - "Here is your passbook. Please bring it back when you ...
deposit money or withdrawal from account 1 or 2 get how much is account 1 or 2 set the pin number private first name last name pin account1 that is type account account2 that is type ...
定义一个存折类CAccount,存折类具有帐号、姓名、余额等数据成员,可以实现存款、取款和查询余额的操作, 取款金额必须在余额范围内。从存折类派生出信用卡类CCreditcard,信用卡类增加了透支限额一项数据成员, ...
例如,"Our minimum deposit for a savings account is 100 dollars." 和 "Five yuan is the minimum original deposit." 提及了具体的最低存款数额。 4. **存折管理**:存折是记录存款和取款的重要凭证,需要妥善...
然后,我们可以提供公有成员函数(方法)来访问和修改这些私有变量,例如deposit()用于存款,withdraw()用于取款,getBalance()用于查询余额。这样,我们确保了数据的安全性,防止了不合法的访问。 其次,**继承**...
deposit: 存款方法,参数类型:double, 返回类型:Account withdraw:取款方法,参数类型:double, 返回类型:Account 构造方法: 有参和无参,有参构造方法用于设置必要的属性 ATM 2:要求1:完成以下两种账户类型的...
"FixedDeposit:使用SQL Server从Outlook到队列(Orchestrator)的固定存款数据"这一标题暗示了该系统涉及的数据迁移过程,从邮件客户端Outlook到后端数据库SQL Server,以及可能的业务流程自动化工具Orchestrator。...
同时,也会询问客户选择定期还是活期:“A deposit or current account?”。 通过这些内容,我们可以了解到在银行办理业务时的基本流程和沟通方式,无论是开设新账户还是进行日常交易,都能更顺畅地与银行工作人员...
Deposit(string account, string cipher, string name, string style, double balance); double deposit(double input); double withdraw(double output); void inquire(); void correct_cipher(string ...
接着,`Account.cxx`和`Account.hxx`组合可能构成了Account类的定义和实现,Account类通常代表一个银行账户,包括以下属性和方法: 1. 属性:账号(account number)、余额(balance)、密码(PIN)、账户类型...
void deposit(Account* acc, float amount) { if (amount > 0) { acc->balance += amount; printf("存款成功,新的余额为:%.2f\n", acc->balance); } else { printf("存款金额必须为正数!\n"); } } ``` ...
设计 Account1 类,包含: ■ 一个名为id 的int 类型的私有数据域(默认值为0),长度为6 位。 ■ 一个名为balance 的double 类型的私有数据域(默认值为0)。 ■ 一个名为annualInterestRate 的double 类型的私有...
account.deposit(amount); } } public class Withdraw implements Transaction { private double amount; // 构造函数... @Override public void execute(Account account) { if (account.withdraw(amount))...
//类的无参构造函数 void deposit(float amount); //往账户中存款 int withdraw(float amount); //从账户中取款float getBalance(); //查询余额private: char mName[20]; //银行账户的户名 long mSN; ...
资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:swh.deposit-0.0.71.tar.gz 资源来源:官方 安装方法:
此外,为了处理银行业务操作,`Account`类应包含方法如存款(deposit),取款(withdrawal),和查看余额(getBalance)。以下是一个简单的`Account`类设计: ```java public class Account { private String ...
例如,`deposit()`用于存款,`withdraw()`用于取款,`transfer(Account* target, double amount)`用于向其他账户转账。为了保证账户安全,这些操作需要进行合法性检查,如检查余额是否充足、转账金额是否合法等。 ...
以下是一个简单的`MSTest`单元测试示例,用于测试`Account`类的`Deposit`和`Balance`方法: ```csharp [TestClass] public class AccountTest { [TestMethod] public void TestDeposit() { // 初始化账户 ...
public Account Deposit(long id, double sum) { Account account = GetAccountByID(id); if (account != null) { account.Deposit(sum); return account; } throw new InvalidOperationException("非法...