
objective c Basic

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Passing Data Forward

Passing data forward to a view controller from another view controller. You would use this method if you wanted to pass an object/value from one view controller to another view controller that you may be pushing on to a navigation stack.

For this example we will have ViewControllerA and ViewControllerB

To pass a BOOL value from ViewControllerA to ViewControllerB we would do the following.

in ViewControllerB.h create a property for the BOOL
@property(nonatomic) BOOL *isSomethingEnabled;

in ViewControllerA you need to tell it about ViewControllerB so use an

Then where you want to load the view eg. didSelectRowAtIndex or some IBAction you need to set the property in ViewControllerB before you push it onto nav stack.
#import "ViewControllerB.h"
ViewControllerB *viewControllerB = [[ViewControllerB alloc] initWithNib:@"ViewControllerB" bundle:nil];
viewControllerB.isSomethingEnabled = YES;
[self pushViewController:viewControllerB animated:YES];

This will set isSomethingEnabled in ViewControllerB to BOOL value YES.

Access from appdelegate

#include "MyAppDelegate.h"

((MyAppDelegate *)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate).myProperty;


[NSNumber numberWithFloat:32.445]
//is equivalent to:

[[[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:32.445] autorelease]
//in Manual Reference counting mode. In ARC or GC mode, you can consider it equivalent to:

[[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:32.445]
//Only benefit you might likely get is to try to avoid the autorelease call in MRC mode and replace it with a release call.


    Objective-C Basic.pdf 开发iphone基础语言

    Objective-C结合了C语言的强大特性和Smalltalk的面向对象编程特性,使其成为开发iOS和macOS应用程序的理想选择。 #### 二、Objective-C的历史背景 - **1971年**:史蒂夫·乔布斯和史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克相识。 - **...

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    elcome to Learn Objective- C on the Mac! This book is designed to teach you the basics of the Objective- C language. Objective- C is a superset of C and is the language used by many (if not most) ...

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    This Book has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand the basic to advanced concepts related to Objective-C Programming languages. Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented ...



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