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iPhone Configuration Utility


Mac:  http://support.apple.com/kb/dl1465

Help: http://help.apple.com/iosdeployment-ipcu/mac/1.0/?lang=en-us#appbec2b0fb


* When the profile is removed, the web clips will still here and maybe unable to delete, it will need to restart spring borad to remove the web clips.

* Wifi SSID is character sensitive.

* Web view can still be used when disable safari

* Can't use tel://xxx in web clips if safari is disabled

* Disable installing app, itunes can click install button but still can draw the icon to screen, syn without error, but no icon add to screen, after remove profile, iTunes will auto syn can install the app.



? Exported profile is not encrypt, even remove pw and url etc can be seen. Though if still can't be altered. Encryption can also be seperate by device? How to protect the profile?

? Can it be signed by iDEP? 

? Is it possible that I use the same id to update the profile, so that the restrictions are disabled?

? Tool Kid can remove profile without pw  Can only remove at the same mac, even the profile is delete at this mac, that means it can remove or replace by another mac

If the profile was signed, it can be replaced only by a profile signed by the same copy of iPhone Configuration Utility. The identifier in both profiles must match.

If the General Settings payload of the profile specifies that it cannot be removed by the user, the Remove button doesn’t appear. If the settings permit removal using an authorization password, the user is asked to enter the password after tapping Remove. 

? How the the mac reate profile is not find, what meaning of the same copy?

? Can't update, must remove, install





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    近期,苹果公司针对其iOS设备的iPhone Configuration Utility Profile发布了新的版本——IPCC 52.0。这一版本主要针对iOS 16.1系统进行优化,对于使用中国联通网络的iPhone用户来说,这意味着可能迎来更好的网络体验...


    在苹果的生态系统中,iPhone配置实用工具(iPhone Configuration Utility)是苹果官方提供的一款强大而实用的设备管理软件,专为iOS设备设计,旨在帮助用户更方便地管理和定制他们的iPhone、iPad或iPod touch。...


    在提供的文件列表中,“iPhone Configuration Utility.app”正是这个工具的主应用程序文件,用户安装后即可在电脑上运行,通过USB连接到iPhone,实现上述功能的操作。 总的来说,iPhone配置工具是iOS设备管理的重要...


    “iPhone配置实用工具”(iPhone Configuration Utility)可让您轻松地创建、维护和安装配置描述文件及对配置描述文件进行加密,跟踪和安装预置描述文件与授权的应用程序,以及采集包括控制台日志在内的设备信息。


    - **定位唯一设备ID**:可以使用Xcode、iTunes或iPhone Configuration Utility来获取设备的UDID(Unique Device Identifier)。 - **添加单个设备**:登录Apple Developer账户,在设备管理页面手动添加设备的UDID。 - ...

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