  • 浏览: 347194 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 大西洋底


统计一篇英文文档或一本小说中单词出现的次数,下面代码使用的是英文版小说"悲惨世界"做例子。 有两个需要注意的地方,一个是如何使用正则式分割单词,一个是HashMap中对元素按值排序无法直接完成,中间做了一下转化:

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class EnglishWordsStatics {
	public static final String EN_FOLDER_FILE = "C:/resources/Books/English/Les Miserables.txt";
	public static final String OUTPUT = "C:/resources/Books/English/Les Miserables - Words.txt";

	private HashMap<String, Integer> result = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
	private int total = 0;

	 * Handle one English fiction
	 * @param file
	 * @throws IOException
	public void handleOneFile(File file) throws IOException {
		if (file == null)
			throw new NullPointerException();

		BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
		String line;

		// split by space ' ( ) * + ' . / [0-9] : ; ? [ ] ` { } |
		Pattern pattern = Pattern
				.compile("[ ,?;.!\"'|[0-9]:`\\-\\(\\)\\[\\]]+");

		while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
			line = line.toLowerCase();
			String[] words = pattern.split(line);

			for (String word : words) {
				if (word.length() > 0) {
					if (!result.containsKey(word)) {
						result.put(word, 1);
					} else {
						Integer i = result.get(word);
						result.put(word, i);
		System.out.println("Total words: " + total);
		System.out.println("Total different words: " + result.size());

	 * Print the statics result
	 * @throws IOException 
	public void saveResult() throws IOException {
		// Sorting
		List<Node> list = new ArrayList<Node>();
		for (String word : result.keySet()) {
			Node p = new Node(word, result.get(word));


		FileWriter fw = new FileWriter (new File (OUTPUT));
		for (Node p : list) {
			fw.write(p.getWord() + "\t" + p.getNum()+"\n");		
		System.out.println ("Done");

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		EnglishWordsStatics ews = new EnglishWordsStatics();
		ews.handleOneFile(new File(EN_FOLDER_FILE));

 * For sorting, store the words - num
class Node implements Comparable<Node> {
	private String word;
	private int num;

	public Node() {

	public Node(String word, int num) {
		this.word = word;
		this.num = num;

	public String getWord() {
		return word;

	public int getNum() {
		return num;

	public int compareTo(Node o) {
		return o.getNum() - num;

Total words: 607563
Total different words: 22882

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t	395
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monsieur	377
though	377
god	373
point	371
mother	368
whole	367
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street	352
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own	342
thing	341
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face	336
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off	320
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bishop	320
side	318
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la	314
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ah	259
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le	251
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since	248
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also	245
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nor	241
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children	239
half	237
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o	208
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l	172
part	172
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du	159
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army	105
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spot	104
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future	103
ago	103
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until	101
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months	101
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wife	99
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yourself	97
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soon	97
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chair	97
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enough	96
sign	96
justice	96
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grantaire	96
body	95
seems	95
distance	95
frightful	94
thoughts	94
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sleep	94
although	93
hat	93
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singular	93
fellow	93
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eponine	92
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instant	92
simple	92
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further	92
fear	92
secret	92
peace	92
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insurrection	91
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bit	91
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ll	90
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occasion	90
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doctor	90
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square	90
top	90
becomes	90
porter	90
allowed	90
brow	90
glass	89
rendered	89
sad	89
blind	89
husband	89
souls	89
montparnasse	89
horrible	89
windows	89
according	88
monseigneur	88
son	88
pale	88
leave	88
halted	87
enormous	87
succeeded	87
minutes	87
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dressed	86
vague	86
ran	86
either	86
power	86
serious	86
uttered	86
tone	86
laugh	86
none	86
forest	86
obliged	86
blue	85
spring	85
sombre	85
use	85
heads	85
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home	84
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view	84
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reply	84
june	83
sky	83
sur	83
doing	83
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hope	82
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colonel	82
watch	82
haste	81
killed	81
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misery	81
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noise	81
real	81
names	81
prisoner	80
eat	80
bossuet	80
several	80
letters	80
burst	80
spoke	80
youth	80
big	80
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tree	80
crime	79
church	79
gentleman	79
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deal	79
address	79
rich	79
lower	79
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master	78
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service	78
whence	78
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gun	77
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number	77
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civilization	77
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amid	77
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magloire	77
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honor	77
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thinking	77
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baron	76
et	76
chance	76
reason	76
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gloom	76
begun	76
school	76
paces	76
neck	76
emperor	76
affair	76
seeing	76
rain	76
ideal	76
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latter	75
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inn	75
everywhere	75
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beyond	75
march	75
wild	75
feel	75
respect	75
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got	74
paused	74
holy	74
subject	74
beings	74
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fault	74
whatever	74
priest	74
aside	74
mass	74
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peculiar	73
wrong	73
creature	73
rope	73
worthy	73
tholomyes	73
wore	73
shouted	73
race	73
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space	72
opening	72
fifty	72
horses	72
sou	72
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gate	72
shoes	72
double	72
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spirit	72
free	72
recognize	72
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thanks	71
written	71
lines	71
soldier	71
box	71
coffin	71
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pronounced	70
play	70
account	70
listened	70
bench	70
gentle	70
passage	70
silver	70
evidently	70
memory	70
situation	70
addressed	70
dream	70
kept	70
named	70
possessed	69
key	69
erect	69
behold	69
pity	69
green	69
building	69
cap	69
fresh	69
sainte	68
run	68
bare	68
departure	68
preceding	68
cart	68
mean	68
tried	68
narrow	68
picpus	68
keep	68
soldiers	68
ill	67
obscure	67
angle	67
cloud	67
wellington	67
talking	67
ended	67
finished	67
approached	67
condemned	67
month	67
existence	67
virtue	66
story	66
distant	66
habit	66
quitted	66
attack	66
object	66
wood	66
complete	66
immediately	66
shut	66
sent	66
absolute	65
lightning	65
supreme	65
etc	65
sweet	65
dog	65
dropped	65
noticed	65
revery	65
calm	65
listen	65
believe	65
entrance	65
wrath	65
heavy	65
bore	64
obscurity	64
crowd	64
abyss	64
finally	64
ask	64
rags	64
shoulders	63
pure	63
flight	63
takes	63
goes	63
thither	63
happened	63
died	63
doors	63
emerged	63
advanced	63
twilight	63
fatal	63
gamin	63
deep	63
effort	63
horror	63
stupid	63
committed	63
demanded	63
prioress	63
possession	63
plumet	63
advance	62
sense	62
fifth	62
blow	62
instinct	62
bring	62
best	62
roof	62
daylight	62
revolt	62
purpose	62
merely	62
questions	62
linen	62
aunt	62
conscious	62
tomb	62
gold	62
note	62
attitude	62
encountered	62
field	61
descended	61
england	61
ourselves	61
talk	61
flung	61
suffering	61
action	61
faubourg	61
rise	61
yellow	61
absolutely	61
lies	61
merry	61
required	61
illuminated	61
cure	61
seem	61
self	61
exists	61
repeated	60
ear	60
across	60
mentioned	60
hall	60
falling	60
occupied	60
infinite	60
straw	60
smoke	60
straight	60
branch	60
philosophy	60
cause	60
observed	60
lips	60
pistol	59
holding	59
horizon	59
knowing	59
violent	59
former	59
maire	59
indescribable	59
hung	59
bridge	58




    这里我们主要探讨“单词字母频率统计”的概念、实现方法以及它在不同场景下的应用。 首先,理解“单词字母频率统计”:这是一种统计技术,用于计算一个给定文本中每个字母出现的频次。这种统计可以帮助我们了解文本...


    给定指定单词,统计其在选定文本中出现的频率 在磁盘目录下保存一篇英文文章,通过程序打开该文件,对里面的数据进行操作;将磁盘文件中的英文文章先用链表装起来,单词一个个地存放到链表中的结点中;这样一来对...

    统计 单词频率练习

    本实践项目聚焦于“统计单词频率”,这是一个典型的文本处理问题,旨在通过编程来实现对文本数据的高效分析。在这个过程中,我们将学习如何统计单词个数,查询特定单词及其出现频率,以及定位单词在文本中的行号。 ...




    标题 "统计单词在文章中出现频率" 描述的是一个C++编程任务,目的是设计并实现一个程序,能够读取一个包含英文文章的文本文件,分析其中的单词,并统计每个单词出现的次数。最终,程序会将这些信息写入另一个文件,...






    标题 "统计单词出现频率代码" 描述的是一个用于计算英文文章中单词频率的程序。这个程序可以帮助我们了解一篇文章中各个单词出现的频次,对于文本分析、信息检索或语言学习等场景都十分有用。标签 "单词" 和 "频率" ...


    如题 c语言统计英文单词 先输入文件地址 然后按照提示操作


    在IT领域,尤其是在编程与数据处理方面,统计文本单词频率是一项基本且重要的任务。通过给定的代码示例,我们可以深入探讨如何使用C++结合STL(标准模板库)中的`map`容器来高效地完成这一工作。 ### 核心知识点...


    哈希查找 写一篇英文的自我介绍,统计各单词出现的次数,选取适当的哈希函数,构造哈希表,用链表来解决冲突,然后实现哈希查找。



    英文单词排序 (25 分)PTA

    实验11-1-1 英文单词排序 (25 分) 本题要求编写程序,输入若干英文单词,对这些单词按长度从小到大排序后输出。如果长度相同,按照输入的顺序不变。 输入格式: 输入为若干英文单词,每行一个,以#作为输入结束...


    字符串分割 复制代码 代码如下: ...统计英文单词的个数的python代码 复制代码 代码如下: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os,sys info = os.getcwd() #获取当前文件名称 fin = open(u’c:/a.txt’) info = fin.read

    二叉搜索树统计单词频率 MFC实现






    数据结构 统计单词频率

    在数据结构课程设计中,"统计单词频率"是一个常见的实践项目,它涉及到文本处理、数据组织和算法应用。这个项目的主要目标是分析文本文件中的单词出现频次,并以可视化的方式展示出来。MFC(Microsoft Foundation ...


    在C++编程语言中,统计英文文章中的单词个数并计算每个字母的出现频率是一项基础但重要的任务。这个过程涉及到字符串处理、字符分析以及计数算法。以下将详细阐述实现这一功能所需的关键知识点: 1. **字符串处理**...



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