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github(3)Git Branching

github(3)Git Branching
3.1 Git Branching - What a Branch Is
Git doesn't store data as a series of change sets or deltas, but instead as a series of snapshots.

Every directory root has a checksum number, every commit will point to a snapshot.

The default branch name is Git is master.As I initially make commits, you're given a master branch that points to the last commit you made. Every time you commit, it moves forward automatically.

When we create a new branch, that is doing so creates a new pointer for me to move around.
Create a branch
>git branch testing

In Git, a special pointer called HEAD will point to the local branch I am currently on.
Checkout a branch
>git checkout testing
This command will just move HEAD to point to the testing branch.

3.2 Git Branching - Basic Branching and Merging
Basic Branching
>git checkout -b issue53
Create a branch named issue53 and switched to this new branch.


>git branch issue53
>git checkout issue53

Switch to master and merge the branch issue53
>git checkout master
>git merge issue53

Once we merge the branch back, we can delete the branch.
>git branch -d issue53

Basic Merging
Check out the branch we plan to merge our fix branch into.
>git checkout develop

Merge the fix branch into the develop
>git merge issue53

Basic Merge Conflicts
We may get conflict in this step.
CONFLICT(content): Merge conflict in xxxxx
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

Check which file has conflict
>git status

I can directly use vim to merge the code. After that I use git add on each file to mark it as resolved.
>git add xxxx

Or I can use UI tool
>git mergetool

3.3 Git Branching - Branch Management
Branch Management
List all the branches
>git branch

To see the last commit on each branch
>git branch -v

There are 2 useful options. --merged and --no-merged
It will list all the branches merged to the current branch.
>git branch --merged

>git branch --no-merged

If a branch is not merged to current branch, we can not delete it with this command.
>git branch -d xxxx

We need to use command
>git branch -D xxxx

3.4 Git Branching - Branching Workflows

3.5 Git Branching - Remote Branches
The syntax will be >git push (remote) (branch)
>git push origin develop

Tracking Branches
This command will show all the branches, including the remotes
>git branch -a

Once I delete my branch, I need to delete the remote branch
>git push origin :branchName

3.6 Git Branching - Rebasing





    在 Learn Git Branching 中,我们可以通过游戏的方式来学习 Git 的基本命令,如 git clone、git add、git commit、git push 等。这些命令都是我们在使用 Git 过程中最常用的命令。通过游戏的方式,我们可以更容易地...


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    第三章“Git Branching”则介绍了Git分支管理的高级技巧,这对于管理复杂的代码版本和进行协作开发尤为重要。 《Pro Git》第二版中的所有知识点都是为了帮助读者在现代软件开发的背景下,更好地使用Git这一工具。...


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    分支运动 ... 对于此任务,我们希望您: 第一个人: 克隆此仓库 创建第一个分支并命名为“ bugFix1” 查找错误并修复 添加,提交和推送更改 创建拉取请求 一对一起检查错误 ...交换到第二个人,第二个人将重复上述步骤...

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    "cloning and branching"是Git中两个重要的概念。`git clone`命令用于复制远程仓库到本地,这样你就可以开始工作了。而分支(branch)则允许你在不影响主分支(通常称为master)的情况下进行开发,`git branch`和`...

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    对于此任务,我们希望您: 第一个人: 克隆此仓库创建第一个分支并命名为“ bugFix1” 查找错误并修复添加,提交和推送更改创建拉取请求一对一起检查错误合并代码交换到第二个人,第二个人将重复上述步骤(将分支...

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    对于此任务,我们希望您: 第一个人: 克隆此仓库创建第一个分支并命名为“ bugFix1” 查找错误并修复添加,提交和推送更改创建拉取请求一对一起检查错误合并代码交换到第二个人,第二个人将重复上述步骤(将分支...


    - **Branching Strategies**: Different branching models exist, such as Git Flow, Feature Branch Workflow, and Trunk-Based Development. Choose a strategy that fits the team's needs and project ...


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    This serves as a primer for the topics to follow such as branching and merging, creating and managing a GitHub personal repository, and fork and pull requests. You'll also learn how to migrate from ...

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