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How to create a desktop shortcut in linux?

Desktop Entry file is the desktop shortcut under Linux. A simplest desktop entry file is as following:
<!---->1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Exec=/home/sting/Software/flock/flock
3 Name=flock
4 Terminal=false
5 Type=Application
6 Icon=/home/sting/Software/flock/icons/mozicon128.png
The first line is necessary. There are two types of desktop entry, the first is "Application" which means the entry is pointed to an executable program, the second one is "Link", which means a link to an URL.
For an "Application" entry, "Exec" points to an executable file; for an "Link" entry, please use "URL" to define the URL your want to point to.
"Terminal" is true means openning the program in terminal.
"Icon" is used to define the icon file of the desktop entry.

For more information, please visit here.

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