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最简单的死锁产生的形式是:thread1 已经获取lock1,然后再去获取lock2,如果此时有thread2 已经获取了lock2 ,并且同时去获取lock1,那么就会发生死锁。
如果此时thread1 有需要获取到lock4,那么就可能会产生死锁。
从死锁的产生上,大家可以考虑到:如果将thread1 当成根节点,lock1是其子节点,thread2 是lock1的子节点,lock2,lock3 是thread2的子节点,同理:thread3 是lock2 的子节点,lock4 是thread3的子节点。如此可以看出thread与其相关的锁就是一个树结构,最上层是当前thread,其下是thread与lock交叉的分层。此树反应了一个thread所拥有的所有lock,然后是所有正在等待这些lock上thread,如此表示下去无论是直接还是间接,此树上的每个lock都在等待根thread最终将其释放,如此如果此thread需要对某个lock hard wait,它就不能在此树上,如此会产生一个循环,也就是死锁的成因。
以上代码是:java Thread 第三版 第六章的代码,详细请查看原始代码
最简单的死锁产生的形式是:thread1 已经获取lock1,然后再去获取lock2,如果此时有thread2 已经获取了lock2 ,并且同时去获取lock1,那么就会发生死锁。
如果此时thread1 有需要获取到lock4,那么就可能会产生死锁。
从死锁的产生上,大家可以考虑到:如果将thread1 当成根节点,lock1是其子节点,thread2 是lock1的子节点,lock2,lock3 是thread2的子节点,同理:thread3 是lock2 的子节点,lock4 是thread3的子节点。如此可以看出thread与其相关的锁就是一个树结构,最上层是当前thread,其下是thread与lock交叉的分层。此树反应了一个thread所拥有的所有lock,然后是所有正在等待这些lock上thread,如此表示下去无论是直接还是间接,此树上的每个lock都在等待根thread最终将其释放,如此如果此thread需要对某个lock hard wait,它就不能在此树上,如此会产生一个循环,也就是死锁的成因。
import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; // // This is a very very slow implementation of a ReentrantLock class and is not for // everyday usage. The purpose of this class is to test for deadlocks. The lock() // method now throws a DeadlockDetectedException, if a deadlock occurs. // public class DeadlockDetectingLock extends ReentrantLock { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // List of deadlock detecting locks. // This array is not thread safe, and must be externally synchronized // by the class lock. Hence, it should only be called by static // methods. private static List<DeadlockDetectingLock> deadlockLocksRegistry = new ArrayList<DeadlockDetectingLock>(); private static synchronized void registerLock(DeadlockDetectingLock ddl) { if (!deadlockLocksRegistry.contains(ddl)){ deadlockLocksRegistry.add(ddl); } } private static synchronized void unregisterLock(DeadlockDetectingLock ddl) { if (deadlockLocksRegistry.contains(ddl)){ deadlockLocksRegistry.remove(ddl); } } // List of threads hard waiting for this lock. // This array is not thread safe, and must be externally synchronized // by the class lock. Hence, it should only be called by static // methods. private List<Thread> hardwaitingThreads = new ArrayList<Thread>(); private static synchronized void markAsHardwait(List<Thread> l, Thread t) { if (!l.contains(t)) { l.add(t); } } private static synchronized void freeIfHardwait(List<Thread> l, Thread t) { if (l.contains(t)) { l.remove(t); } } // // Deadlock checking methods // // Given a thread, return all locks that are already owned // Must own class lock prior to calling this method private static Iterator<DeadlockDetectingLock> getAllLocksOwned(Thread t) { DeadlockDetectingLock current; ArrayList<DeadlockDetectingLock> results = new ArrayList<DeadlockDetectingLock>(); Iterator<DeadlockDetectingLock> itr = deadlockLocksRegistry.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { current = (DeadlockDetectingLock) itr.next(); if (current.getOwner() == t) { results.add(current); } } return results.iterator(); } // Given a lock, return all threads that are hard waiting for the lock // Must own class lock prior to calling this method private static Iterator<Thread> getAllThreadsHardwaiting(DeadlockDetectingLock l) { return l.hardwaitingThreads.iterator(); } // Check to see if a thread can perform a hard wait on a lock private static synchronized boolean canThreadWaitOnLock(Thread t, DeadlockDetectingLock l) { //先获取t已经获取的lock锁list Iterator<DeadlockDetectingLock> locksOwned = getAllLocksOwned(t); while (locksOwned.hasNext()) { DeadlockDetectingLock current = locksOwned.next(); // Thread can't wait if lock is already owned. This is the end condition // for the recursive algorithm -- as the initial condition should be // already tested for. // t 获取 l 锁,如果此锁已经被需要获得l锁的线程获取,那么就是产生死锁的条件 if (current == l) return false; //获取(等待获取当前线程已经获得的current锁)的线程组 Iterator<Thread> waitingThreads = getAllThreadsHardwaiting(current); while (waitingThreads.hasNext()) { Thread otherthread = (Thread) waitingThreads.next(); // In order for the thread to safely wait on the lock, it can't // own any locks that have waiting threads that already owns // lock. etc. etc. etc. recursively etc. if (!canThreadWaitOnLock(otherthread, l)) { return false; } } } return true; } // // Core Constructors // public DeadlockDetectingLock() { this(false, false); } public DeadlockDetectingLock(boolean fair) { this(fair, false); } private boolean debugging; public DeadlockDetectingLock(boolean fair, boolean debug) { super(fair); debugging = debug; registerLock(this); } // // Core Methods // public void lock() { // Note: Owner can't change if current thread is owner. It is // not guaranteed otherwise. Other owners can change due to // condition variables. //当前线程是否获得当前锁 if (isHeldByCurrentThread()) { if (debugging){ System.out.println("Already Own Lock"); } super.lock(); //把当前线程从 wait list(无限等待获取该锁的线程列表)中移除,因为该线程已经获得该锁 freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); return; } // Note: The wait list must be marked before it is tested because // there is a race condition between lock() method calls. //如果当前线程没有获得当前锁,那么把当前线程加入到 wait list(无限等待获取该锁的线程列表) markAsHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); //测试当前线程能否获取this当前锁 if (canThreadWaitOnLock(Thread.currentThread(), this)) { if (debugging) { System.out.println("Waiting For Lock"); } super.lock(); freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); if (debugging) { System.out.println("Got New Lock"); } } else { throw new DeadlockDetectedException("DEADLOCK"); } } // // Note: It is debatable whether this is a hard or soft wait. Even if // interruption is common, we don't know if the interrupting thread // is also involved in the deadlock. As a compromise, we'll just // not allow interrupts. This method is disabled. public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException { lock(); } // // Note: It is not necessary to override the tryLock() methods. These // methods perform a soft wait -- there is a limit to the wait. It // not possible to deadlock when locks are not waiting indefinitely. // // Note 1: Deadlocks are possible with any hard wait -- this includes // the reacquitition of the lock upon return from an await() method. // As such, condition variables will mark for the future hard // wait, prior to releasing the lock. // Note 2: There is no need to check for deadlock on this end because // a deadlock can be created whether the condition variable owns the // lock or is reacquiring it. Since we are marking *before* giving // up ownership, the deadlock will be detected on the lock() side // first. It is not possible to create a new deadlock just by releasing // locks. public class DeadlockDetectingCondition implements Condition { Condition embedded; protected DeadlockDetectingCondition(ReentrantLock lock, Condition embedded) { this.embedded = embedded; } // Note: The algorithm can detect a deadlock condition if the thead is // either waiting for or already owns the lock, or both. This is why // we have to mark for waiting *before* giving up the lock. public void await() throws InterruptedException { try { markAsHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); embedded.await(); } finally { freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); } } public void awaitUninterruptibly() { markAsHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); embedded.awaitUninterruptibly(); freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); } public long awaitNanos(long nanosTimeout) throws InterruptedException { try { markAsHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); return embedded.awaitNanos(nanosTimeout); } finally { freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); } } public boolean await(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { try { markAsHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); return embedded.await(time, unit); } finally { freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); } } public boolean awaitUntil(Date deadline) throws InterruptedException { try { markAsHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); return embedded.awaitUntil(deadline); } finally { freeIfHardwait(hardwaitingThreads, Thread.currentThread()); } } public void signal() { embedded.signal(); } public void signalAll() { embedded.signalAll(); } } // Return a condition variable that support detection of deadlocks public Condition newCondition() { return new DeadlockDetectingCondition(this, super.newCondition()); } // // Testing routines here // // These are very simple tests -- more tests will have to be written a b c 都被注册到 deadlockLocksRegistry 中 private static Lock a = new DeadlockDetectingLock(false, true); private static Lock b = new DeadlockDetectingLock(false, true); private static Lock c = new DeadlockDetectingLock(false, true); private static Condition wa = a.newCondition(); private static Condition wb = b.newCondition(); private static Condition wc = c.newCondition(); private static void delaySeconds(int seconds) { try { Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } private static void awaitSeconds(Condition c, int seconds) { try { c.await(seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } private static void testOne() { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("thread one grab a"); a.lock(); delaySeconds(2); System.out.println("thread one grab b"); b.lock(); delaySeconds(2); a.unlock(); b.unlock(); } }).start(); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("thread two grab b"); b.lock(); delaySeconds(2); System.out.println("thread two grab a"); a.lock(); delaySeconds(2); a.unlock(); b.unlock(); } }).start(); } private static void testTwo() { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("thread one grab a"); a.lock(); delaySeconds(2); System.out.println("thread one grab b"); b.lock(); delaySeconds(10); a.unlock(); b.unlock(); } }).start(); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("thread two grab b"); b.lock(); delaySeconds(2); System.out.println("thread two grab c"); c.lock(); delaySeconds(10); b.unlock(); c.unlock(); } }).start(); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("thread three grab c"); c.lock(); delaySeconds(4); System.out.println("thread three grab a"); a.lock(); delaySeconds(10); c.unlock(); a.unlock(); } }).start(); } private static void testThree() { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("thread one grab b"); b.lock(); System.out.println("thread one grab a"); a.lock(); delaySeconds(2); System.out.println("thread one waits on b"); awaitSeconds(wb, 10); a.unlock(); b.unlock(); } }).start(); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { delaySeconds(1); System.out.println("thread two grab b"); b.lock(); System.out.println("thread two grab a"); a.lock(); delaySeconds(10); b.unlock(); c.unlock(); } }).start(); } public static void main(String args[]) { int test = 1; if (args.length > 0) test = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); switch(test) { case 1: testOne(); // 2 threads deadlocking on grabbing 2 locks break; case 2: testTwo(); // 3 threads deadlocking on grabbing 2 out of 3 locks break; case 3: testThree(); // 2 threads deadlocking on 2 locks with CV wait break; default: System.err.println("usage: java DeadlockDetectingLock [ test# ]"); } delaySeconds(60); System.out.println("--- End Program ---"); System.exit(0); } }
以上代码是:java Thread 第三版 第六章的代码,详细请查看原始代码
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### SQL Server 死锁检测详解 #### 死锁的基本概念 死锁是计算机科学领域一个重要的概念,尤其在数据库管理系统中极为关键。死锁的本质是一种僵持状态,它发生在两个或多个事务相互等待对方释放资源时,从而导致...
### Linux内核死锁检测——Lockdep详解 #### 一、Lockdep简介 **Lockdep** 是 Linux 内核提供的一项重要功能,用于协助开发者发现并解决死锁问题。死锁通常指的是两个或多个进程(在 Linux 内核中通常指的是任务)...
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Oracle数据库内置了死锁检测机制,当检测到死锁时,会自动选择一个受害者事务进行回滚,释放资源,从而打破死锁。另外,DBA可以通过以下方式手动检查: - 使用`v$session_wait`视图查找等待类型的`ENQ: TX - row ...
而"死锁监控方案.txt"可能包含了一种具体的死锁检测和处理的实现方法,如定时检测系统状态,一旦发现死锁迹象,就采取相应的恢复措施。 总结来说,解决多线程死锁问题需要从预防、避免、检测和恢复四个方面进行考虑...
4. **死锁检测与恢复**:SQLite内建了死锁检测机制,当检测到死锁时,会回滚其中一个事务以解除死锁。但也可以在应用程序层面主动检测和处理死锁。 5. **使用WAL模式**:Write-Ahead Logging(预写日志)模式能有效...
- **使用死锁检测和超时设置**:SQL Server自身有内置的死锁检测机制,当检测到死锁时,会选择一个事务回滚以打破死锁。 ### 4. 死锁案例分析 分析实际的死锁案例,通常需要结合`sp_who`和`sp_lock`的输出,查看...
SQL Server提供了多种工具和方法来检测和分析死锁,以便管理员能够及时发现并解决问题。本文将详细介绍如何在SQL Server中分析死锁进程,特别是如何通过存储过程来捕捉和分析死锁信息。 ### 死锁分析存储过程 在...
为了解决这个问题,SQL Server引入了死锁检测机制,并会在发现死锁时选择一个事务进行回滚,以打破僵局,这个过程称为死锁牺牲品。 SQL Server Profiler是SQL Server的一个重要工具,用于跟踪和记录服务器活动,...
除了JCarder,Java还提供了其他的死锁检测工具和手段,如JConsole、VisualVM和JDK自带的jstack命令。这些工具都可以帮助我们分析线程状态,找出可能导致死锁的原因。 在编写多线程程序时,预防死锁的一些最佳实践...
- **超时机制**:SQL Server默认设置了一个超时时间,当事务等待超过这个时间仍未获得资源,就会触发死锁检测。系统会选择一个事务作为死锁的受害者,并中止该事务。 - **死锁监控**:通过创建警报或者触发器来...
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标题所提及的"查看数据库死锁信息"是一个至关重要的任务,因为死锁可能导致数据库性能下降,甚至影响到服务的正常运行。当出现"Deadlock found when trying to get to lock; try restarting transaction"这样的错误...
### 死锁检测与分析 #### 使用跟踪标志1204 在SQL Server中,启用跟踪标志1204是检测死锁的一个有效方式。当启用此标志后,SQL Server会在发生死锁时生成详细的死锁信息报告,包括涉及的事务、锁定的资源以及死锁...
2. 使用死锁检测机制,当检测到死锁时,MySQL会回滚其中一个事务以打破死锁循环。 3. 优化SQL查询,避免全表扫描,减少间隙锁的使用。 4. 考虑使用更宽松的事务隔离级别,如可重复读(Repeatable Read)降级为读已...
3. **使用死锁检测和自动解决机制**:Oracle提供了死锁检测功能,一旦检测到死锁,系统会自动选择牺牲其中一个事务,解决死锁。 4. **优化SQL语句**:合理使用SQL提示(如`/*+ NO_MERGE */`),减少不必要的全表扫描...
#### 三、MySQL死锁检测 MySQL通过内部机制自动检测死锁。当检测到死锁时,通常会选择回滚其中一个事务来解除死锁。可以通过查询`INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TRX`表来查看当前活跃的事务信息,包括事务的状态、开始...