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the little schemer - 1

这本书的目的是教人学会递归的思考(think recursively, think different)
有三种方式阐述这一问题:自然语言、形式化数学(formal mathematics),或者一门程序语言;自然语言模糊、不精确而且罗唆,容易引起歧义;形式化数学正好想反,它只用少许的符号就能强有力的表示形式化的主意,但是不经过专门的训练很难掌握;所以这本书选择用程序语言讲述递归的概念。程序语言可以像形式化数学那样使用一套符号进行形式化表达,但不像形式化数学,这种表达是可以通过自己做实验来体会的

car([Head|_]) -> Head.

cdr([_|Tail]) -> Tail.

cons(S, L) when is_list(L) -> [S|L];
cons(S, L) -> throw(must_be_list).



    The little Schemer - Daniel P. Friedman.doc


    The Little Schemer 4th.mobi

    《The Little Schemer:递归与函数式的奥妙》是一本久负盛名的经典之作,两位作者Daniel P. Friedman、Matthias Felleisen在程序语言界名声显赫。《The Little Schemer:递归与函数式的奥妙》介绍了Scheme的基本结构...

    The Little Schemer

    The Little Schemer The Little Schemer

    The little schemer第十章解释器代码

    The little schemer第十章解释器代码,里面包含了解释器用到的所有辅助函数,这个解释器和seasoned第二十章的解释器简单很多,比较好理解,在学习的朋友有需要可以看看

    The Little Schemer_4th.pdf

    The goal of this book is to teach the reader to think recursively. And to read this book, the reader must be comfortable reading English, recognizing numbers, and counting.

    the little scheme (示例代码,windows运行环境, pdf文件 和 [The Seasoned Schemer pdf])

    《The Little Schemer》是一本经典的Scheme编程语言教程,旨在通过一系列的互动习题引导读者深入理解递归和函数式编程的核心概念。这本书的中文名通常被译为《小.Scheme程序员》。压缩包中的资源提供了书中实例代码...

    The Reasoned Schemer, 2nd Edition

    As in the first edition, the pedagogical method is a series of questions and answers, which proceed with the characteristic humor that marked The Little Schemer and The Seasoned Schemer. Familiarity ...


    the-little-schemer the little schemer 道法自然的好书 上学最宝贵的收获之一是结交学识过人的朋友。自己闷头学得山穷水尽时,高手轻轻一句点拨,眼前便峰回路转,柳暗花明。每次上完课,有幸和朋友小聚,请教弱智...

    The Seasoned Schemer(非扫描)

    Steele Jr.The notion that "thinking about computing is one of the most exciting things the human mind can do" sets both The Little Schemer (formerly known as The Little LISPer) and its new companion ...

    The Reasoned Schemer

    which proceed with the characteristic humor that marked The Little Schemer and The Seasoned Schmer. Familiarity with a functional language or with the first eight chapters of The Little Schemer is ...

    the_little_schemer:《The Little Schemer》笔记


    the little schemer


    the seasoned schemer

    1. Scheme语言基础:由于本书是《The Little Schemer》的续集,因此应该会涵盖该书的很多基础知识,如列表操作、递归、函数定义和基本的Scheme编程概念。 2. 函数作为程序的灵魂:既然提到函数是Lisp的灵魂,本书...

    the little schemer 4th edition

    根据提供的文件信息,下面是关于《the little schemer 4th edition》一书的知识点总结: 首先,这本书主要使用了函数式编程语言Scheme作为教学工具,这要求读者需要具备一定的函数式编程思维。Scheme语言以其简洁和...

    the little scheme 4th epub mobi

    the little scheme 4th epub 适合电子书阅读的版本 可以直接再很多电子书上阅读 The.Little.Schemer.4th The.Little.Schemer.4th.mobi

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