<!Doctype html> <html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <title>电路图</title> <!-- 如果本文件的包与src不是在同一个目录,就要将basepath设置到src目录下 --> <script type="text/javascript"> mxBasePath = '../src'; </script> <!-- 引入支持库文件 --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/js/mxClient.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // If connect preview is not moved away then getCellAt is used to detect the cell under // the mouse if the mouse is over the preview shape in IE (no event transparency), ie. // the built-in hit-detection of the HTML document will not be used in this case. mxConnectionHandler.prototype.movePreviewAway = false; mxConnectionHandler.prototype.waypointsEnabled = true; mxGraph.prototype.resetEdgesOnConnect = false; mxConstants.SHADOWCOLOR = '#C0C0C0'; mxConnector.prototype.crisp = true; mxLine.prototype.crisp = true; var joinNodeSize = 7; var strokeWidth = 2; // 替换接口处图标 mxConstraintHandler.prototype.pointImage = new mxImage('images/dot.gif', 10, 10); // 启用导航线 mxGraphHandler.prototype.guidesEnabled = true; // Alt键按下禁用导航线 mxGuide.prototype.isEnabledForEvent = function(evt) { return !mxEvent.isAltDown(evt); }; // 是否自动连接目标 mxEdgeHandler.prototype.snapToTerminals = true; // 程序启动 function main(container) { var graph = new mxGraph(container); graph.view.scale = 1; graph.setPanning(true); graph.setConnectable(true); graph.setConnectableEdges(true); graph.setDisconnectOnMove(false); graph.foldingEnabled = false; //最大尺寸 graph.maximumGraphBounds = new mxRectangle(0, 0, 800, 600) graph.border = 50; // 禁用下拉菜单 graph.panningHandler.isPopupTrigger = function() { return false; }; // 启用回车键停止编辑(用shift输入的换行) graph.setEnterStopsCellEditing(true); // 使用浏览器默认菜单 new mxRubberband(graph); // 执行无子单元格的连接点的替代解决方案。 如所示portrefs.html例如以允许为每个端口的呼入/呼出的方向,这可以扩展。 graph.getAllConnectionConstraints = function(terminal) { var geo = (terminal != null) ? this.getCellGeometry(terminal.cell) : null; if ((geo != null ? !geo.relative : false) && this.getModel().isVertex(terminal.cell) && this.getModel().getChildCount(terminal.cell) == 0) { return [new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(0, 0.5), false), new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(1, 0.5), false)]; } return null; }; // 约束连接 graph.connectionHandler.isConnectableCell = function(cell) { if (this.graph.getModel().isEdge(cell)) { return true; } else { var geo = (cell != null) ? this.graph.getCellGeometry(cell) : null; return (geo != null) ? geo.relative : false; } }; mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isConnectableCell = function(cell) { return graph.connectionHandler.isConnectableCell(cell); }; // 添加提示 graph.setTooltips(true); var getTooltipForCell = graph.getTooltipForCell; graph.getTooltipForCell = function(cell) { var tip = ''; if (cell != null) { var src = this.getModel().getTerminal(cell, true); if (src != null) { tip += this.getTooltipForCell(src) + ' '; } var parent = this.getModel().getParent(cell); if (this.getModel().isVertex(parent)) { tip += this.getTooltipForCell(parent) + '.'; } tip += getTooltipForCell.apply(this, arguments); var trg = this.getModel().getTerminal(cell, false); if (trg != null) { tip += ' ' + this.getTooltipForCell(trg); } } return tip; }; // 在黑色背景和明亮的风格间切换 var invert = false; if (invert) { container.style.backgroundColor = 'black'; // 白色就地编辑文本 mxCellEditorStartEditing = mxCellEditor.prototype.startEditing; mxCellEditor.prototype.startEditing = function (cell, trigger) { mxCellEditorStartEditing.apply(this, arguments); if (this.textarea != null) { this.textarea.style.color = '#FFFFFF'; } }; mxGraphHandler.prototype.previewColor = 'white'; } var labelBackground = (invert) ? '#000000' : '#FFFFFF'; var fontColor = (invert) ? '#FFFFFF' : '#000000'; var strokeColor = (invert) ? '#C0C0C0' : '#000000'; var fillColor = (invert) ? 'none' : '#FFFFFF'; var style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultEdgeStyle(); delete style['endArrow']; style['strokeColor'] = strokeColor; style['labelBackgroundColor'] = labelBackground; style['edgeStyle'] = 'wireEdgeStyle'; style['fontColor'] = fontColor; style['fontSize'] = '9'; style['movable'] = '0'; style['strokeWidth'] = strokeWidth; //style['rounded'] = '1'; // Sets join node size style['startSize'] = joinNodeSize; style['endSize'] = joinNodeSize; style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultVertexStyle(); style['gradientDirection'] = 'south'; //style['gradientColor'] = '#909090'; style['strokeColor'] = strokeColor; //style['fillColor'] = '#e0e0e0'; style['fillColor'] = 'none'; style['fontColor'] = fontColor; style['fontStyle'] = '1'; style['fontSize'] = '12'; style['resizable'] = '0'; style['rounded'] = '1'; style['strokeWidth'] = strokeWidth; var parent = graph.getDefaultParent(); graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { var v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'J1', 80, 40, 40, 80, 'verticalLabelPosition=top;verticalAlign=bottom;shadow=1;fillColor=' + fillColor); v1.setConnectable(false); var v11 = graph.insertVertex(v1, null, '1', 0, 0, 10, 16, 'shape=line;align=left;verticalAlign=middle;fontSize=10;routingCenterX=-0.5;'+ 'spacingLeft=12;fontColor=' + fontColor + ';strokeColor=' + strokeColor); v11.geometry.relative = true; v11.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-v11.geometry.width, 2); var v12 = v11.clone(); v12.value = '2'; v12.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-v11.geometry.width, 22); v1.insert(v12); var v13 = v11.clone(); v13.value = '3'; v13.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-v11.geometry.width, 42); v1.insert(v13); var v14 = v11.clone(); v14.value = '4'; v14.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-v11.geometry.width, 62); v1.insert(v14); var v15 = v11.clone(); v15.value = '5'; v15.geometry.x = 1; v15.style = 'shape=line;align=right;verticalAlign=middle;fontSize=10;routingCenterX=0.5;'+ 'spacingRight=12;fontColor=' + fontColor + ';strokeColor=' + strokeColor; v15.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(0, 2); v1.insert(v15); var v16 = v15.clone(); v16.value = '6'; v16.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(0, 22); v1.insert(v16); var v17 = v15.clone(); v17.value = '7'; v17.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(0, 42); v1.insert(v17); var v18 = v15.clone(); v18.value = '8'; v18.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(0, 62); v1.insert(v18); var v19 = v15.clone(); v19.value = 'clk'; v19.geometry.x = 0.5; v19.geometry.y = 1; v19.geometry.width = 10; v19.geometry.height = 4; // NOTE:端口约束被定义为正东方向,所以这里必须插入 v19.style = 'shape=triangle;direction=north;spacingBottom=12;align=center;portConstraint=horizontal;'+ 'fontSize=8;strokeColor=' + strokeColor + ';routingCenterY=0.5;'; v19.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-4, -4); v1.insert(v19); var v2 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'R1', 220, 220, 80, 20, 'shape=resistor;verticalLabelPosition=top;verticalAlign=bottom;'); // 执行通过约束的连接点(参见上述) //v2.setConnectable(false); /*var v21 = graph.insertVertex(v2, null, 'A', 0, 0.5, 10, 1, 'shape=none;spacingBottom=11;spacingLeft=1;align=left;fontSize=8;'+ 'fontColor=#4c4c4c;strokeColor=#909090;'); v21.geometry.relative = true; v21.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(0, -1); var v22 = graph.insertVertex(v2, null, 'B', 1, 0.5, 10, 1, 'spacingBottom=11;spacingLeft=1;align=left;fontSize=8;'+ 'fontColor=#4c4c4c;strokeColor=#909090;'); v22.geometry.relative = true; v22.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(-10, -1);*/ var v3 = graph.addCell(graph.getModel().cloneCell(v1)); v3.value = 'J3'; v3.geometry.x = 420; v3.geometry.y = 340; // 连接线终点实施的限制,或者可以使用引用,请参阅:portrefs.html var e1 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, 'e1', v1.getChildAt(7), v2, 'entryX=0;entryY=0.5;entryPerimeter=0;'); e1.geometry.points = [new mxPoint(180, 110)]; var e2 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, 'e2', v1.getChildAt(4), v2, 'entryX=1;entryY=0.5;entryPerimeter=0;'); e2.geometry.points = [new mxPoint(320, 50), new mxPoint(320, 230)]; var e3 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, 'crossover', e1, e2); e3.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(180, 140), true); e3.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(320, 140), false); // var e1 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, 'e1', v1.getChildAt(7), v2.getChildAt(0)); // e1.geometry.points = [new mxPoint(180, 140)]; // var e2 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, '', v1.getChildAt(4), v2.getChildAt(1)); // e2.geometry.points = [new mxPoint(320, 80)]; // var e3 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, 'crossover', e1, e2); // e3.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(180, 160), true); // e3.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(320, 160), false); var e4 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, 'e4', v2, v3.getChildAt(0), 'exitX=1;exitY=0.5;entryPerimeter=0;'); e4.geometry.points = [new mxPoint(380, 230)]; var e5 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, 'e5', v3.getChildAt(5), v1.getChildAt(0)); e5.geometry.points = [new mxPoint(500, 310), new mxPoint(500, 20), new mxPoint(50, 20)]; var e6 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, ''); e6.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(100, 500), true); e6.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(600, 500), false); var e7 = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, 'e7', v3.getChildAt(7), e6); e7.geometry.setTerminalPoint(new mxPoint(500, 500), false); e7.geometry.points = [new mxPoint(500, 350)]; } finally { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); } document.body.appendChild(mxUtils.button('放大Zoom In', function() { graph.zoomIn(); })); document.body.appendChild(mxUtils.button('缩小Zoom Out', function() { graph.zoomOut(); })); // Undo/redo 撤销/复位 var undoManager = new mxUndoManager(); var listener = function(sender, evt) { undoManager.undoableEditHappened(evt.getProperty('edit')); }; graph.getModel().addListener(mxEvent.UNDO, listener); graph.getView().addListener(mxEvent.UNDO, listener); document.body.appendChild(mxUtils.button('撤销Undo', function() { undoManager.undo(); })); document.body.appendChild(mxUtils.button('上一步Redo', function() { undoManager.redo(); })); // 显示XML调试的实际模型 document.body.appendChild(mxUtils.button('删除Delete', function() { graph.removeCells(); })); // 连接模式 var checkbox = document.createElement('input'); checkbox.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); document.body.appendChild(checkbox); mxUtils.write(document.body, 'Wire Mode'); // Starts connections on the background in wire-mode var connectionHandlerIsStartEvent = graph.connectionHandler.isStartEvent; graph.connectionHandler.isStartEvent = function(me) { return checkbox.checked || connectionHandlerIsStartEvent.apply(this, arguments); }; // Avoids any connections for gestures within tolerance except when in wire-mode // or when over a port which var connectionHandlerMouseUp = graph.connectionHandler.mouseUp; graph.connectionHandler.mouseUp = function(sender, me) { if (this.first != null && this.previous != null) { var point = mxUtils.convertPoint(this.graph.container, me.getX(), me.getY()); var dx = Math.abs(point.x - this.first.x); var dy = Math.abs(point.y - this.first.y); if (dx < this.graph.tolerance && dy < this.graph.tolerance) { // Selects edges in non-wire mode for single clicks, but starts // connecting for non-edges regardless of wire-mode if (!checkbox.checked && this.graph.getModel().isEdge(this.previous.cell)) { this.reset(); } return; } } connectionHandlerMouseUp.apply(this, arguments); }; // 网格 var checkbox2 = document.createElement('input'); checkbox2.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); checkbox2.setAttribute('checked', 'true'); document.body.appendChild(checkbox2); mxUtils.write(document.body, 'Grid'); mxEvent.addListener(checkbox2, 'click', function(evt) { if (checkbox2.checked) { container.style.background = 'url(\'images/wires-grid.gif\')'; } else { container.style.background = ''; } container.style.backgroundColor = (invert) ? 'black' : 'white'; }); mxEvent.disableContextMenu(container); }; </script> <!-- 更新连接点 --> <script type="text/javascript"> // 计算的连接线到连接线的两点之间的位置。 mxGraphView.prototype.updateFixedTerminalPoint = function(edge, terminal, source, constraint) { var pt = null; if (constraint != null) { pt = this.graph.getConnectionPoint(terminal, constraint); } if (source) { edge.sourceSegment = null; } else { edge.targetSegment = null; } if (pt == null) { var s = this.scale; var tr = this.translate; var orig = edge.origin; var geo = this.graph.getCellGeometry(edge.cell); pt = geo.getTerminalPoint(source); // 计算两个连接点 if (pt != null) { pt = new mxPoint(s * (tr.x + pt.x + orig.x), s * (tr.y + pt.y + orig.y)); // 查找最近的连接线,并计算交叉点 if (terminal != null && terminal.absolutePoints != null) { var seg = mxUtils.findNearestSegment(terminal, pt.x, pt.y); // Finds orientation of the segment var p0 = terminal.absolutePoints[seg]; var pe = terminal.absolutePoints[seg + 1]; var horizontal = (p0.x - pe.x == 0); // 储存连接线状态 var key = (source) ? 'sourceConstraint' : 'targetConstraint'; var value = (horizontal) ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'; edge.style[key] = value; // Keeps the coordinate within the segment bounds if (horizontal) { pt.x = p0.x; pt.y = Math.min(pt.y, Math.max(p0.y, pe.y)); pt.y = Math.max(pt.y, Math.min(p0.y, pe.y)); } else { pt.y = p0.y; pt.x = Math.min(pt.x, Math.max(p0.x, pe.x)); pt.x = Math.max(pt.x, Math.min(p0.x, pe.x)); } } } // 计算连接线和点 else if (terminal != null && terminal.cell.geometry.relative) { pt = new mxPoint(this.getRoutingCenterX(terminal), this.getRoutingCenterY(terminal)); } // 捕捉元素点到网格 /*if (pt != null) { var tr = this.graph.view.translate; var s = this.graph.view.scale; pt.x = (this.graph.snap(pt.x / s - tr.x) + tr.x) * s; pt.y = (this.graph.snap(pt.y / s - tr.y) + tr.y) * s; }*/ } edge.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint(pt, source); }; </script> <!-- 预览新建的连接线。 --> <script type="text/javascript"> // 设置元素源端到连接线的连接点 mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdgeState = function(me) { var edge = this.graph.createEdge(); if (this.sourceConstraint != null && this.previous != null) { edge.style = mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_X+'='+this.sourceConstraint.point.x+';'+ mxConstants.STYLE_EXIT_Y+'='+this.sourceConstraint.point.y+';'; } else if (this.graph.model.isEdge(me.getCell())) { var scale = this.graph.view.scale; var tr = this.graph.view.translate; var pt = new mxPoint(this.graph.snap(me.getGraphX() / scale) - tr.x, this.graph.snap(me.getGraphY() / scale) - tr.y); edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(pt, true); } return this.graph.view.createState(edge); }; // 使用鼠标右键,创建连接线 mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStopEvent = function(me) { return me.getState() != null || mxEvent.isRightMouseButton(me.getEvent()); }; // 更新目标终端边到边缘的连接点。 mxConnectionHandlerUpdateCurrentState = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateCurrentState; mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateCurrentState = function(me) { mxConnectionHandlerUpdateCurrentState.apply(this, arguments); if (this.edgeState != null) { this.edgeState.cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(null, false); if (this.shape != null && this.currentState != null && this.currentState.view.graph.model.isEdge(this.currentState.cell)) { var scale = this.graph.view.scale; var tr = this.graph.view.translate; var pt = new mxPoint(this.graph.snap(me.getGraphX() / scale) - tr.x, this.graph.snap(me.getGraphY() / scale) - tr.y); this.edgeState.cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(pt, false); } } }; // 点到线的预览 mxEdgeSegmentHandler.prototype.clonePreviewState = function(point, terminal) { var clone = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.clonePreviewState.apply(this, arguments); clone.cell = clone.cell.clone(); if (this.isSource || this.isTarget) { clone.cell.geometry = clone.cell.geometry.clone(); // Sets the terminal point of an edge if we're moving one of the endpoints if (this.graph.getModel().isEdge(clone.cell)) { // TODO: Only set this if the target or source terminal is an edge clone.cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(point, this.isSource); } else { clone.cell.geometry.setTerminalPoint(null, this.isSource); } } return clone; }; </script> <!-- 高亮完整的单元区域(热点)。 --> <script type="text/javascript"> mxConnectionHandlerCreateMarker = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker; mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker = function() { var marker = mxConnectionHandlerCreateMarker.apply(this, arguments); // 使用完整的区域的单元为新的连接(没有热点) marker.intersects = function(state, evt) { return true; }; // 添加高亮 mxCellHighlightHighlight = mxCellHighlight.prototype.highlight; marker.highlight.highlight = function(state) { if (this.state != state) { if (this.state != null) { this.state.style = this.lastStyle; // 使用当前描边宽度,如果没有定义的描边宽度形状的解决方法 this.state.style['strokeWidth'] = this.state.style['strokeWidth'] || '1'; this.state.style['strokeColor'] = this.state.style['strokeColor'] || 'none'; if (this.state.shape != null) { this.state.view.graph.cellRenderer.configureShape(this.state); this.state.shape.reconfigure(); this.state.shape.redraw(); } } if (state != null) { this.lastStyle = state.style; state.style = mxUtils.clone(state.style); state.style['strokeColor'] = '#00ff00'; state.style['strokeWidth'] = '3'; if (state.shape != null) { state.view.graph.cellRenderer.configureShape(state); state.shape.reconfigure(); state.shape.redraw(); } } this.state = state; } }; return marker; }; mxEdgeHandlerCreateMarker = mxEdgeHandler.prototype.createMarker; mxEdgeHandler.prototype.createMarker = function() { var marker = mxEdgeHandlerCreateMarker.apply(this, arguments); // 重新连接时,现有的边添加高亮 marker.highlight.highlight = this.graph.connectionHandler.marker.highlight.highlight; return marker; } </script> <!-- 添加椭圆形标记边到边连接。 --> <script type="text/javascript"> mxGraphGetCellStyle = mxGraph.prototype.getCellStyle; mxGraph.prototype.getCellStyle = function(cell) { var style = mxGraphGetCellStyle.apply(this, arguments); if (style != null && this.model.isEdge(cell)) { style = mxUtils.clone(style); if (this.model.isEdge(this.model.getTerminal(cell, true))) { style['startArrow'] = 'oval'; } if (this.model.isEdge(this.model.getTerminal(cell, false))) { style['endArrow'] = 'oval'; } } return style; }; </script> <!-- 自定义的电阻形状,目前这里被忽略。 --> <script type="text/javascript"> function ResistorShape() { }; ResistorShape.prototype = new mxCylinder(); ResistorShape.prototype.constructor = ResistorShape; ResistorShape.prototype.crisp = false; ResistorShape.prototype.redrawPath = function(path, x, y, w, h, isForeground) { var dx = w / 16; if (isForeground) { path.moveTo(0, h / 2); path.lineTo(2 * dx, h / 2); path.lineTo(3 * dx, 0); path.lineTo(5 * dx, h); path.lineTo(7 * dx, 0); path.lineTo(9 * dx, h); path.lineTo(11 * dx, 0); path.lineTo(13 * dx, h); path.lineTo(14 * dx, h / 2); path.lineTo(16 * dx, h / 2); path.end(); } }; mxCellRenderer.prototype.defaultShapes['resistor'] = ResistorShape; </script> <!-- 自定义的电阻形状。目前这里被忽略。 --> <script type="text/javascript"> mxEdgeStyle.WireConnector = function(state, source, target, hints, result) { // 建立一个数组,所有的方式和终点 var pts = state.absolutePoints; var horizontal = true; var hint = null; // Gets the initial connection from the source terminal or edge if (source != null && state.view.graph.model.isEdge(source.cell)) { horizontal = state.style['sourceConstraint'] == 'horizontal'; } else if (source != null) { horizontal = source.style['portConstraint'] != 'vertical'; // 检查的方向的形状和旋转 var direction = source.style[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION]; if (direction == 'north' || direction == 'south') { horizontal = !horizontal; } } // 添加的第一个点 // TODO: 应沿着相连的网段 var pt = pts[0]; if (pt == null && source != null) { pt = new mxPoint(state.view.getRoutingCenterX(source), state.view.getRoutingCenterY(source)); } else if (pt != null) { pt = pt.clone(); } var first = pt; // 添加路径点 if (hints != null && hints.length > 0) { // FIXME: 第一个段不可移动 /*hint = state.view.transformControlPoint(state, hints[0]); mxLog.show(); mxLog.debug(hints.length,'hints0.y='+hint.y, pt.y) if (horizontal && Math.floor(hint.y) != Math.floor(pt.y)) { mxLog.show(); mxLog.debug('add waypoint'); pt = new mxPoint(pt.x, hint.y); result.push(pt); pt = pt.clone(); //horizontal = !horizontal; }*/ for (var i = 0; i < hints.length; i++) { horizontal = !horizontal; hint = state.view.transformControlPoint(state, hints[i]); if (horizontal) { if (pt.y != hint.y) { pt.y = hint.y; result.push(pt.clone()); } } else if (pt.x != hint.x) { pt.x = hint.x; result.push(pt.clone()); } } } else { hint = pt; } // 添加的最后一个点 pt = pts[pts.length - 1]; // TODO: 应沿着相连的网段 if (pt == null && target != null) { pt = new mxPoint(state.view.getRoutingCenterX(target), state.view.getRoutingCenterY(target)); } if (horizontal) { if (pt.y != hint.y && first.x != pt.x) { result.push(new mxPoint(pt.x, hint.y)); } } else if (pt.x != hint.x && first.y != pt.y) { result.push(new mxPoint(hint.x, pt.y)); } }; mxStyleRegistry.putValue('wireEdgeStyle', mxEdgeStyle.WireConnector); // 该连接器需要的MX边缘片段的处理程序 mxGraphCreateHandler = mxGraph.prototype.createHandler; mxGraph.prototype.createHandler = function(state) { var result = null; if (state != null) { if (this.model.isEdge(state.cell)) { var style = this.view.getEdgeStyle(state); if (style == mxEdgeStyle.WireConnector) { return new mxEdgeSegmentHandler(state); } } } return mxGraphCreateHandler.apply(this, arguments); }; </script> </head> <!-- 页面载入后启动程序. --> <body onload="main(document.getElementById('graphContainer'))"> <div id="graphContainer" style="overflow:auto;position:relative;width:800px;height:600px;border:1px solid gray;background:url('images/wires-grid.gif');background-position:-1px 0px;cursor:crosshair;"> </div> </body> </html>
MXGRAPH通常指的是一个开源的JavaScript图形库,用于创建可交互的图表和流程图,但它与音乐文件无关。如果您需要关于MXGRAPH的详细信息,我可以提供如下内容: MXGRAPH是一个强大的图形编辑框架,主要用于创建富...
十分强大的js绘图工具,适用于设计/编辑 Workflow/BPM 流程图、图表、网络图和普通图形的 Web 应用程序。这是破解过的源js库。
`mxGraph` 是一个强大的、可扩展的JavaScript图形库,主要用于创建交互式的图表和流程图。它由JGraph公司开发,支持Java和JavaScript环境,同时兼容HTML5。mxGraph的核心特性包括图形绘制、布局算法、事件处理和丰富...
**JS画图框架——mxGraph 入门指南** 在网页应用中,图形界面设计和交互已经成为不可或缺的一部分。JavaScript,作为最广泛使用的客户端脚本语言,自然也提供了多种库和框架来实现这一目标。其中,mxGraph 是一个...
**mxgraph Editor** 是一款基于JavaScript的开源图形编辑器,专为绘制流程图、工作流、拓扑图等图表设计。它使用了mxGraph库,一个功能强大的图形渲染和操作库,提供了丰富的图形编辑功能。 **mxGraph核心概念:** ...
mxGraph 是一个 JS 绘图组件适用于需要在网页中设计/编辑 Workflow/BPM 流 程图、图表、网络图和普通图形的 Web 应用程序。mxgraph 下载包中包括用 javescript 写的前端程序,也包括多个和后端程序(java/C#等等)...
mxgraph.js中文文档是一个官方的api,翻译来源于sunflower(github: https://github.com/SunInfoFE),提供给更多的开发者参考和共享源码资源!
mxGraph是一个功能强大的JavaScript库,用于创建可交互的图形编辑器,支持绘制流程图、网络拓扑图等各种图表。 首先,让我们深入了解Vue.js的核心概念。Vue采用组件化的开发方式,将UI拆分为可复用的模块,每个模块...
前端部分基于mxGraph库,利用JavaScript实现图形的绘制和操作,结合HTML5的Canvas或SVG技术,提供流畅的绘图体验。 2. **文件结构**:压缩包中的`jgraph-drawio-e6d99f2`目录包含了源码的各个模块,例如`src/js`存放...
Based on the latest web technologies, mxGraph is the ultimate component for drawing diagrams in a browser. Using open standards, mxGraph does not depend on any third-party plugins and proprietary ...
mxgraph-svg2shape 一套将SVG文件转换为mxGraph资源的工具。 该存储库基于: SVG to XML mxGraph stencil definition translation tool. ... 添加 :将XML mxGraph模具定义转换为一组相应JavaScript /
mxGraph1.9.1.1 mxclient.js破解文件下载 1.找到mxclient.js文件中的这句代码 注释 if ((eval('/156/145/167/40/104/141/164/145/50/51/56/147/145/164/124/151/155/145/50/51') / 1000) - 1270532723 >...
mxGraph是一个功能强大的JavaScript图形库,主要用于创建交互式图表、流程图、网络拓扑图等。其最新版本1_10_4_0提供了丰富的功能,不仅包括源代码,还附带了详尽的文档和示例,方便开发者快速理解和应用。 一、...
mxGraph 是一个强大的 JavaScript 图形库,它允许开发者在 Web 浏览器中创建和编辑图形界面。这个名为 "mxgraph-demo-源码" 的压缩包包含了 mxGraph 的示例源代码,为我们提供了一个深入理解 mxGraph 功能和实现原理...