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  • MG4J
MG4J (Managing Gigabytes for Java) is a free full-text search engine for large document collections written in Java.

The main points of MG4J are:

    * Powerful indexing. Support for document collections and factories makes it possible to analyse, index and query consistently large document collections, providing easy-to-understand snippets that highlight relevant passages in the retrieved documents.
    * Efficiency. We do not provide meaningless data such as "we index x GiB per second" (with which configuration? which language? which data source?)—we invite you to try it. MG4J can index without effort the TREC GOV2 collection (document factories are provided to this purpose) and scales to hundreds of millions of documents.
    * Multi-index interval semantics. When you submit a query, MG4J returns, for each index, a list of intervals satisfying the query. This provides the base for several high-precision scorers and for very efficient implementation of sophisticated operators. The intervals are built in linear time using new research algorithms.
    * Expressive operators. MG4J goes far beyond the bag-of-words model, providing efficient implementation of phrase queries, proximity restrictions, ordered conjunction, and combined multiple-index queries. Each operator is represented internally by an abstract object, so you can easily plug in your favourite syntax.
    * Virtual fields. MG4J supports virtual fields—fields containing text for a different, virtual document; the typical example is anchor text, which must be attributed to the target document.
    * Flexibility. You can build much smaller indices by dropping term positions, or even term counts. It's up to you. Several different types of codes can be chosen to balance efficiency and index size. Documents coming from a collection can be renumbered (e.g., to match a static rank or experiment with indexing techniques).
    * Openness. The document collection/factory interfaces provide an easy way to present your own data representation to MG4J, making it a breeze to set up a web-based search engine accessing directly your data. Every element along the path of query resolution (parsers, document-iterator builders, query engines, etc.) can be substituted with your own versions.
    * Distributed processing. Indices can be built for a collection split in several parts, and combined later. Combination of indices allows non-contiguous indices and even the same document can be split across different collections (e.g., when indexing anchor text).
    * Multithreading. Indices can be queried and scored concurrently.
    * Clustering. Indices can be clustered both lexically and documentally (possibly after a partitioning). The clustering system is completely open, and user-defined strategies decide how to combine documents from different sources. This architecture makes it possible, for instance, to load in RAM the part of an index that contains terms appearing more frequently in user queries.

MG4J is free software distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.

homepage: http://mg4j.dsi.unimi.it/



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