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Error: 'The server's certificate has expired' (转)

You have recertified a server ID file that had recently expired; however, the following error displays when users attempt to connect to the server:

    "The server's certificate has expired."
In this case, although the expired server ID file was recertified, the public key in the corresponding Server document did not get updated. You can resolve this issue by replacing the contents of the Certified Public Key field on the Administration tab of the Server document with the Public Key copied from the server ID file, and then recycling the Domino® server.
Notes® 6 and 7:
To copy a Public Key from a server ID file using the Release 6.x Admin client:

1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.
2. From the Tools pane, click Certification -> ID Properties.
3. Select and open the server ID file to be examined, then enter the password.
4. From the ID Properties window, select Your Identity, then select Your Certificates.
5. Select the Other Actions button and select Mail / Copy Certificate (Public Key)
6. Click the Copy Certificate button.
7. Open the Server document in edit mode, and select the Administration tab.
8. Paste the public key into the "Certified public key" field. (Note that, the "Certified public key" field is visible only when the Server document is open in edit mode.)
9. Recycle Domino.

Notes 5.x:
To copy a Public Key from a server ID file using the Release 5.x Admin client:

1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.
2. From the Tools pane, click Certification -> ID Properties.
3. Select and open the server ID file to be examined, then enter the password.
4. From the User ID window, select More Options.
5. Click the Copy Public Key button.
6. Open the Server document in edit mode, and select the Administration tab.
7. Paste the public key into the "Certified public key" field. (Note that, the "Certified public key" field is visible only when the Server document is open in edit mode.)
8. Recycle Domino.

Supporting Information:
In one case, the operating system date was ahead by several years (e.g., year 2156). The error no longer occurred once the date was corrected.


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