
c# - design of generic version of interface with its non generic verion

  • C#

sometimes you may want to design some interfaces so that it can handle both generic classes and the non-generic classes.  The reason for oding this is 1. for backward compatability 2. you may deal with data with determined parameter type T or data whose type is object. 


A typical example of this is the IEnumerable interface, where 


public interface IEnumerable
    IEnumerator GetEnumerator();

public interface IEnumerable<out T> : IEnumerable
    IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator();



Below I provided the skeleton to implements such classes that inherits from the generic/non-generic interfaces. 

  interface IInterface
    object Object { get; } 

  interface IInterface<T> : IInterface
    T Object { get; } 

  class NonGeneric : IInterface
    protected object obj;

    public object Object { 
      get { return obj; } 

  class Generic<T> : NonGeneric, IInterface<T>, IInterface
    object IInterface.Object { get { return base.obj; } }

    public T Object { get { return (T)base.obj; } }





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