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aptana1.2 for eclipse

  • java

myeclipse 6.0(eclipse3.3)aptana插件安装





End of Life Aptana Studio 1.2


This update site is for Aptana Studio 1.2 users. There is already a newer version of Aptana Studio available. Please check it out at http://aptana.org/studio/download


Aptana Studio 3.2 and 3.3 Update Site


This site is designed to be used inside Eclipse 3.2 or manually update an old version of Aptana Studio. If you have Aptana Studio installed, it is recommended you use the internal update mechanism available via the Help menu => Check for Aptana Updates...



Install Aptana Studio as a Plugin


For Eclipse 3.2 or Eclipse 3.3


If you're already familiar with installing plugins from Eclipse, you can use this URL for the update site:


For detailed instructions click here.


For Eclipse 3.4


For Eclipse 3.4 installation instructions click here


From a Local File




1.    Save the above file to an easy to find location.


2.    Open Eclipse, and go to Help > Software Updates > Find and Install


3.    Search for new features to install, then click "Next" then choose "New Archived Site". Choose the file you saved in step 1.


4.    Select the appropriate plugins to install, then click "Next", accept the license agreements, and click "Next" again.


5.    Click "Change location". If no appropriate location is already available, click "Add Location" and choose something like "D:"dev"extensions"pluginname" or "extesnions"aptana".


6.    Click "Finish".


Update Aptana Studio Standalone from a Local File




1.    Save the above file to an easy-to-find location, preferably in the root of your drive.


2.    Unzip the file into a folder.


3.    Make sure fix_policy.sh (OS X and Linux) or fix_policy.vbs (Windows) is executable


4.    Run fix_policy.sh (OS X and Linux) or fix_policy.vbs (Windows)


5.    Open policy_url.txt and copy the URL into your clipboard.


6.    Open Aptana Studio, and go to Window > Preferences > Install/Update


7.    Paste the URL from policy_url.txt (something similar to file:///path/to/policy.xml) into the Policy URL field


8.    Click "OK".


9.    Go to Help > Check for Aptana Studio Updates now...


10.In the "Updates" window, check the box next to the name of the plug-in, and click the "Next" button.


11.Choose the option to accept the terms of the license agreement, and click the "Next" button.


12.Click the "Finish" button.


13.Click the "Install All" button.







at com.aptana.ide.xul.FirefoxBrowser.createControl(FirefoxBrowser.java:314)

at com.aptana.ide.server.portal.ui.MyAptanaEditor.createPartControl(MyAptanaEditor.java:261)

at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPartHelper(EditorReference.java:596)

........... 省略.............


      这时,虽我已经安装了firefox,但还是要选择windows->Preferences->My Aptana/Message Center-> "Use Firefox as the Aptana Home Page Browser",去掉勾子就解决了,My Aptana的庐山真面目就欣赏到了





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    "Aptana_HanHua_基于Eclipse汉化"正是为了解决这个问题,它提供了将Aptana Studio界面汉化的方法。 汉化过程主要是通过替换Eclipse中的特定文件来实现的。Eclipse作为一个高度可扩展的平台,其界面语言可以通过插件...

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