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web.xml里<filter-mapping>中的<dispatcher>作用 -
commonj 第三步,那个调用的方法要在哪里调?servle ...
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web.xml里<filter-mapping>中的<dispatcher>作用 -
com.lowagie.text.DocumentExcept ...
iText中输出 中文 -
我想请问下 你哪个html里面引入的几个js文件没看懂!你 ...
JSF started its journey from version 1.0 and now it has come to the latest version of JSF is 1.2. The listing of versions released so far are :
- JSF 1.2 (11 may 2006) - Latest release of JSF specification.
- JSF 1.1 (27 may 2004) - Bug fix release. No specification changes. No HTML renderkit changes.
- JSF 1.0 (11 mar 2004) - Initial release of JSF specification.
There are many releases of 1.1 and 1.2 and these are listed below showing released date also:
- 1.2_04 P01 (20 Mar 2007)
- 1.2_04 (5 Mar 2007)
- 1.2_02 (25 Aug 2006)
- 1.2_01 (14 July 2006)
- 1.1_02 (24 Apr 2006)
- 1.1_01 (07 Sep 2004)
The JSF specification was developed under the Java Community Process (JCP) as JSR 127, which released JSF 1.0 and 1.1, and JSR 252 which released JSF 1.2. The first release of JSF is JSF 1.0 in 2004. JSF 1.0 supports servlet 2.3 and jsp 1.2. After JSF 1.0, JSF 1.1 was released. The main purpose of this release was bug-fixing. There were no specification or HTML renderkit changes. This version also works with same version of servlet 2.3 and jsp 1.2 as in the case of JSF 1.0.
JSF 1.1_01 release features bug fixes and performance improvements. Improvements include compression of views serialized to the client, failover support when storing views on the server, renderer fixes, and several other bug fixes and enhancements.It supports JDK 1.3.1 or later. Many bugs have been fixed so if your application depends on one of these bugs, it needs to be changed.
JSF 1.2 is the latest release and it works with servlet 2.5 and jsp 2.1. If you want to run JSF 1.2 on Tomcat, you want 6.0 not 5.5. So JSF needs a web container that supports atleast servlet 2.3 and jsp 1.2 and these are part of J2EE 1.3.
New in JSF 1.2
In this section we will go through some new features and changes in JSF 1.2 specification. JSF 1.1 was designed for JSP 1.2 and so could not take advantage of newer JSP features and JSP could not be changed to fill the needs of JSF. This resulted in a number of new features and changes. For ex.
- Unified Expression Language(EL) :
Unified EL has been added to JSTL to overcome problems when integrating JSP EL with the JSF EL.EL was used to access data objects in a simple way. It is used mainly as a short-hand for accessing values. Later it was included in JSP 2.0 with more functionality.When JSF was released it also needed EL.JSF and JSP each has its own EL.The JSP EL is much flexibile to the web application developer but JSF people were unsatisfied by the JSP EL.One of the reason was that it requires JSP engine to evaluate expression at the appropriate time during the lifecycle, but JSP expressions are evaluated immediately. The second reason behind it was that JSP functions could only call static methods in TLD and they cannot be used to invoke public methods dynamically on server side objects during lifecycle to validate data and handle component evevts.
So these were the reasons for developing such an EL that would work for both JSP and JSF and make using JSP and JSF together easier. This new EL is called unified EL. So this was inspired by EL used in JSTL and JSP. There is a package "el" in javax package that represents EL.
In addition to the features already available in the JSP EL, unified EL has the following features :
1. Deferred evaluation of expressions i.e.evaluation of the expression at the appropriate time during the page lifecycle from JSP engine.
2. Support for expressions that can set and get values
3. Support for expressions that can invoke methods.
4. A pluggable API for resolving expressions - Ajax Support :
JSF framework can make things a little easier to write AJAXian JSF components.JSF allows to map different instances of the FacesServlet with different lifecycles.For example, one mapping for standard JSF requests and another for AJAX JSF requests. - New Tree Creation and Content Interweaving Model for Faces applications that use JSP :
We can make JSF application without using any JSP page but it can also be developed using both JSP and JSF.Using JSP makes some developers easy to handle.Sometimes When integrated it did not respond as we expect. These problems have been resolved in JSF 1.2.There have been made some changes in specification of the implementation of the FacesViewHandler for JSP and JSP custom tag base class. - Integration with JSTL :
Using JSTL's <c:forEach> tag to contain Faces input components was one of the problem, because JSP has no notion of a postback, it was not possible to apply the values correctly to the nested input components on postback. Some new concepts in EL make it possible to use this tag fully with any kind of JSF component. - Back Button issues and Multi Frame or Multi Window Faces Apps :
JSF have fixed the problem related to Multi Frame or Multi Window applications.The browser back button also created some problems. These problems were because of deficiency in the State Management API. - Associating a message with a particular component in the page :
Previously we could not include label of a component dynamically in an error message for that component. Now it's possible in new JSF 1.2.It's also possible to override the conversion or validation message that is displayed to the user on a per-instance basis. - Expose an application wide ResourceBundle to the EL :
<resource-bundle> element in faces-config allows listing many resource bundles that should be exposed to the EL using the new ELResolver chain.This optimize performance and prevent the need to create a ResourceBundle for every request. - Use of multiple renderKits.
- Provide XML Schema for the config files, instead of using DTD.
- Security enhancements for client side state saving.
- Solve the "duplicate button press" problem.
- The portlet related bug-fixes.
JSP 2.1 is developed under JSR-245 and JSF 1.2 is developed under JSR-252. These two groups have experts and they are working independently but the main focus of development was to provide more support and compatibility between these two technology that are powerful web presentation technology so that they can be useful for each other.
IBM jsf row select
2009-07-09 19:09 1333http://www.ibm.com/developerwor ... -
2009-01-15 11:09 3410JSF 在转换和验证时都有可能会产生错误信息: 在使用标准转 ... -
2008-11-21 21:42 1727最近,在项目中遇到一个制作表尾的问题,效果 如下: ... -
JSF1.2中 ValueExpression的用法
2008-05-22 23:20 4916在1.2之前,可以向下面一样使用ValueBinding: V ... -
Tomcat中如何打开Sun JSF RI 1.2中的日志
2008-05-16 00:50 3622为了更加清楚的了解JSF请求在每一个生命周期中的执行情况,我们 ... -
JSF环境配置(JDK6+Eclipse3.3+Tomcat 6.0+JSF1.2+JSTL1.1)
2008-04-25 23:14 7024第一步: 下载安装 JDK 6 Update 3 h ... -
不可不看,JSF1.2 changes
2008-03-31 17:04 4339变化还是挺多的,仔细看看,可以省掉很多郁闷的时间哦。The n ... -
JSTL 1.2 下载
2008-03-31 14:26 30803在网上找JSTL找了一会,不太好找,就放在这里一份了: 网络下 ... -
JSF 1.2中对以前JSF的修改
2008-03-31 11:00 1925Features that are unavailable ... -
JSF 背景
2008-03-25 17:29 1809自从第一个web应用程序Struts于2001年6月发布开始, ... -
2008-03-09 22:49 2747可以在Dreamwear中安装JSF插件,然后利用Dreamw ... -
2007-12-21 15:54 4944JSF中Exception的处理<o:p>< ... -
2007-12-21 14:56 78目标: 解析错误信息,使用Globalization 来显示 ... -
2007-12-17 16:03 1304JavaServer Faces is extremely i ... -
2007-11-17 00:40 4510看源代码: responseComplete: ... -
JSF 源代码赏析之Lifecycle
2007-11-15 23:41 5959JSF的生命周期在JSF ... -
2007-11-08 17:41 30301.首先到这个地方下载maven http://maven. ... -
JSF 标准 转换器&验证器 文档
2007-11-02 18:50 2287下面是两篇文档 http://www.ibm.com/deve ... -
JSF 源代码赏析之FacesServlet
2007-10-30 00:08 12604学习JSF 多日,现在开始看看源代码。 首先是FacesSer ... -
Websphere 上部署Richfaces 3.10 Demo
2007-10-18 14:03 2349Websphere上部署 richfaces的demo一直有问 ...
- **功能一览:** - **连接数据库:** 支持多种数据库类型。 - **浏览数据库结构:** 查看表、视图等数据库对象。 - **执行 SQL 代码:** 直接在 IDE 中执行 SQL 语句。 - **生成实体关系图 (ER 图):** 可视化...
- **JSF** - **XFire WebService** - **Hibernate** - **JPA** - **Spring** - **Spring+Struts+Hibernate** 这些章节将分别介绍如何使用这些流行框架进行开发,每种框架都有其独特的优势和应用场景。例如,Spring...
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
MMC整流器技术解析:基于Matlab的双闭环控制策略与环流抑制性能研究,Matlab下的MMC整流器技术文档:18个子模块,双闭环控制稳定直流电压,环流抑制与最近电平逼近调制,优化桥臂电流波形,高效并网运行。,MMC整流器(Matlab),技术文档 1.MMC工作在整流侧,子模块个数N=18,直流侧电压Udc=25.2kV,交流侧电压6.6kV 2.控制器采用双闭环控制,外环控制直流电压,采用PI调节器,电流内环采用PI+前馈解耦; 3.环流抑制采用PI控制,能够抑制环流二倍频分量; 4.采用最近电平逼近调制(NLM), 5.均压排序:电容电压排序采用冒泡排序,判断桥臂电流方向确定投入切除; 结果: 1.输出的直流电压能够稳定在25.2kV; 2.有功功率,无功功率稳态时波形稳定,有功功率为3.2MW,无功稳定在0Var; 3.网侧电压电流波形均为对称的三相电压和三相电流波形,网侧电流THD=1.47%<2%,符合并网要求; 4.环流抑制后桥臂电流的波形得到改善,桥臂电流THD由9.57%降至1.93%,环流波形也可以看到得到抑制; 5.电容电压能够稳定变化 ,工作点关键词:MMC
Boost二级升压光伏并网结构的Simulink建模与MPPT最大功率点追踪:基于功率反馈的扰动观察法调整电压方向研究,Boost二级升压光伏并网结构的Simulink建模与MPPT最大功率点追踪:基于功率反馈的扰动观察法调整电压方向研究,Boost二级升压光伏并网结构,Simulink建模,MPPT最大功率点追踪,扰动观察法采用功率反馈方式,若ΔP>0,说明电压调整的方向正确,可以继续按原方向进行“干扰”;若ΔP<0,说明电压调整的方向错误,需要对“干扰”的方向进行改变。 ,Boost升压;光伏并网结构;Simulink建模;MPPT最大功率点追踪;扰动观察法;功率反馈;电压调整方向。,光伏并网结构中Boost升压MPPT控制策略的Simulink建模与功率反馈扰动观察法
STM32F103C8T6 USB寄存器开发详解(12)-键盘设备
Matlab Simulink仿真探究Flyback反激式开关电源性能表现与优化策略,Matlab Simulink仿真探究Flyback反激式开关电源的工作机制,Matlab Simulimk仿真,Flyback反激式开关电源仿真 ,Matlab; Simulink仿真; Flyback反激式; 开关电源仿真,Matlab Simulink在Flyback反激式开关电源仿真中的应用
基于Comsol的埋地电缆电磁加热计算模型:深度解析温度场与电磁场分布学习资料与服务,COMSOL埋地电缆电磁加热计算模型:温度场与电磁场分布的解析与学习资源,comsol 埋地电缆电磁加热计算模型,可以得到埋地电缆温度场及电磁场分布,提供学习资料和服务, ,comsol;埋地电缆电磁加热计算模型;温度场分布;电磁场分布;学习资料;服务,Comsol埋地电缆电磁加热模型:温度场与电磁场分布学习资料及服务
1、文件内容:ibus-table-chinese-yong-1.4.6-3.el7.rpm以及相关依赖 2、文件形式:tar.gz压缩包 3、安装指令: #Step1、解压 tar -zxvf /mnt/data/output/ibus-table-chinese-yong-1.4.6-3.el7.tar.gz #Step2、进入解压后的目录,执行安装 sudo rpm -ivh *.rpm 4、更多资源/技术支持:公众号禅静编程坊
基于51单片机protues仿真的汽车智能灯光控制系统设计(仿真图、源代码) 一、设计项目 根据本次设计的要求,设计出一款基于51单片机的自动切换远近光灯的设计。 技术条件与说明: 1. 设计硬件部分,中央处理器采用了STC89C51RC单片机; 2. 使用两个灯珠代表远近光灯,感光部分采用了光敏电阻,因为光敏电阻输出的是电压模拟信号,单片机不能直接处理模拟信号,所以经过ADC0832进行转化成数字信号; 3. 显示部分采用了LCD1602液晶,还增加按键部分电路,可以选择手自动切换远近光灯; 4. 用超声模块进行检测距离;
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基于Matlab与Cplex的激励型需求响应模式:负荷转移与电价响应的差异化目标函数解析,基于Matlab与CPLEX的激励型需求响应负荷转移策略探索,激励型需求响应 matlab +cplex 激励型需求响应采用激励型需求响应方式对负荷进行转移,和电价响应模式不同,具体的目标函数如下 ,激励型需求响应; matlab + cplex; 负荷转移; 目标函数。,Matlab与Cplex结合的激励型需求响应模型及其负荷转移策略
内容概要:本文全面介绍了深度学习模型的概念、工作机制和发展历程,详细探讨了神经网络的构建和训练过程,包括反向传播算法和梯度下降方法。文中还列举了深度学习在图像识别、自然语言处理、医疗和金融等多个领域的应用实例,并讨论了当前面临的挑战,如数据依赖、计算资源需求、可解释性和对抗攻击等问题。最后,文章展望了未来的发展趋势,如与量子计算和区块链的融合,以及在更多领域的应用前景。 适合人群:对该领域有兴趣的技术人员、研究人员和学者,尤其适合那些希望深入了解深度学习原理和技术细节的读者。 使用场景及目标:①理解深度学习模型的基本原理和结构;②了解深度学习模型的具体应用案例;③掌握应对当前技术挑战的方向。 阅读建议:文章内容详尽丰富,读者应在阅读过程中注意理解各个关键技术的概念和原理,尤其是神经网络的构成及训练过程。同时也建议对比不同模型的特点及其在具体应用中的表现。