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看看mybatis 源代码 -
Android文件图片上传的详细讲解(一)HTTP multipart/form-data 上传报文格式实现手机端上传 -
第一个应该用排它网关吧 怎么是并行网关, 并行网关是所有exe ...
工作流Activiti的学习总结(八)Activiti自动执行的应用 -
ActiveMQ 通过JMX监控Connection,Queue,Topic的信息 -
DestinationSourceMonitor 报错 应该导 ...
ActiveMQ 通过JMX监控Connection,Queue,Topic的信息
Demo of ehCache distributed caching with terracotta in glassFish v3 可以参考:http://blog.csdn.net/guobin0719/archive/2011/04/25/6361940.aspx
Implementing New Services with an Edge Server API Section 17.6. The ICAP Protocol Section 17.7. Distributing Web Applications Section 17.8. Summary Chapter 18. Content Distribution ...
NGINX caching and cache clustering are powerful tools that can exponentially improve the performance of your website while also reducing hardware requirements, complexity, and cost. This ebook is a ...
分布式缓存与Memcached Memcached是一个高性能的分布式缓存系统,它被设计用来缓解数据库负载,从而加速动态Web应用程序的运行。尽管Memcached对应用是中立的,但它在提高高流量网站性能方面表现尤为突出,如...
- **JAAS(Java Authentication and Authorization Service)支持**:WebLogic 7.0全面支持JAAS,提供了认证和授权的新特性。 - **SSL功能捆绑**:内置了完整的JSSE(Java Secure Sockets Extension)支持,增强了...
Chapter 3, Working with Sessions, Error Handling, and Caching in Go, explores implementing HTTP sessions, HTTP cookies, error handling, and caching and managing HTTP sessions using Redis, which is ...
3. **User Training**: Provide training sessions for end-users to familiarize them with the QlikView interface and functionality. Educated users can better leverage the platform's capabilities and ...
2. **使用WITH RECOMPILE选项**:在存储过程或查询中添加WITH RECOMPILE选项,可以确保每次执行时都会重新编译执行计划,以适应当前的参数值。 #### 识别重新编译 为了诊断和优化性能,需要能够识别何时发生了重新...
总的来说,"Entity Framework SQL Tracing and Caching Provider Wrappers" 是一个强大的辅助工具,它可以帮助开发者深入理解EF的行为,优化SQL查询,以及有效利用缓存机制提升应用性能。通过利用这个工具,开发者...
Building a Web Application with PHP and MariaDB: A Reference Guide is a well thought out guide that begins with the basics of PHP and MariaDB and covers complex topics such as caching, security, ...
In Chapter 4, you'll see the various ways to configure user agents (browsers) for caching, with a focus on Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Many administrators prefer to ...
Enyim.Caching.dll 32位 Enyim.Caching.dll 32位 Enyim.Caching.dll 32位
包含服务端: memcached-win32.server. memcached-win32.server.1.4.4 包含客户端: Enyim.Caching1.2.0.0.dll Enyim.Caching2.12.0.0.dll Memcached.ClientLibrary1.0.0 安装说明文档
《Enyim.Caching 2.4:Memcached 客户端详解》 Enyim.Caching 是一个针对 .NET Framework 开发的高效 Memcached 客户端库,其版本 2.4 提供了对 Memcached 服务的全面支持和优化。Memcached 是一款广泛使用的分布式...
Server can request compressed and unpack reply on fly (with an external Zlib library) DNS server Option for dinamicaly check a serverice on remote host and if the service down, change one IP address ...
HTML5 Gamesshows you how to combine HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to make games for the web and mobiles - games that were ...Chapter 12: Local Storage and Caching Chapter 13: Going Online with WebSockets
The SQL Server Kernel And Interaction With The Operating System . Summary Part III Using Microsoft SQL Server 4. Planning for and Installing SQL Server [加入我的離線書架] . SQL Server Editions . ...
本文将详细介绍ASP.NET 2.0中的几种缓存技术,包括输出缓存(Output Caching)、片段缓存(Fragment Caching)、数据缓存(Data Caching)以及SQL缓存(SQL Caching),并探讨它们的应用场景和技术细节。 #### 二、输出缓存...