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  • 来自: 洛杉矶

Terminal Cheatsheet for Mac ( basics )



Key/Command Description
Ctrl + A Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on
Ctrl + E Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on
Ctrl + L Clears the Screen
Command + K Clears the Screen
Ctrl + U Clears the line before the cursor position. If you are at the end of the line, clears the entire line.
Ctrl + H Same as backspace
Ctrl + R Let’s you search through previously used commands
Ctrl + C Kill whatever you are running
Ctrl + D Exit the current shell
Ctrl + Z Puts whatever you are running into a suspended background process. fg restores it.
Ctrl + W Delete the word before the cursor
Ctrl + K Clear the line after the cursor
Ctrl + T Swap the last two characters before the cursor
Esc + T Swap the last two words before the cursor
Alt + F Move cursor forward one word on the current line
Alt + B Move cursor backward one word on the current line
Tab Auto-complete files and folder names


cd Home directory
cd [folder] Change directory
cd ~ Home directory, e.g. ‘cd ~/folder/’
cd / Root of drive
ls Short listing
ls -l Long listing
ls -a Listing incl. hidden files
ls -lh Long listing with Human readable file sizes
ls -R Entire content of folder recursively
sudo [command] Run command with the security privileges of the superuser (Super User DO)
open [file] Opens a file ( as if you double clicked it )
top Displays active processes. Press q to quit
nano [file] Opens the Terminal it’s editor
pico [file] Opens the Terminal it’s editor
q Exit
clear Clear screen


history n Shows the stuff typed – add a number to limit the last n items
ctrl-r Interactively search through previously typed commands
![value] Execute the last command typed that starts with ‘value’
!! Execute the last command typed


touch [file] Create new file
pwd Full path to working directory
.. Parent/enclosing directory, e.g.
‘ls -l ..’ = Long listing of parent directory
‘cd ../../’ = Move 2 levels up
. Current folder
cat Concatenate to screen
rm [file] Remove a file, e.g. rm [file] [file]
rm -i [file] Remove with confirmation
rm -r [dir] Remove a directory and contents
rm -f [file] Force removal without confirmation
rm -i [file] Will display prompt before
cp [file] [newfile] Copy file to file
cp [file] [dir] Copy file to directory
mv [file] [new filename] Move/Rename, e.g. mv -v [file] [dir]


mkdir [dir] Create new directory
mkdir -p [dir]/[dir] Create nested directories
rmdir [dir] Remove directory ( only operates on empty directories )
rm -R [dir] Remove directory and contents

PIPES – Allows to combine multiple commands that generate output

more Output content delivered in screensize chunks
> [file] Push output to file, keep in mind it will get overwritten
>> [file] Append output to existing file
< Tell command to read content from a fi


[command] -h Offers help
[command] —help Offers help
[command] help Offers help
reset Resets the terminal display
man [command] Show the help for ‘command’
whatis [command] Gives a one-line description of ‘command’

Last edited by 0nn0, a year ago





grab the full resolution (2500×1600) version here .




Shutdown your Mac using a terminal command

The shutdown command comes in handy if you want to shutdown or reboot your Mac at a specific time. Here are some of the examples. You should be a super user to use these commands.

sudo shutdown [ options] when [ message]

Some examples.

Shutdown immediately:

sudo shutdown -h now

Restart immediately:

sudo shutdown -r now

Shutdown at 9 pm:

sudo shutdown -h 21 :00

Shutdown in 5 minutes:

sudo shutdown -h +5

Restart immediately

sudo reboot

Shutdown immediately

sudo halt

If you are not an admin user non of the above commands are going to help. If that’s the case try the following commands.

Shutdown immediately:

osascript - e 'tell application "System Events" to shut down'

Restart immediately:

osascript - e 'tell application "System Events" to restart'


osascript - e 'tell application "System Events" to sleep'


osascript - e 'tell application "System Events" to log out'

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Linux / Unix: curl Command Download File Example


I know how to use wget command to grab files. But, how do you download file using curl command line under Linux / Mac OS X / BSD or Unix like operating systems?

GNU wget is a free utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web. curl is another tool to transfer data from or to a server, using one of the supported protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, DICT, TELNET, LDAP or FILE). The command is designed to work without user interaction. curl offers many features such as:

  1. Proxy support.
  2. User authentication.
  3. FTP upload.
  4. HTTP post.
  5. SSL connections.
  6. Cookies.
  7. File transfer resume and more.

curl download file

The syntax is as follows to grab (download) files from remote http/ftp server:

curl -o output.file


curl -O http://server1.cyberciti.biz/file


curl --remote-name http://server1.cyberciti.biz/file

You can download a web page and store in a local file as follows:

curl -o nixcraft.html http://www.cyberciti.biz/low.html

You can grab or download multiple files as follows:

curl -O http://www.cyberciti.biz/low.html -O http://bash.cyberciti.biz/dl/581

curl download file from an ssh server

You can grab file securely using from an SSH server using SFTP:

curl -u username sftp://server1.cyberciti.biz/path/to/file

OR (note ~ means your $HOME)

curl -u vivek sftp://home1.cyberciti.biz/~/docs/resume.pdf

You can grab a file from an SSH server using SCP using a private key to authenticate. The syntax is:

curl -u username: --key ~/.ssh
/id_rsa --pubkey ~/.ssh
/id_rsa.pub scp


  • -u username - Specify the user name (and optional password) to use for server authentication.
  • -u username:password - Specify the user name (and optional password) to use for server authentication.
  • --key ~/.ssh/id_rsa - SSL or SSH private key file name. Allows you to provide your private key in this separate file.
  • --pubkey ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub - SSH Public key file name. Allows you to provide your public key in this separate file.
  • scp://home1.cyberciti.biz/~/Videos/rhn_register.ogv - Use scp protocol and download file from my home server called home1.cyberciti.biz.

Curl: Download a file using username and password

The syntax is as follows to grab a file using ftp username and password:

curl ftp://username:passwd@ftp1.cyberciti.biz:21/path/to/backup.tar.gz


curl -u UserName:PassWord ftp

Secure ftp user (ftp with ssl) can pass the --ftp-ssl option to curl command:

curl --ftp-ssl -u UserName:PassWord ftp

HTTP authentication

HTTP user can use the following syntax:

 curl http://username:passwd


 curl -u Username:Password http://server1.cyberciti.biz/file




  • 大小: 180.7 KB


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