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Jenkins Configuration(3)Shell Script

Jenkins Configuration(3)Shell Script

Jenkins, we can make SVN, GIT, MAVEN, ANT working on that. But we need to restart JBOSS server, copy the package to working directory, remote access and sync files to other servers. So we need the help from Shell Script.

1. Basic Shell script and basic expect script
Here are the shell script, server-deploy.sh


# copy the file to push directory


rm -fr $STORE_DIST;


BUILD_WAR=$(ls $BUILD_TARGET/projectname-*-SNAPSHOT.war)


unzip -q -d ${TMP} "$BUILD_WAR" ;

cp -r ${TMP} $STORE_DIST;


We need a exp file to remote access other server, because server-deploy.sh is running on the jenkins build server. We need to sync or rather say push the changes to our testing server, production server. Just note them as some other linux machine, and we need to remotely restart their JBOSS.

#!/usr/bin/expect -f

# December 26 2012

# This script can automatically push the files

#  to /opt/jboss-as/server/default/deploy/ on testing server.


set timeout 20

# Login parameters

set server testing.server.com

set port 22

set user deploy

set rootpasswd 111111

# Logfile

log_file server-autopush-run.log

## Enable this and Disable the "spawn ssh ..." above if you are using ssh-key.

#spawn ssh -p $port $user@$server

spawn ssh -p $port -i /home/build/.ssh/id_rsa $user@$server

# Login as Root

expect "*]$\ " {send "su - root\r"}

expect "*assword:\ " {send "$rootpasswd\r"}

# Kill Jboss on testing server

expect "*]#\ " {send "kill -9 \`ps aux | grep /opt/jboss-as/bin/run.jar | grep -v grep | awk \'{print \$2}\'\`\r"}

# Sync the files from testing server to 

expect "*]#\ " {send "rsync -arz --delete --force -e \"ssh -i /home/rsync/.ssh/rsync_servers.ppk\" rsync@server.com:/android/work_space/push /opt/build/buildserver/\r"}

# Copy the files from /opt/build/buildserver/push to /opt/jboss-as/server/default/deploy on testing server

expect "*]#\ " {send "\\cp -rpa /opt/build/buildserver/push/* /opt/jboss-as/server/default/deploy/\r"}

# Remove direcotries data,log,work,tmp

expect "*]#\ " {send "\\rm -rf /opt/jboss-as/server/default/tmp\r"}

expect "*]#\ " {send "\\rm -rf /opt/jboss-as/server/default/work\r"}

expect "*]#\ " {send "\\rm -rf /opt/jboss-as/server/default/data\r"}

# Start Jboss on testing server

expect "*]#\ " {send "nohup /etc/init.d/jboss start > /tmp/nohup.out \r"}

# Exit Root

expect "*]#\ " {send "exit\r"}

# Exit User

expect "*]$\ " {send "exit\r"}

# Exit Expect

expect eof

But when I run this method on my server, I got these error messages

Error Message:
>log_file: command not found
>spawn: command not found
>expect: command not found
>expect: command not found
>expect: command not found
>expect: command not found
>expect: command not found 
>expect: command not found

That is only because I did not have expect on my machine.

>yum update

>yum install tcl

>yum install expect

2. Improvement on SVN checkout process
One import improvement for the workspace working with SVN:

Repository URL: babababababalalalalalaal

Local module directory(optional) This is usually be ./

But I my project is a sub project, so I need some core codes standing there. So I make them svn update to one place



So I change the ./ to mostly like this:


3. Take some parameters in shell script and expect script
3.1 Shell parameters
I made a test shell file like this test.sh


echo There are $# arguments to $0: $*

echo first argument: $1

echo second argument: $2

echo third argument: $3

echo fourth argument: $4

echo here they are again: $@

When I execute it with parameters

>./test.sh 1 2 3 4

There are 4 arguments to ./test.sh: 1 2 3 4

first argument: 1

second argument: 2

third argument: 3

fourth argument: 4

here they are again: 1 2 3 4

3.2 Expect parameters
And example in test.exp working with test.sh

append this line in test.sh

./test.exp h1 h2

test.exp content will be like this>

#!/usr/bin/expect -f

set arg1 [lindex $argv 0]

set arg2 [lindex $argv 1]

send $arg1\n

send $arg2\n

The result will be like this:

>./test.sh 1 2 3 4

There are 4 arguments to ./test.sh: 1 2 3 4

first argument: 1

second argument: 2

third argument: 3

fourth argument: 4

here they are again: 1 2 3 4



4. Some Tips about private/public key
Add one user named deploy

>/usr/sbin/useradd deploy

Give the user an password

>passwd deploy

Generate the key pair

>ssh-keygen -t rsa

Add the public key to authorize

>cd ~/.ssh

>vi authorized_keys

>chmod 711 ~/.ssh

>chmod 644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Client Server tries to login to the remote server

>ssh -i /home/build/.ssh/id_rsa deploy@remote.server.com

Give the rights of directory to one user

>chown -R rsync:rsync /directory/name

rsync is the username, the second rsync is the group name.

Check the public key from private key
>ssh-keygen -f id_rsa -y







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