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flash builder 4.7 install for windows 8

  • flex

今晚无意在官方网站看到,fb4.7是支持win8 UI的,不过只能开发web应用,不能开发移动应用和桌面应用。

Profile applications | Windows 8 | Flash Builder 4.7

You can profile only Web applications on Windows 8 in Modern UI mode; Desktop and Mobile applications are not supported.

Before you profile an application on Windows 8 in Modern UI mode, locally or remotely, you need to follow these steps:

Pre-requisite to profiling an application on Windows 8 in Modern UI mode

Modify the registry setting

  1. Open the Registry Editor.
  2. Browse to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer.
  3. Right-click Internet Explorer, and select New > Key.
  4. Enter the name of the key as Flash.
  5. Right-click Flash, the key you created, and select New > String Value.
  6. Enter the name of the value as DebugDomain.
  7. Right-click DebugDomain, and select Modify.
  8. Do one of the following: 
    1. If you are profiling an application on your computer, enter localhost as the Value Data.
    2. If you are profiling an application on a remote computer, enter the IP address of the remote computer as the Value data.
  9. Click OK.

Modify the trusted site setting

  1. Launch Internet Explorer.
  2. Open the Internet Options dialog box.
  3. In the Security tab, select Trusted Sites.
  4. Click Sites.
  5. In the Trusted Sites dialog, add a website to the Trusted zone by doing one of the following:
    1. If you are profiling a local application, enter http://localhost, and click Add.
    2. If you are profiling a remote application, specify the IP address of the remote computer as http://<IP Address>, and click Add.

Profile an application locally on Windows 8 in Modern UI mode


After you profile an application remotely on Windows 8 in Modern UI mode, a mm.cfg file is created at C:\Users\UserName. If you try to profile an application locally after that, ensure that you delete the mm.cfg file before you start profiling. Otherwise, an ActionScript error occurs.



  1. Ensure that you've followed the steps specified in Pre-requisite to profiling an application on Windows 8 Modern UI mode.
  2. In the Package Explorer, select the project to profile.
  3. Select Run > Profile Configurations to open the Profile Configurations dialog.
  4. Select Launch In Modern UI Mode.

Profile an application remotely on Windows 8 in Modern UI mode

Before you start profiling the application

  1. Ensure that you've followed the steps specified in Pre-requisite to profiling an application on Windows 8 Metro mode on the remote computer.
  2. Copy the ProfilerAgent.swf file from\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flash.profiler\as\11[ProfilerAgent].swf and copy it to C:\Users\UserName on the Windows 8 computer.
  3. Create mm.cfg file at C:\Users\UserName and add the line: PreloadSwf = ?host=&port=8813.
    For example, PreloadSwf =C:\Users\UserName\Desktop[ProfilerAgent].swf?host=

If the computer on which Flash Builder is running is not on Windows 8, and you want to profile your application on a Windows 8 computer, ensure that the project that you are profiling in Flash Builder should be a server-type project.

Alternatively, if your project is a non-server project, do the following:

  1. Place your output folder in the root folder of a server and point the output folder URL to the project folder by following these steps:
  2. In the Project Properties dialog, select Build Path. Enter the path to the output folder that you placed in the root folder of a server.
  3. For the Output folder URL, enter the URL pointing to the new output folder. For example, http://server_address/new_output_folder.

Profile the application

  1. In the Package Explorer, select the project to profile.
  2. Select Run > Profile Configurations to open the Profile Configurations dialog.
  3. Copy the default launch URL to Clipboard.
  4. Update the default launch configuration in the Profile Configurations dialog to about:blank.
  5. Click Profile.
  6. Switch to Modern UI mode.
  7. Launch Internet Explorer in Modern UI mode.
  8. Paste the launch URL that you copied to Clipboard in the browser's address bar, and modify it to include the IP address of the remote computer.
    For example, if the launch URL that you copied is http://localhost/file.html, change it to http://IP_of_the_remote_computer/file.html
  9. Press Enter.
  10. The Modern UI style Intermet Explorer browser gets connected to the remote Flash Builder profiler. You can now continue to profile the application.

Troubleshoot profiling on Windows 8

While using Internet Explorer (IE) Modern UI browser for profiling, if you run into any issues, see this Tech Note for more information. 



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